Blue Period.
This manga is really life changing.. I really feel inspired and might ask well try to do still-life arts and even more than I currently do. I love how the beginning of every chapter starts with "Motivation to start something" How Ryuji told his friend that he wants to die, instead he got this answer "Then you better die naked, if that embarrasses you, if you still care what other people thinks of you, then you can't just die yet" I love how Yotasuke loves animals and how he treasures and creates an image in his mind with his old drawings,and how he claim his drawings as a part of him. I love how Hoshida appears to be suspicious but a rather kind person and his bond between him and Sae-Chan. I love everything genuinely I really love this masterpiece, somehow it makes me feel something that I'm familiar of but can find the name of it. At this point I'm only not learning art.. But a whole different bunch of things. Every character is beautiful even their frustrations are beautiful somehow to me.. This just really warms my heart genuinely.
King's Maker