Mr. Fiction
Mr. Fiction (2016 - 2017): 1v 5c Double Standard (2017 - ?) BL Drama Yaoi Adult Couples Amnesia Doctors Collection of Stories Accidents Age Gap Amnesia Deception Doctors Ex-Boyfriend Friends Become Lovers Live-in Lover Love Triangle Multiple Couples Older Seme Younger Uke Reunions Unrequited Love Soccer/Football Blackmail Cheating Seme
Banbi (2017) (Spin-Off) Related Series Momo (KUJU Siam) (Adapted From) (2014) Hachi (KUJU Siam) (Adapted From) (2015) BL Fantasy Yaoi Animal Transformation mu tAGS: Animal Characteristics Anthropomorphism Bear/s Bestiality Classmate/s Ex-Boyfriend Finding Love Again Furry Glasses-Wearing Male Lead Glasses-Wearing Uke Lion/s Reunion/s BL FANTASY LIST
Koko made Yaru towa Kiitenai!
I Never Agreed to This! (2020) Handyman Maki has taken in a guy called Naru who helps with work in return for a roof over his head. The pair are roommates, work partners, and friends with benefits! Naru may complain a lot, but he'll do whatever Maki says because he's deeply in love with him. He can't seem to accept that they only have a physical relationship, and finds his heart racing whenever Maki touches him. One day, Naru meets a client who happens to be someone from Maki's past... Can these two really stay purely physical considering how they feel about each other? This is a chaotic comedy involving work and romance between a stoic, fearless dom and his devoted but volatile pet!! Source: Renta
Ikusen no Yoru
BTW the manga's on Renta and DMG. This is not only about romance. That's what makes this manga interesting and fun to read because it's also somewhat inspirational. Look at Sora, his best friend (unrequited love for sora) and the woman who got cheated on (Yui, unrequited love for Tetsuya). I'm not saying the seme is the worst, but he's undeniably one of the worst scums to walk this earth (in the manga). Yeah he takes the cake, he wanted to etch himself on Sora's mind so much that he even replaced the trauma Sora has from his dad, by giving Sora TRAUMA. What a great guy, he is. If people can't handle heavy topics like broken homes, manipulative/sadistic behaviors, homewreckers/cheating/infidelity, and other deep psychological stuff retold in visuals (yes, the visuals are so good, this type of storytelling seems to be like a lost art in more recent manhua/manhwa with all the big ass long ass texts to make up for the lesser compelling visual storytelling like this manga presents). Like this manga is a treat for readers who can read the subtle stuff even without the long ass big ass text bubbles that plagues many manhua/manhwa from artists who still need some time learning this close to extinct lost art, visual storytelling. ________________ The LONG ASS REVIEW: The best part about this story is the MC's realistic responses and the side characters, Tetsuya's girlfriend and Sora's best friend. The romance is okay, but it is just so-so, in my opinion, when it comes to both the MC and ML. I don’t particularly appreciate that he's forceful. The older ML is too overbearing and lashes out that way at the MC. Secondly, both of them are not good characters, they don't have any qualms about cheating on the woman. What did the woman ever do to them? Cheaters are the worst, but then again, I can understand where Sora comes from because of his fragile state of mind and Tetsuya's dark criminal desires for Sora; however, two wrongs don't make a right. I get that the seme has a penchant for cheating while being in a rebound relationship, and the woman is on the receiving end of this relationship. Not only did this happen once, but twice! IMO, when a rebound relationship happens, and it doesn't work out, and that couple reunites with each other, they should have the decency to apologize to the person who's in the rebound relationship, not because she's just collateral damage in their love story, but because she's selfless. The woman is in fact, the green flag here, and honestly, I was stunned that she didn't know she was cheated on by her ex with a guy nonetheless. Tetsuya is a scum. He doesn't even cherish Sora that well. Look at what he did to Sora when he tried to stand up for himself and confronted Tetsuya (that part where Sora didn't want Tetsuya to abandon his future for Sora's wellbeing, that was really painful to read. If you love someone, you want them to become successful and you want to change for the better, but Tetsuya was doing things for the wrong reasons mainly because he wants to have some control over Sora, like a parent! Honestly, that's more than Tetsuya can bite at the time smh); Tetsuya snapped and forcefully raped Sora because that's all he's thought about in his head and in his dreams. Tetsuya is like in the yandere spectrum, somewhere along the goudere or dorodere archetype. He wanted to do exactly that to Sora and didn't say sorry, not even showing remorse to Sora. Sure, he can mop all he wants and wallow in his pity party, but he has already committed this heinous crime! He ghosted the heck out of Sora and hoped to Gd Sora won't report his ass to the cops for raping him (scratch that, he never thought of it that way lmao). After Sora becomes a full fledged adult, he dares to approach Sora and wants to make Sora stay infantilized in his arms, all so dependent on him and isolated (it's like that thing people do; it's us against the world thing, which is pitiful). Tetsuya's just as bad as that guy who tried to make a move on Sora just a few hours before they reunited, and Tetsuya took