Synopsis: Ryuu, who is collecting folktales and ghost stories from all over the country stumbles upon a strange Inn where they boast about their “Uzume.” However, Ryuu doesn’t know what he gets himself in to with this particular inn. A writer stumbled upon a mysterious inn and gave "service" beyond his expectation. Little did he knew that this and the whole inn is designed to trap him in forever. Lucky for him, the jianshi himself warmed up to him and let him escape.
History at the Library
Absolutely need it to be serialized!!
Shinseki no Onee-chan
Thankfully not hentai! I read it & absolutely did not understand a single thing! So I am unable to rate it. Also, what are these comments talking about?!
The Young Lady and Her Lackeys Are Going to Pick on the Transfer Student
I'm just as confused as the 3rd girl!
A Naughty and Carnivorous Childhood Friend
Senpai should've done this to nagatoro!
Pharaoh no Choai ha Mayonaka ni~ Amaku Majiwaru Yomigaeru no Gishiki~
Night at the museum pretex: Yayoi works as a curator at a small museum. While making her rounds after closing time, she discovers the exhibit’s objects moving around!? Finding herself in some unpredictable trouble, she gets saved by a pharaoh named Amencara, who has been revived from his coffin . It's always these os ml who make me feel all fluttery. "Someday if you want to have a child with me, I'd be overjoyed", " If"! The man used if! Not "have my children"! "If"! Can he get anymore of a green flag! Can he?! Why can't rl men be like this?! It's always these oneshots that r so beautiful! Also the ml is yummy yumm~ also, the back hug! Man started the sx with a back hug! Damn I'm too weak to backhugs! & the way he held her completely as if protecting her from something.. I'm so jealous!
Midnight Love with the Pharaoh
shotNight at the museum pretex: Yayoi works as a curator at a small museum. While making her rounds after closing time, she discovers the exhibit’s objects moving around!? Finding herself in some unpredictable trouble, she gets saved by a pharaoh named Amencara, who has been revived from his coffin . It's always these os ml who make me feel all fluttery. "Someday if you want to have a child with me, I'd be overjoyed", " If"! The man used if! Not "have my children"! "If"! Can he get anymore of a green flag! Can he?! Why can't rl men be like this?! It's always these oneshots that r so beautiful! Also the ml is yummy yumm~ also, the back hug! Man started the sx with a back hug! Damn I'm too weak to backhugs! & the way he held her completely as if protecting her from something.. I'm so jealous!
Because he's cute even if he's an idiot