Ann's manga / #Interesting(182)

Usagi no Mori

Ongoing | Enjo | 2018 released

I'm begging pleeeaase keep updating this one. It's amazing. They even talk about asexuality!!!! The thing with overcoming trauma it's pretty accurate, sex feels so dirty and the guilt of wanting to do that kinda of stuff only fade a bit when you can blame the other... it's not healthy, but it's true. I kinda see my relationship with one of my bff in this story and that makes me uncomfortable but also makes me love it so much more. Apart from that, the plot it's actually great, it really shows how sexuality works in young people, how terrifying could be for some of them, the ankward of liking a pretty close friend, even the contrast between the families. It won't probably have an ace representative but it could since you can still have sexual relationship while being asexual so I keep my hopes up and even if there's not it's still nice how it shows how things work for Tamaki. There are so many things that deserve recognition, do yourself a favour and read it (again since I'm talking with myself).


Complete | Enjo | 2000 released
2022-01-20 04:36 marked

Life Senjou no Bokura

Complete | TOKOKURA Miya | 2016 released
2022-01-30 19:26 marked

Wasn't expecting this to be that good man I'm still crying. So sweet, so real, I loved it


Ongoing | Yazawa Ai | 2000 released
2022-03-14 03:38 marked

So I challenged myself to finish it before I turn 21 and started to read only cause they were 20 in 2001 (my age and the year I was born), also cause I met some people that saw the anime. I'm thankful for my own silly decision cause it brought me to such a great manga. I love the story, the characters, their personalities, everything and since I found out while playing Duolingo that nana could mean 7 and hachi 8 it became one of my very favourites I cried my heart out in chapter 71, he truly doesn't deserve Hachi Wish demon's king punish Takumi. I swear I do understand him but he's still a piece of shit Chapter 78... God please take this pain away I THOUGHT THIS WAS COMPLETED FFFFUUUUCCCKKKK I'VE BEEN LOUDLY CRYING THE LAST CHAPTERS JUST TO ARRIVE TO AN UNFINISHED POINT

Pink Heart Jam

Complete | Shikke | 2019 released
2022-04-29 05:07 marked

Kitaru Harekake no Ashita yo

Complete | Ueda Aki | 2000 released
2022-05-11 14:27 marked

It's great, they make each other so happy, no toxicity, just two bros working and living together falling in love

Ways of Parting

Complete | AMALILLIA | 2019 released
2022-05-18 01:56 marked

The summary and the start of the story look great. Can't blame MC for being clingy, he's dealing with some big deal and literally no one is giving a f bout him, that makes me sad The translate of some chapters at the start is all messed up, really confusing I was so fcking scare, the last chapters got me on the edge, afraid of death but it's a nice ending, bittersweet but happy somehow. I loved the plot, realistic, the main idea of life being an unpredictable bitch really shows in many aspects of this work so it overcome any hole or mistake the story may have

The Gap

Complete | Leeteum | 2019 released
2022-05-18 04:54 marked
Tags: Interesting

Not bad at all, a bit funny, the plot it's good, the couple could be better but it's not plain, just lack some romance Someone give the boss a lover

Park Hanhoo's Manager

Complete | KIM TAC | 2000 released

It's great, from the art to the plot so the characters. Loved the drama behind mc personality that's quite unique. The whole thing get smoothly to its end, it's also cute and even funny

Dangerous Convenience Store

Complete | 945 | 2019 released
2022-06-01 19:01 marked

It's funny how it overpassed all of my expectations. Ain't gonna lie, they were really low, but this story is good, is far away from being perfect, but the characters are great, the plot is not the cliché I was expecting and the end of season 2 and this start of season 3 look great. I'm looking forward for the development of the plot. Man, S3 is looking so good Also the uploaders are funny, I really enjoy those memes at the end of the chapters. Thank you Ch 78 even my heart was flustered He's so into giving kissess, gives me butterflies. He is so in love and uke deserve that much dearing