advantage of Sora's fragile moments to make him more dependable on him until he can't see it. This is not your typical romance story, and I find it refreshing to read since the uke turns out well as an adult, I feel proud of him and his best friend. In fact that woman too, I feel proud of her for standing her ground and doing the right thing. Girl dodged a bullet! A serial cheater is dangerous (and vile)! I'm proud of them! I have a mixed feeling for the Tetsuya mainly because he acted on his sadistic dreams/fantasies and intrusive thoughts. Yeah, he did warn Sora a few times, but that doesn't mean he can just pull that card like it's just FINE to BLOW OFF SOME STEAM AND FRUSTRATION, dude you literally raped your childhood friend and lover. In fact, their relationship was so vague as if they're both standing in the eye of a tornado, yes they're both wreaking havoc in other people's lives, particularly that woman's life, that's why Sora said, "what's there to cry about? We didn't even have a name to our relationship, we're not even a couple" that kind of gist. They didn't even get there! Tetsuya skipped all the important parts and IMPLIED they're together TOGETHER. Way to go to make the readers depressed. And the second time? SAME THING. They should really define their relationship so Tetsuya won't become frenzied and try to overstep boundaries he can't handle and clearly won't take accountability for by not apologizing and being remorseful. Also, have you guys noticed the way Sora internalized the pain associated with women in his life? He felt conflicted when Tetsuya cheated on his girlfriend and said what they were doing wasn’t right, but soon after that, his resolve crumbled in front of that incessant, overbearing love from Tetsuya. Tetsuya is Sora’s refuge/fortress. He didn’t have a father/mother figure that could mold his perceptions into adulthood. Despite that, he met Tetsuya’s initial advances with retaliations because he knew it’s wrong. Sora isn’t ‘dumb’ as the others try to make him out to be. Had his father listened to Sora’s stepmother’s opinion on Sora’s academic progress and the need to have a private tutor (this means that, by having a private tutor and approving to this move, the parents are showing some attention to Sora. This small thing can affect a kid, they want some love and attention), Sora’s wouldn’t have wound up being so lost about his career choice and life paths. Despite his bitter and abusive dad, Sora turned out to be so bright and successful in his life as an adult and a human being; of course, he’s mid, in his father’s eyes because Sora went against him and didn’t choose to enter a university which will enable him to get a higher paying job, but he chose something that’s less vexing on the mind but more vexing physically because that’s his way to cope (ever heard that exercise is good for the mind? You’ll also feel less depressed compared to the sedentary lifestyle of office life). tbf, his major issue with becoming an office worker is because of his dad, yes let’s talk about the big elephant in the room. He neither wants to become like his dad nor be reminded of him by being an office worker. He’s abhors and adores his father (it’s complex). The years of neglect and physical abuse caught up to them, and the fallout put a big strain on the relationship, and Sora couldn’t wait to get away from his dad. Can you imagine Sora’s first handphone being given to him by Tetsuya and not his own parent? Sora’s first actual ‘fun present’ was also given to him by Tetsuya until it broke and Tetsuya intentionally didn’t repair it to end their relationship; it was symbolic. Tetsuya was like a parent, a brother, and a best friend to Sora; he was everything to Sora. Some parents don’t deserve children, although in the end he did lend some more to Sora (definitely the classic Asian parents move lol tough love laced with love to salvage whatever’s left after it feels like it’s too late now that Sora has run away from home). When choosing that career part decisively, Sora held onto that distant memory of his tenth birthday that his dad and him celebrated with a big full cake, just a while after his mom passed away. This was his comfort (he didn’t tell Tetsuya about it although he allowed Tetsuya to comfort him to some extent), but he profoundly cherishes his dad and the lost affection he knew he’ll never get anymore from his dad. He told Tetsuya he can stand up on his own, but Tetsuya was struggling with his roles for Sora (he basically thinks he needs to be the parent that Sora never had, etc, and this also mingled with his twisted desires for Sora). They were headed on this toxic relationship dynamic despite Tetsuya providing a temporary safe house for Sora (yeah if you noticed, Sora was already taking on a part time job and lying about it to his dad and his own friend, he was eager to be independent from his life long abuser that he was dependent on). Sora wanted to embrace his present situation and build a future for himself and thankfully enough there’s at least 1 person close to motivating him in some way, his best friend who advised him to think for himself and stop being in that codependent spell. If you think about it, his best friend (nurturing love, friendship and brotherhood to keep Sora afloat) was also like a father figure to Sora. This is very telling of what kind of upbringing Sora comes from. I have so much more to say, but I’ll stop here. I think I’m falling in love with Mangaka’s