Back to School: All Grown Up
i loved every chapter <3
Exotic Love
the feels bruh, the feels…. this either makes me sweat or cry huhu
i just love how duke Sayan talks. he’s speaking horny language but make it elegant
The Beast Must Die
HONESTLY THE BEST PSYCHOLOGICAL YAOI I’VE EVER READ!! the author did a great job in writing this manhwa. i love how they explain the scenarios and stuff by the end of the chapter. i kinda wish they showed Kirin and Kang Moo’s wedding. god i miss them so much.
An open friend
this is short but that schlong is LOOOOOOONG. uke kinda looks the MC of “It’s Not Like That” ngl
The secret life of the demon king
i just wanna know what the author is on cuz this shit is crazy but in a good way. i love the author so much lmao.
Don't Pick Up the Soap
POV: he picked up the soap
Dream-Like Lie
so far, i am loving this.
Royal Servant