AMS's manga / #incest(15)

Inga no Sakana

Complete | ARAI Niboshiko | 2013 released


Ongoing | Mojito | 2019 released

UPDATE (JULY 6, 2024) ch. 161 - not really reading this so I won't say I'm "up to this chapter" but... I'm skimming along. I still don't trust it tbh, so we'll see >(((( -- UPDATE (MAY 6, 2024) - ....I have decided to give it another chance. Mostly bc I'm ACTUALLY SEEING PPL SEE SETH FOR THE NOT-VILLAIN AND ACTUAL FUCKING VICTIM THAT HE IS AND FOR THE FRAUDS AND BITCH ASSES THAT ISIS AND OSIRIS ARE. FKL:FNSKAMKSDNAKNFKNAF But also because I REALLY, REALLY wanna see that fuckface foreign god go down. REAAAAALLY hard. And for Seth to GET HIS FUCKIN' HAPPY ENDING WITH HORUS. FUCK just... FUCCCCCKK -- UPDATE: I actually HAVE dropped this series, all because I honestly canNOT get the bullshit from the last chapter I read out of my head. So this is gonna be a 1 star rated series from me. I know some people might say "Oh, but it get better!" and whatnot, but I really REALLY hate this kinda thing in books/webtoons/manga/etc. When an author adds in shit like this and -- is probably -- going to use it as further punishment or as the catalysis of change for the main character(Seth) to "open his eyes to the ways of the gay" or some shit like this... ESPECIALLY when the author sports ANOTHER pairing as the main or endgame one. It's really unnecessary drama that DOESN'T NEED TO HAPPEN just for us to get to the endgame pairing. The whole thing between Seth and Osiris was FASCINATING. It created a basis for Seth's whole backstory and a platform for the whole story to descend into the twisted arboretum of deceit, lust, and covetousness in the earlier chapters. The non-con rape that occurred between Seth and Horus WAS NONCONSENSUAL FOR *BOTH* OF THEM. Just because Horus is in love with his uncle and wants to be with him DOES NOT MEAN HE WAS IN HIS RIGHT MIND OR HAD ANY CONTROL WHILE HE WAS UNDER SEKMET'S INFLUENCE. Horus would NEVER have done that to Seth willingly (and obviously Seth's like totally against it period because WTFffffFFF). AND YET, THAT WAS STILL GOOD STORYTELLING BECAUSE IT ADDED ANOTHER LAYER OF OBSTACLES FOR THEM TO OVERCOME (or /not/) LATER. Even the fuckin' gangrape that happened by the evil priests and shit later on was kinda decent storytelling (like, I hated seeing it, but even THAT added to the storytelling, though was starting to just become a "let's punish Seth with MORE RAPE because he's bad" cop-out from the author bth) But this shit? This... the fuck you gonna even call this, huh? Ch. 122 was a fuckin'... it just went BACKWARDS. It was like "let's have him experience gay sex WHILE DRUGGED where he can't NOT experience it until he's *BETTER* and the whole thing became an objectified sexual fantasy for horny readers with absolutely NO advancement of the plot OR character development and--" ASDFGHJKL:":LKJHGFDSAasdfghjkl;';lkjhgfd I am LITERALLY SEETHING over the obvious "let's give them some dusk-til-dawn hardcore sex BETWEEN TWO RANDOM ASS CHARACTERS and -- OH YES -- *STILL* make it non-con/dub-con, but NOT CONSENSUAL. PERIOD though we'll spin it as eventually he'll just get WORN DOWN BY ALL THE SEX until he likes it" FOR WHAT. Did you fucking miss the point of having Seth go through all this egregious rape and humiliation in the first place? THE FUCK WAS THE POINT THEN?!?!?! ALSO! If this is some kinda half-ass, half-baked deterrent to assuage those who don't like incest... BITCHES, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND EVERY FREAKIN' GOD MYTH FROM EVERY SINGLE POLYTHEISTIC RELGION/CULTURE IS ALL INCEST?! THE FUCK ARE YOU READING THIS FOR IF YOU DIDN'T WANT TO SEE IT HAPPEN THEN??!!?! jfC And I'm ALSO talking to the author on