works! I’ve been a fan of manga since reading it. The story's writing style and unfolding tell a lot about the mangaka’s skills. I love it! It’s introspective and also very engaging visually. She’s a fantastic visual storyteller and writer. /// If you want to defend Tetsuya, because somehow he did say he has to move on so that's how he ends up in a rebound relationship, or that he wants to let go of Sora but Sora's persistence won him over, I just wanna say, the rape part cannot discount whatever redeeming qualities or actions he did or have. This criminal needs to be in prison. Rape in a relationship or spousal or marriage relationship is the worst kind of betrayal. That's why I said he's overbearing, and Sora being the younger one, accepts it because his love is bigger than Tetsuya's criminal sinful 'love'. That's not love, he has no respect for Sora and is incredibly manipulative. It takes superhuman strength to love your enemies and Sora did that. He knew Tetsuya was trying to distance himself from him so he broke all those barriers to get to Tetsuya. Sora's character is definitely the puppy type like what Tetsuya said, so that's probably why he was pissed when Sora wanted to do something for himself independently. If you wanna argue that Tetsuya is a good guy, he's not. As if being a rapist isn't enough, he's also a serial cheater! He kept his relationship with Sora so vague yet expected some level of commitment from Sora like they're in a relationship like official lovers with marriage in mind or something like that, like wth is wrong with him? He's self centered and blah blah blah I'll stop LMAO Yeah Tetsuya's definitely a dorodere. Wanted to become Sora's protector, but harms Sora. Wanted to become Sora's big bro whom he can confide in, but in turn made it all about him for not consulting with him first. He wanted to do things for Sora to dominate him. I never expected him to by so trashy until I finished the whole series but here we are. "Yeah but twisted love is still love" sure, if you have low standards. Keep in mind, Tetsuya came from a very good family unlike Sora. This gap in family dynamic households between the two is also what makes this plot twist fun to read. BUT DO I WANT THIS IN REAL LIFE? lol. no. After all the bad things Tetsuya put Sora through, Sora came to a realization that he's fine without even needing Tetsuya and that he can let him go genuinely (romantically), unlike Tetsuya who keeps stringing Yui and Sora along like a useless seme. Honestly, I think Sora wanted a closure and a peaceful one at that, and he was willing to step aside for Yui when she saw her (but he did imply he can 'go see him again on some other days' implying, they COULD cheat, OR, get back together for good). ------------------- Aug 2024 Review (late to the party, but I don't mind): The best part about this story is the MC's realistic responses and the side characters, Tetsuya's girlfriend and Sora's best friend. The romance is okay, but it is just so-so, in my opinion, when it comes to both the MC and ML. I don’t particularly appreciate that he's forceful. The older ML is too overbearing and lashes out that way at the MC. Secondly, both of them are not good characters, they don't have any qualms about cheating on the woman. What did the woman ever do to them? Cheaters are the worst, but then again, I can understand where Sora comes from because of his fragile state of mind and Tetsuya's dark criminal desires for Sora; however, two wrongs don't make a right. I get that the seme has a penchant for cheating while being in a rebound relationship, and the woman is on the receiving end of this relationship. Not only did this happen once, but twice! IMO, when a rebound relationship happens, and it doesn't work out, and that couple reunites with each other, they should have the decency to apologize to the person who's in the rebound relationship, not because she's just collateral damage in their love story, but because she's selfless. The woman is in fact, the green flag here, and honestly, I was stunned that she didn't know she was cheated on by her ex with a guy nonetheless. Tetsuya is a scum. He doesn't even cherish Sora that well. Look at what he did to Sora when he tried to stand up for himself and confronted Tetsuya; Tetsuya snapped and forcefully raped Sora because that's all he's thought about in his head and in his dreams. Tetsuya is like in the yandere spectrum, somewhere along the goudere/dorodere archetype. He wanted to do exactly that to Sora and didn't say sorry, not even showing remorse to Sora. Sure, he can mop all he wants and wallow in his pity party, but he has already committed this heinous crime! He ghosted the heck out of Sora and hoped to Gd Sora won't report his ass to the cops for raping him (scratch that, he never thought of it that way lmao). After Sora becomes a full fledged adult, he dares to approach Sora and wants to make Sora stay infantilized in his arms, all so dependent on him and isolated (it's like that thing people do; it's us against the world thing, which is pitiful). Tetsuya's just as bad as that guy who tried to make a move on Sora just a few hours before they reunited, and Tetsuya took advantage of Sora's fragile moments to make him more dependable on him until he can't see it. This is not your typical romance story, and I find it refreshing to read since the uke turns out well as an adult, I feel proud of him and his best friend. In fact that woman too, I feel proud of her for standing