Redeem: Only One Forever
Seme goes back to when he was 11 years old. i love Shota Seme even though on the inside it's a 21 year old guy. Still Seme is younger than Uke #YoungerSeme #OlderUke
I want to read this but I can't make myself to, it's enough for me just to see the spoilers and the music because I can't bear to see Yuki commit suicide.. dang Yuki why did you have to hang yourself Btw the music is really good it's enough to make me cried even though i don't know the whole story yet
Kamisama no Iutoori II
The only thing that kept me reading this was because Amaya and Shun made me hooked on the prequels, I was very happy when I saw Amaya and Shun appear in the sequel, and damnn I cried when Shun really died and at the later part cuz My strong Amaya boy is crying.. because he wants to forget Shun from his memory but can't, It always appears even though his memory is erased by the power of God. Shun was always a part of Amaya.. even the power of God couldn't erase him
God's ID Card