Reading the description, I had really looked forward to reading this story. The premise sounded interesting and dramatic.
However, upon reading it, it fell awfully flat of my expectations.
Not only does it incorporate three of my least favourite tropes in manga - "villainess who plays cute and innocent", "reincarnated into a baby" and "falling for a murderer from a past life" - but it chose the comedic approach to the "killed 108 times" premise.
It had the potential of being a psychological story peppered with angst and trauma, but instead it took the typical shoujo route.
It's unrealistic that the mc would recover from the trauma of being killed so many times in gruesome ways so fast and quickly decide to see it as an opportunity instead.
Even the guy who killed her 17 times only scared her for a few panels, before she decided he was really a good guy whom she suddenly trusted completely.
I have probably have too high expectations, but I was really disappointed by this story.
Imo, if you're going to go with a premise that screams angst, you gotta commit. But the author didn't.
The Villainess Who Has Been Killed 108 Times. She Remembered Everything. The Maiden with the Ruby Creates a Miracle.