VideHada's manga / #sweet(3)

Rapuntsel ni Fuku Kaze

Complete | fuzuki atsuyo | 2006 released
2015-03-14 15:43 marked

the first story : about a beautiful senior(uke) and the slow junior(seme) the second story : about an childhood friend, the president and the vice press(?) the third story : about the first meet couple, and fighting, but it's ended peacefully sweet the fourth story (the last): about a fortune teller and the unlucky guy, pretty sweet.. all character are soo cute. the story's deserve a five star..! because it's CUTE

Ano Hi No Kimi Wo Dakishimeta Nara

Complete | Sakiya Haruhi,Yamamoto Kotetsuko | 2008 released
2015-05-28 08:06 marked