I Only Came to Find my Dad
Relationship Once Done
As a member of management myself, leaders don't get to say we don't have enough time. Of course we don't, but not having time is not an acceptable reason for a member of my team to be falling short. Manage processes, lead people. The training, coaching, and ultimate success of our teams is what defines a leader's success. Here, the team leader is blaming the employee's performance on the employee. When the team leader, in my opinion, is failing the employee as her leader. The team leader needs to stop belittling, degrading, making excuses, and start putting the important, engaging with her team, inspiring them to do good work, infront of what she deems urgent. Being proactive in leading her team, working through her team,, working with their strengths, identifying their opportunities, and working on those opportunities is the path to success.
Koi wo Suru Tsumori wa Nakatta