I wish I could give this two-and-a-half stars because I kind of liked it up until about the last three or so chapters. So, I started Judge some years ago but never finished it and tonight I found myself with a hankering for some horror and remembered it. I found this one and, seeing as it's the prequel, decided to read it before I went back to finish Judge. That was a mistake, I see that now. Sorry ahead of time for the long spoiler-y rant, but it's not like anyone else is gonna really read this so I guess it doesn't even matter.
Honestly, I feel like it would have been fine if they'd just left it at Mitsuki being the wolf. Her break with reality over what happened to her father, while a bit out there, was an interesting motivation for setting up this extremely convoluted and tedious death game. I'm always a sucker for betrayal, so I liked seeing these two childhood friends go head-to-head. It would have been fine had they left it at that. I thought the second plot twist was a little too much and made way less sense. So my understanding of what happened was that Rei was angry over how she and her family were being treated after the media and the public called her a fake, right? And when her parents died, she decided to set up this game to get revenge on...who exactly? People who had lied? Why? Because their calling Rei a fake made them liars? But if they really didn't believe that she could hypnotize people then they weren't lying, just skeptical, which is understandable. And even if she did consider those people liars, why not just punish the people directly responsible for her and her parents' suffering? Like gossip magazines and news outlets don't really hide their authors or reporters and she knew her classmates were bullying her, so she could have just done that. If all she wanted was to avenge her parents, then wouldn't that have been enough? Why go after these randoms (only two of which were actually doing bad things, mind you) that she didn't know? Sure, they may have done horrible things and been pieces of shit, but it's not like the manga had established her as an extremely straight-laced person with strong morals so why would she care that they were doing those things? It made sense for Mitsuki to want to punish them, seeing as she's the daughter of a cop and seems to have a strong sense of justice, but it doesn't really make sense why Rei would do it? And by the way, did she just ignore the fact that her parents tried to kill her too? Like, they couldn't handle the harassment anymore so the plan was for the three of them to die together, right? She's not upset that her parents tried to murder her in what is quite possibly the least effective method for a murder-suicide ever? I definitely would be. And people survive car crashes all the time and what are the odds that the accident is bad enough that everyone in the vehicle sustains fatal injuries? I don't know, it just seems like a crap-shoot way to kill someone (and yourself) when there are other more reliable methods (poison, for example. Or, hey, I hear a bullet to the face tends to get the job done.). And for another thing, why was she part of the game to begin with? If she could "hypnotize" people to do her bidding and the hypnotism was so strong that it would work even after she died like she said, why did she feel the need to place herself with the other characters in the abandoned building? Hajime said that people who played Rabbit Doubt had been disappearing, so was she present for those death games too? Why didn't she just sit back and let Mitsuki do her thing? She didn't even really need to meet up with them at the very beginning. It feels like placing yourself in that situation would be taking on unnecessary risk so did she do it for the thrill of it? For the drama? Was she worried that things wouldn't go according to plan if she just let Mitsuki handle everything? And the characters were so concerned about gathering and saving keys, but none of them considered going back to Rei's "corpse" and cutting off her leg for the barcode? That would have been the first thing I'd done after we realized what the barcodes were and how they worked. If the characters had done that, it would have been game over and Rei would have been exposed so why even put yourself in a situation for that to happen? None of it makes sense. And why did she call the cops in the first place? The goal was for all of them to die, right? She could have just killed Yuu; yes, she's smaller than him but he was injured and probably too weak to fight back and Mitsuki was already bleeding out from the wound on her neck, she probably would have just died too. Same for Hajime. So why call the cops to come and save them, only to have her hypnotized puppets kill them later? Since Hajime said that those people were only missing, I'm assuming that there were no bodies found, so she obviously has been doing this for a while and hasn't called the cops for any of the other death games so why is this time any different? Just because Yuu weakened her hypnotism on Mitsuki doesn't mean she can't still kill all of them. No one would have ever found them probably. It's just...I don't get it. Making Rei the mastermind really only raises more questions than answers. It's really dumb I guess is the point of this long rant and now I'm upset. I'm gonna go find something else to try and cleanse the stupidity from my brain. Maybe some yaoi. Peace.
Doubt (tonogai Yoshiki)