this one too. If you're just doing this shit to appease a portion of your groaning audience, then why the fuck did you bother writing a story like this for, huh? That other foreign god (whom I never found out the real identity of) is... I don't know. He's that character lazy authors create to "cause trouble" "move the plot along when they can't figure out a better way to do it" or "big a really big or unnecessary part to when the public doesn't like the direction your story is going and you find yourself needing to SUDDENLY shift gears" and boooooooooooy, do I hate 'em. :///// I was REALLY interesting in seeing someone actually get into Egyptian mythology myth (and then spin the homoerotic seth/horus thing for all its worth!) in earnest... and instead I got this shit. I'm so fuckin' disappointed, like you have no idea how much this series pisses me off because I was IN LOVE. WAITED ON BAITED BREATH FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER. Now I see the cover pop up in my feed and scowl in disgust. Bitches why you had to go fuck a good thing up like this for, huh?!?!?!?!? -- UP TO CH. 122 -- ....fuckin hell. This could actually make me drop this series, I fucking swear. So basically ch.120-122 were easily the worst I've seen thus far. And the main reason? That fucking foreign god that I cannot stand. I was hoping beyond hope that he wouldn't rape and/or sexually assault Seth, and yet there it was. Done in such a way as to make the reader (and Seth) think he's somehow doing it for his own good??? That it'll help cure him or something. FUCK. Actually disgusted like you have no idea. I'm kinda pissed at the author too because if you think it'd somehow ok because this is yaoi and that "it'll still be Horus x Seth at the end so everything up to that is fine"... then you're waaay off-base. This... either needs to have a purpose, or else it's just fucked up. Specifically because it's being written/drawn in such a way as to somehow make the foreign god out to be "a nice guy still" or "he really likes him so it's fine" when Imma tell it to you straight right now. IT'S NOT. It's not OKAY. It's not "romantic." It's not NOT RAPE (because for fuckssake IT STILL WAS.) I also can't stand the fact that you warn when the slavers were sexually molesting Seth, but not for the chapters when the foreign gods' basically date raping him (under the premise of "I'm trying to save you?" WHATTHEFUCK). And him saying things like "Wow... you really were made for this." MADE FOR WHAT? BEING RAPED BY MEN LEFT AND RIGHT??? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!?!? This is really disgusting. That's all I'm gonna say now. We'll see if I bother coming back to this. So disappointed. Was really hoping for some sort of justice for Seth, and for Isis... (because I'm not saying Seth's blameless in ANY of this, but simply that he just got thrown under the fucking bus by his entire family outta NO-FUCKING-WHERE and was expected to somehow be okay with it. jfccc of course the guy's gonna go off the deep end. what he did was still WRONG and he's gonna have to pay for that... BUT FOR FUCKS SAKE WILL NO ONE ACKNOWLEDGE THE FUCKERY HE'S BEEN THROUGH ORIGINALLY THAT *CAUSED* HIM TO GO OFF THE DEEP END IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?! I mean, it's not like he was ALWAYS the motherfucking evil god of egypt of whatever, nor was he ever a bad guy PRIOR TO SOME HORRIBLE FUCKING SHIT HAPPENING TO HIM. Y'all need to seriously find help if you think he DESERVES this or that all THIS is his fucking penance or sumth. THIS IS WHAT CAUSED HIS BREAK IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE. NOW YOU'RE JUST STOKING THE FIRE HOPING HE'LL BREAK