Ann's manga / #Favs(54)

Chew and Swallow

Complete | Gawee | 2014 released

Re-reading cause I forgot. I hate my mind that just nicely decide to forget any traumatic manga I read just to make me read it again. I love this author with my whole heart. You get a complete story with some damn good plot in a simple art. You get good looking characters going through some big drama and overcoming it bittersweetly with love. Here's this author being one of the greatest when it comes to trauma being so underrated. Ch 39 was so hard to read. NOT IN A BAD WAY, like, it was dark shit, the piercing guy is so wrecked. Before that Ch they didn't do it, it's unexpected but they're child we're talking about, I keep forgetting. I keep thinking bout what the guy said bout the girl getting pregnant, I feel sick each time I remember it and now he got Minjae to play . Fuck. And even after that, he kept the hope of some honest love... But then again, the new guy also raped him That being my concern and actually getting mentioned few ch after... That's a great author, doesn't forget the damage their characters made The way it got coloured as soon as they meet again They get back to be so patient with each other, they matured that much through the hardest pain so they get to love in a healthy way The way this author brought back each character, do not left behind any to show us their present, how they grown. It's so great. EVEN THE STORY WRITING IS BROUGHT BACK I love this author. Few seconds later even the bad friend show up Now that I finished it, once again, I love this author. I would read it again in a future. I thought it would pain me more but I wasn't feeling that empathic, probably it's not fault of the story or the author, it was just me. Apart from that I get the angst is real and deep, but so was the hope. I know for sure I will be back some day Heeyyy... I'm back again. I keep forgetting the story and only remembering how much I loved it, I swear (partly, that's good cause I kept coming back as the first time but damn my mind it's getting useless). At first Tae is so rude, fck. I do remember some of the bad things so it got me so sad. The way this author make boys being boy makes me emotional Los niveles de angustia que se me anticipan me previenen de seguir leyendo pero no puedo evitar querer más. Es como una comida demasiado buena que en cada bocado me tiene que repitiendo "so good". El nivel de profundidad que tiene la mente de cada uno sin perder la impulsividad e inconsciencia de los adolescentes!!! Fcking great. Desde skins no veo algo así. Su amor es tan joven y se aferran como salvavida. In ch 39 and 40 again. I felt the weight in my heart once again. The hope slowly getting away from him. My boy, someone please take care of my boy

Smells Like Green Spirit

Complete | Nagai Saburou | 2011 released
2024-06-24 02:20 marked

This one is dark and really heavy. It touches a lot of difficult themes that weight in the young boys so much, not to metion in few years back and rural society. It is great, but not an easy and light love story. You get all of the hardships shown. I get that the Ni something guy got a happy life with a family but how I wish he would get a chance to be completed and full of himself as he always wanted. His story was the most heartbreaking for me and I beg for him to not feel lonely. The other two got a chance to be themselves together so that heals my soul a bit. Still it's a serious story, you won't died of fluff or cuteness, it is realistic so you see them carry on in their life the best they can. It's a sensitive story but perfectly done and mostly happy but still bittersweet ending. After reading something like this, you know everything else will feel full. Pasó como una hora de que lo leí y llegué a la conclusión que es una de esas historias que te dejan un impacto. Me hizo mierda, siento la angustia en el pecho por todo los temas pesadísimos que abarcó y como en ningún momento te da ni una imagen de total alivio y tranquilidad. Incluso la parejita principal, no se los ve que se mueran de amor y ternura entre ellos pero la historia te los muestra como que ellos tuvieron el mejor de los finales posibles. Es resignarse en un punto y en otro es ser agradecido, porque las alternativas más cercanas eran reprimirse, desarrollar un trauma/perversión o incluso morirse. Sé que la realidad es algo así, pero como lectura (y una que hice con toda la ansiedad de que en realidad tendría que estar estudiando) solo te queda el consuelo que al menos tiene aceptación (de las familias que eso es un montón) y compañía.

