Yuusha-sama Ni Ikinari Kyuukonsareta No Desu Ga
I'm honestly surprised that I've never seen this kind of story line before to begin with. The fact that the Hero is basically an OP Yandere, only makes this 1000x better than I originally believed it would be!
Sokubaku-kei Kareshi | Boyfriend Restraint System - Free! dj
Berserk dj - Undercover
It's like a trainwreck...you just can't look away no matter how much you want too! XD
May Belongs to Me
K's secret
This was a great read! Was it a little rushed going towards the end? Maybe, but it was satisfying, though I want a sequel for the little family to be together again! TT
The Taming of The Tyrant
Now this is what I call a strong female lead! XD I am IN LOVE with this story and I can't wait to see where it goes. I might need to go look and see if the novel is available, because I want to know what happens next.