The manga starts off by introducing the character Issei an average salaryman, that is sex-friends with Ban, a traveling cameraman. Their relationship is sweet, and Ban truly believes that they are destined to be together. Ban brought Issei a gift from his recent trip, an incense burner that is supposed to be used when misfortune strikes. The next day when Ban and Issei go to meet up for their 1-year anniversary, Ban is caught in a car accident and dies. Wrecked with guilt about not properly telling Ban his feelings, Issei miraculously turns back time with the incense burner and continues to try and redo his life as much as possible to bring Ban back. Issei's struggle was really difficult for me because he is doing his best for the one he loves, and it's so clearly conveyed. Every panel had so much emotion, but it's not over the top, all their expressions seem fitting for the situation.
Bokura wa Nando mo Koi o suru