her ground and doing the right thing. Girl dodged a bullet! A serial cheater is dangerous (and vile)! I'm proud of them. I have a mixed feeling for the Tetsuya mainly because he acted on his sadistic dreams/fantasies and intrusive thoughts. Yeah, he did warn Sora a few times, but that doesn't mean he can just pull that card like it's just FINE to BLOW OFF SOME STEAM AND FRUSTRATION, dude you literally raped your childhood friend and lover. In fact, this is so vague with them, that's why Sora said, "what's there to cry about? We didn't even have a name to our relationship, we're not a couple" that kind of gist. Way to go to make the readers depressed. Also, have you guys noticed the way Sora internalized the pain associated with women in his life? He felt conflicted when Tetsuya cheated on his girlfriend and said what they were doing wasn’t right, but soon after that, his resolve crumbled in front of that incessant, overbearing love from Tetsuya. Tetsuya is Sora’s refuge/fortress. He didn’t have a father/mother figure that could mold his perceptions into adulthood. Despite that, he met Tetsuya’s initial advances with retaliations because he knew it’s wrong. Sora isn’t ‘dumb’ as the others try to make him out to be. Had his father listened to Sora’s stepmother’s opinion on Sora’s academic progress and the need to have a private tutor (this means that, by having a private tutor and approving to this move, the parents are showing some attention to Sora. This small thing can affect a kid, they want some love and attention), Sora’s wouldn’t have wound up being so lost about his career choice and life paths. Despite his bitter and abusive dad, Sora turned out to be so bright and successful in his life as an adult and a human being; of course, he’s mid, in his father’s eyes because Sora went against him and didn’t choose to enter a university which will enable him to get a higher paying job, but he chose something that’s less vexing on the mind but more vexing physically because that’s his way to cope (ever heard that exercise is good for the mind? You’ll also feel less depressed compared to the sedentary lifestyle of office life). tbf, his major issue with becoming an office worker is because of his dad, yes let’s talk about the big elephant in the room. He neither wants to become like his dad nor be reminded of him by being an office worker. He’s abhors and adores his father (it’s complex). The years of neglect and physical abuse caught up to them, and the fallout put a big strain on the relationship, and Sora couldn’t wait to get away from his dad. Can you imagine Sora’s first handphone being given to him by Tetsuya and not his own parent? Sora’s first actual ‘fun present’ was also given to him by Tetsuya until it broke and Tetsuya intentionally didn’t repair it to end their relationship; it was symbolic. Tetsuya was like a parent, a brother, and a best friend to Sora; he was everything to Sora. Some parents don’t deserve children, although in the end he did lend some more to Sora (definitely the classic Asian parents move lol tough love laced with love to salvage whatever’s left after it feels like it’s too late now that Sora has run away from home). When choosing that career part decisively, Sora held onto that distant memory of his tenth birthday that his dad and him celebrated with a cake, just a while after his mom passed away. This was his comfort (he didn’t tell Tetsuya about it although he allowed Tetsuya to comfort him to some extent), but he profoundly cherishes his dad and the lost affection he knew he’ll never get anymore from his dad. He told Tetsuya he can stand up on his own, but Tetsuya was struggling with his roles for Sora (he basically thinks he needs to be the parent that Sora never had, etc, and this also mingled with his twisted desires for Sora). They were on this toxic relationship dynamic despite Tetsuya providing a temporary safe house for Sora (yeah if you noticed, Sora was already taking on a part time job and lying about it to his dad and his own friend, he was eager to be independent from his life long abuser that he was dependent on). Sora wanted to embrace his present situation and build a future for himself and thankfully enough there’s at least 1 person close to motivating him in some way, his best friend who advised him to think for himself and stop being in that codependent spell. If you think about it, his best friend was also like a father figure to Sora. This is very telling of what kind of upbringing Sora comes from. I have so much more to say, but I’ll stop here. I think I’m falling in love with Mangaka’s works! I’ve been a fan of manga since reading it. The story's writing style and unfolding tell a lot about the mangaka’s skills. I love it! It’s introspective and also very engaging visually. She’s a fantastic visual storyteller and writer. --------------------- A Night Of A Thousand Nights (Ikusen no Yoru Dai Ichi Ya) (2007) Growing up in a single parent household with an abusive father, Sora always took comfort in knowing that his best friend and neighbor Tetsuya is always there for him. Their relationship has always been a close one, but when they realize they're beginning to develop feelings for each other beyond the boundaries of "best friends", Tetsuya starts to avoid Sora all together. Will they be able to regain the comfortable friendship they once shared? Or will it all fall apart? Source: Digital Media Guild Romance Slice of Life Yaoi NonCon
Haru wa Kimi ni Sasayaku