Shangri La no Tori
OMG SOMEONE UPDATED THIS, THANK YOU SO MUCH Just for the record it's been a year and around two months since I finished it and I still remember how much I loved this story
Dear Benjamin 1.5
Time is kinda messed up sometimes but I'm so glad it's back. Tbh I cried a bit when Benjamin was kidnapped So it was a thing the art change cause it became just like any other yaoi. I stand the change, I understand and I'm thankful cause otherwise it wouldn't be completed but I missed the original art style. The end was... Yeah, no good. Also no extras??? Wtf I like the story, but I needed the second baby and hate that we couldn't meet the grandpa
Double Face Niha Kanawanai
No talking at all, they go straight to the fists
Dangerous Convenience Store
It's funny how it overpassed all of my expectations. Ain't gonna lie, they were really low, but this story is good, is far away from being perfect, but the characters are great, the plot is not the cliché I was expecting and the end of season 2 and this start of season 3 look great. I'm looking forward for the development of the plot. Man, S3 is looking so good Also the uploaders are funny, I really enjoy those memes at the end of the chapters. Thank you Ch 78 even my heart was flustered He's so into giving kissess, gives me butterflies. He is so in love and uke deserve that much dearing
King's Maker Triple Crown: Mature Version