Oyasumi Punpun
Oh my god, this was really so fucking heavy.. And deep At first, I was really scared to start this manga, I've saw alot of people telling how dark this was and how you need alot of preparations to read this, but for me, I don't really think it's dark.. It's more like of so fucking heavy and deep story that explores alot of mental health issues and painful relationships and unhealthy coping mechanisms I have alot of mix feelings for punpun, I feel pity for him and how tragic his whole life is, especially how he progress into a bird, into a pyramid and a black figure... It's so sad to think and look back how he was so innocent back then and now he's so.. A fucking mess I don't know, maybe it all went downhill after he didn't fulfilled that promise, I just don't get how and why was he so in love with Aiko, and seeing that love bloom into nothing but tragedy pains me, she deserves better for real. Sometimes I think Sachi and Punpun are the most fit together, sometimes I think that Punpun doesn't deserve to be in a relationship at all. Really proves how Strong the quote "love yourself first before you love someone else" is. Probably the only one thing I love in this series is SEKI AND SHIMIZU, LIKE NO!! THEY WERE SO FUCKING PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER, MY HEART ACHES FOR THEM, THEY WERE MEANT TO BE, WHY WHY WHYYY, but no for real.. I absolutely love their relationship, I can't take how Shimizu lost his memories of Seki, I can't accept it at all Overall, this was really a rollercoaster of emotions, you really need alot of mental preparation for this thing.. Oyasumi Punpun never Fails to make me sick and go under through alot of pain, I love it. ---- After reading this story, Oyasumi Punpun has craved a space deep inside my mind. In some certain times, I'd think of Punpun, and in some times where I felt like I need to cry, I'll go to this manga. I don't know the particular reason, but some chapters I randomly choose makes me cry. Maybe it's because that the Love I always wanted to see from shoujo mangas can't really be like that, and there's a chance how love can also turn so destructive like what happened in this manga.. One thing that I kept thinking is how I'm getting similar to Punpun each time I reread this. His thoughts makes me tear up and pause. His feelings were complex yet I understand him. I just have no words actually.
Barairo no Hoo no Koro
Mann I didn't know there was a prequel of J No Subete especially featuring Andrew's perspective. Just like the main story, of course this has also caused me pain. The pain of grief, what if's and lost love. I don't think I could ever love a Nakamura Asumiko work, yet at the same time, when I know it's her, I can't help but to get interested. Her works were deep and settled for maturity, thus being quite complicated to understand. But if one message is clear, then it's the message of doomed lovers. Tales really had to undergo something before ending it with a happy ending.
Killing Stalking