Caste Heaven
Eno still sucks and should be buried under a jail..... but I'm happy everyone else is happy and found redemption. I'm just annoyed no one was held accountable and so many couples. I wish the author could have focused on like 3 couples max because the stars Azusa and Karino were kind of tossed aside constantly for these new couples appearances I could care less about. I mean Asumu was so cute and I like who he ends up with but adding the others started to get tedious. So much could have went into expanding upon the two or three main couples but that ball was dropped. Still a good read, but all the couples lack depth because their are so many. Honestly cutting out those girls back story and a few of the other couples would have been a good use on panel space for Azusa ad Karino.
Kyoushi mo Iroiro Aruwakede