I've Become A Crow
I laughed so hard at chapter 15 I started coughing up a lung and wheezing for like 10 minutes straight and man this Prince is so needy he's turning me into a Simp man looks do change everything as I saw him pleading that he'll do anything I'm like so sexy
The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Rabbit and the Black Panther
The female lead is a bit.... well a lot selfish and it makes it hard to completely love her but I see some familiarities but I don't cross the line into becoming an a****** and I would like an equal partnership I feel like but I loved her friends and I f****** loved the male lead he's my dream guy perfect in every way that ass was bomb he deserved better tho he's so cute and soft man you just makes me want to protect him and when he becomes dominant it's sexy as f*** either way all around good story
Epitaph (Perfume)
Damn when you wish for a different plot and cliches but when It actually happens you cry like a f****** baby man I feel so shitty no happy ending I just wish more things were explained and I guess the father gets away with bringing upon the Apocalypse I'll give this story it's props from going a different happy route with everybody dying and all...☠️
Your Eyes, My Words
The misunderstanding was that they both like each other but they couldn't understand each other's feelings I still don't understand the seme all the way I wonder what his past was like I hope the relationship continues with the open communication I wish there is more chapters on that but it was really happy ending I don't know the whole feeling I got from this is that I want to cry
Dangerous Convenience Store
21 and 38 is spicy as f*** honestly the memes are what makes this even more top-tier for me keep it up I laugh at every episode because of it. I'm so sad its over i want to cryyy
Trap of Desire
Was hilariously bad and I kind of enjoyed it so many plot holes and unrealistic happenings like getting shot it will take you longer than 2 weeks to heal and you will be put on leave you don't just go back to work and it was ridiculous how many times he did get hurt and everybody how much everyone was shot and everyone's f****** gay I just laughed so hard at that but was quite surprised that who's the top that was only like thing that maybe give it a three-star rating it was cute that it was different but that's the only thing I liked about it there's too many unnecessary characters who only showed up once and were unimportant the whole girlfriend thing made me uncomfortable but it was kind of realistic otherwise it's an okay story but I wouldn't read it again
The Player That Can't Level Up