ALTOGETHER. nflengklangEGNALNGEDKLGNEkGN *said I was done, but CLEARLY I'M NOT bc fuckshitFUCK I'm just SO MAD RIGHT NOWfuuuuuuuuummmmmMMMMMMESssssss*) --- UP TO CH.118 -- Genuinely tho... never liked that bitch (Hathor) no matter who played her or where I've seen her. In every rendition, she's just... SUCH a pain in the pain. For fuckssake... *facepalm* --- UP TO CH.115 --- UP TO CH. 109 (honestly this was the chapter I've been waiting for. BC it's not to say this is all Isis' fault ir something, but the fact that she lays ALL THE FUCKING BLAME ON THE RAPE VICTIM... OF HER BROTHER-HUSBAND...WHO IS HER OWN YOUONGER BROTHER has seriously rubbed me the wrong way from day one. Like, Osiris is FUCK ALL CRAY and everyone's like "Oh. IT'S FINE! WHATEVER HE DOES." and come to find out it's all cause they're scared as shit of him and won't deny him cause he's stronger than they are. BUT THEN SETH DOES IT -- HE "DEFEATS" ORISIS -- and everyone's like "YOU'RE A MONSTER!" but once again, won't ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. I JUST.... *pinches nose* The BLAME lies with OSIRIS. PERIOD. He was a manipulative, PSYCHOPATH who destroyed their family. But he also had help from the other siblings too. Nephthys fucking wanted an affair. And Isis -- for fuck's sake! I get that you're shocked! BUT COME ON!! YOU REALLY MEAN TO TELL ME YOU'RE GONNA BE LIKE "YOU'RE THE MONSTER SETH! AND THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" AND HONESTLY GO RUNNING AFTER YOUR RAPIST HUSBAND, DESPERATE FOR HIS LOVE AND AFFECTIONATE AND *SHUDDERS IN YUUUUCK* omfgggggggggAWD Osiris is a special kinda sicko, tbh, so anyone who sides with him will automatically be labeled as cray-cray and PSYCHO themselves in my book. I'm not saying what Seth did as king was RIGHT. I'm simply saying it didn't need to necessarily happen AT ALL in the first place had Isis not TURNED HER FUCKING BACK ON HIM AND BLAMED HIM FOR EVERYTHING. If she'd been there -- I mean, she IS the older sister for fucks sake -- she could have helped DO SOMETHING to make things less batshit for everyone and maybe even reign Seth's crazy in a bit. Or rather, he might not have gone off the deep end in the first place, since it wouldn't be like EVERYONE'S FUCKING ABANDONED or BETRAYED HIS ASS when he HONESTLY DID FUCK ALL NOTHING TO DESERVE IT. Like... I'm gonna be real here. The fact that Osiris TOOK SETH'S SEED SO HE COULDN'T HAVE A CHILD and then wanted to sorta BREED HIM AND OWN HIM FOREVER is probably the most FUCKED UP THING I'VE EVER HEARD WITH SUCH A NORMAL EXPRESSION LIKE IT SHOULD MAKE SENSE. Like... NO. NOOOOO. I can't... Lemme be clear. If I found out some bullshit like that happened to me I'd burn the whole motherfucking world down to the ground. And not even because I want kids or anything, either. Just the fact that someone I once loved and looked up to, my older brother... friend... and king... would DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT... and then expect me to just fall in line. THEN WHEN I DON'T, USE MY KID -- BECAUSE DO NOT TELL ME ANUBIS ISN'T HIS SON!! HE'S THE ONE WHO RAISED HIM AND LOVED HIM EVEN WHEN HE WAS PSYCHO-SPIRALING OKAY?! IT'S *HIS KID*. END OF STORY -- USE MY MOTHERFUCKING KID TO BLACKMAIL ME INTO SLEEPING WITH YOU?! I MEAN---WHAT KINDA CRAZY DOES THAT?! DX This isn't some guro rape fantasy hentai where that shit's allowed, okay?! NORMAL STORYTELLING DOESN'T ALLOW THAT KINDA FUCKERY UNLESS THE FUCKTARD PAYS HEAVILY AT THE END. AND BOOOY, HE BETTER PAY AT THE END, I SWEAR OR IMMA--- *storms off, still ranting* fUUUCk!!) ----- FINISHED Ch. 105 (this chapter tho "What happened? Were we lovers?" homfgggg) --- Finished Season 1 (ch.73 + a billion extras lol) Waiting on Season 2 to begin :)