lenabuF's manga / #Angst(9)

Blue Lust

Complete | Hinako (ひなこ) | 2015 released

An interesting drama, two guys with a dark past: one bullied because of his sexuality, tired of being judged and unable to express his true self. On the other hand, the other guy indirectly pushed out his classmate for the same reason, because he was confused and scared to accept himself, and he internalized this sense of guilty and sorrow from then. Interesting plot, not just because there's the drama aspect of it, but those dramatical episodes are a direct result of the main characters's psycology, marked by their past and by the fear of what people could think( or could do) knowing their true feelings and identity. Their attitude towards each other, towards "society"(represented by other kids at school) and towards theirself shows show it can be difficult when you feel misunderstood and refused just because of the way you are( something that you can't choose and you can't change) Anyone should definetly give this manga a try, notte because it's an innovative plot but because it describes superbly that kind of this scenario.

Nanadome No Gomenne

Complete | kojima lalako | 2000 released
2017-03-29 22:21 marked

Complex (MANDA Ringo)

Complete | Manda Ringo | 2000 released

I just want to say that this story is not perfect, too many distressing things happen during the life of the two MCs, too many misunderstandings, the author aims a little bit too much on a sympathetic crier plot but even considering that, the mangaka achieves to convey soo many emotions and sensations to the reader that I think that it's almost impossible to hate or to dislike this story. So beautiful and touching even with the flaws written above, the portrayted love in this story is so strong but at the same time complicated (like the title suggest), something that neither time can erase. I HIGHLY recommend anyone to read it!

Kimi no Naka Ni

Complete | Homura Jiko | 2000 released

WARNING tissues on hand, you're gonna need them if you read this