Cryingpremed's manga / #Completed(2)

Geinoukai Ura OL - Gyoumu Meirei Karada Settai

Complete | Haruko minami,Rairei munakata | 2019 released
2021-07-08 06:14 marked

So what you’re telling me is this is supposed to be a romance story about this guy, who’s mother made it impossible for her to work in the entertainment industry because her kohai was in love with the male lead. Then the male lead prostitutes her and is raped repeatedly, even by him, gets made at her when other guys have sex with her, which he basically forced upon her in the first place, but they still end up together…I think that should be defined as Stockholm Syndrome.

Him & Him & Him

Complete | Lee nae-ri,Byun lee-seong | 2019 released
2021-07-29 02:15 marked