Salt Friend
Ch 222 (137 missing + 143 n 1441+2 r the same) + bonus 2 a ton of hinted at BL moments but until now just a bromance - still cute and sweet so will be back for more - this is freakin good started off Bromance now it's so much more lovin this!!
He Can't Be This Dumb!
ch 67 this is good - well parts r great but i really Don't like the MC her always calling the ML stupid and treating him like he is a moron - when he is sweet considerate and naïve- for sure deserves better then this girl who has Nothing to offer at this stage is getting annoying to watch - especially when the one to crush on his first was her handicapped sister who is much sweeter then her idk really don't care to see her get the man and everything - when her sister is a much better - deserving character
Forget About My Husband, I'd Rather Go Make Money
Ch 86 (73 is really badly subbed)
Talented baby squirrel
ch 96 (80 has another webtoon)
Secret Love Webtoon
Marry My Husband
Ch 69 the translations isn't the best - but u can still understand everything. bummer this ended but can watch the drama airing i guess - hope it's as good(❁´◡`❁)
I Have Become the Heroes' Rival
Ch 93 sadly this has ended
The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Love
ch. 82 (75 missing)
The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Rabbit and the Black Panther