Honey Bed Talk
Its freaking complicated. One dog, one cat: I like the cat better cuz y not I love cats
The Devil in the Suit
It's not that bad compared to other snusnu manga? Reasons why I gave 4. (high factor is the former sentence) FL is not annoying, like she states what she wants and like during the act, so freaking refreshing and she tried to be active in latter part to bad it wasn't shown where she lead instead HAHAHAHA Art is gorg dam. I like how ML didn't jump to accuse our fl, like how other dumbsh*t ml would've done. Of course there's still bad points like always.. I would've skip that 1 chap around the hot spring kind arc cuz it feels bull and dramatic/cliche like.. Ok? The other themes of the story.. Lets say I overlooked it cuz im here for snusnu and it's really common in these type of genre so if you don't want that be careful in reading these types of story. Advice in reading types like this, if you're here for snusnu and turn off your brain ;) Not much plot. Or it doesn't have plot to begin with kek
Beast in the Office