Dragon Ranger Blue
When The Yakuza Falls Inlove
I don't know why it has such high ratings nothing came full circle not a lot of sense the only thing I could think of doing five stars is Toma and we never like learned what happened to the group that was intent on killing everything that diaki loved so that's a pothole
Trap of Desire
Was hilariously bad and I kind of enjoyed it so many plot holes and unrealistic happenings like getting shot it will take you longer than 2 weeks to heal and you will be put on leave you don't just go back to work and it was ridiculous how many times he did get hurt and everybody how much everyone was shot and everyone's f****** gay I just laughed so hard at that but was quite surprised that who's the top that was only like thing that maybe give it a three-star rating it was cute that it was different but that's the only thing I liked about it there's too many unnecessary characters who only showed up once and were unimportant the whole girlfriend thing made me uncomfortable but it was kind of realistic otherwise it's an okay story but I wouldn't read it again
Free! dj - Mikoshiba Overflow