Love Sex Relationship

Complete | Kim in-jung | 2019 released
2024-09-22 20:16 marked

The cover called me out and it've been amazing so far. A work from a woman to woman bout love, sex and friendship. Amazing So far great themes it has been show: - pudor, la supresión de la sexualidad con un supuesto concepto de amor - los celos en la amistad - la sexualidad despojada de apego emocional y su opuesto, relaciones sin sexo - envidia entre mujeres - porn* mientras se está en un relación - sumisión de la mujer para conseguir amor - infidelidad nacida de la inseguridad, insatisfacción y la ira (no se concretó pero conceptualmente estuvo) - usar a las personas y el sexo como sustento de consuelo personal - cirugías plásticas normalizadas (y la accesibilidad también, imposible con un part time) - miedo al compromiso / egoísmos en las parejas Cortito, fantástico. Los comentarios tienen la cabeza arruinada por el contenido desproveído de historia o análisis. Es un trabajo muy fiel a la vida de las mujeres, a la complejidad de sus relaciones, su sexualidad, sus infancias/adolescencias. La necesidad de ser hermosas como equivalente a amor. Read some comments. You all here are some virgin that never been in a relationship before or never had an insecurity in a normal heterosexual relationship (probably the first seeing you here) cause how and I mean HOW can you no be empathetic with such normal scenes that had been shown in this story. Spoiler from real life, this is how many relationships and friendships work.

Jealousy (Scarlet Beriko)

Complete | Scarlet Beriko | 2016 released
2024-11-26 01:29 marked

The gun in the bed got right away Great great great. Been a while since I read something this well done, so interesting. To tell I loved each one of the characters. Love them so much, but mainly Rogi, that dude is the perfect MC, so captivating, eye catching, deep, smart but impulsive enough to keep the plot interesting but also with such a complex feelings I'm so immersed in the past story, I know it's gonna be tragic but the dynamic with the Yakuza is hell good The wife omg, I love her Masterpiece. Words would never be enough to describe how good this is and how characters are only getting richer each chapter. Fcking love them Been crying for so many chapters. I know there is even worst to come, don't think my heart it's gonna take it. There's this cover of the volume 5 that scares me so much, why is Uichi the only one with eyes open This is the Yakuza with more feelings and moral ever, they weight each death To tell you I breathed again. I was so ready to have everyone dead, I swear I was scared af so the happy ending took me to the greatest surprise. It's not an easy one, they were so much time apart, but it's a concept of love that I share and appreciate so much in real life. Es una de esas historias que eventualmente me dejan sin palabras en inglés. Los personajes aparte de hermosos son terriblemente bien logrados. De principio a fin se hacen cada vez más interesantes y complejos pero siendo muy fieles a su persona y aspectos escenciales. No hay una parte de esta historia que se desperdicie, es una de esas que siento que nunca voy a encontrar y después de leerlas me pasó todo el resto de tiempo buscándola de nuevo, en el mejor de los sentidos. La devoré a pesar de que constantemente no quería que terminara jamás. Una historia que trae y deja una experiencia. Su plot no es descomunalmente original, pero sí sus personajes y como se relacionan entre ellos. El contexto mafioso solo contrasta aún más la profundidad de la humanidad de cada uno. El perdón constantemente en la consciencia de cada uno, el amor incansable, capaz de tolerar distancia, tiempo y dolor. Si uno tiene en la vida real la oportunidad de una de esas relaciones que son tan naturales desde el primer momento, el cariño que se tienen entre ellos se lee tan verdadero. Alguien se quejaba de que se perdonaba todo, pero ese es un concepto de familia, no dejando libre de consecuencias porque cada uno es capaz de reconocer sus defectos en esta historia, pero amándose por sobre todo (en un sentido romántico o no) Estoy tan agradecida por el final feliz, estaba hasta físicamente preparada para el corazón roto de que lo peor pasase, el alivio fue bienvenido sin ningún rastro de decepción (porque reconozco que adoro que una historia me retuerza)