It started off pretty good and the plot was interesting but now the demon possession plot has definitely carried on for too long.I’m honestly tired of the succubus or whatever it is so much RAPE and ASSAULT around the character and it’s actions. It has literally raped and assaulted the MC and made the guy it has possessed do the deed with his adopted brother???!! very uncomfortable especially with NO warnings or disclaimers.Honestly feels drawn out at this point the demon needs to die as well as the guy he’s possessing there’s literally no way to come back from all the stuff he did while the demon possessed his body.
The most updated ch43 MORE RAPE the succubus forces the MC to suck his thing it’s too much dropped I was really hoping this story would end soon but it keeps drawing out the ending and getting WORSE AND WORSE with more and more rape. I don’t care if the succubus needs sexual energy or whatever it’s non consensual ALWAYS and so triggering
Applause to our ancestor's