Pink Heart Jam
Slow romance unrequited love beautiful arts got me horny dorney honestly what drew me in was those one picture shots of them doing music they really drew me in first chapter he was barefooted rocking that guitar and I fell in love both of them are honestly my type actually the Yuki is more my type I was like please fall in love with me or I wish I was a guy so you can love me
Dangerous Convenience Store
21 and 38 is spicy as f*** honestly the memes are what makes this even more top-tier for me keep it up I laugh at every episode because of it. I'm so sad its over i want to cryyy
Hotaru wa Ashita Shinu DJ - Enough
I love this solely from the quote "you're more to me than a few seconds of pleasure" ah that just touched my soul because no one they always just do it anyway and I really love the couple for that and I'm glad for the size CP i'd still want to see their own story though it seems kind of toxic LOL
Konosaki wa Futarikiride