Code of Silence
Ang bilis ng pacing. Ito talaga yung information dump e HAHHAAHHAHAH. Cute yung art, pero I don't like the plot. Maybe it's not for me.
In for the psychological
Red Candy
Green flag, Hajun! Strong uke, Shihyeon! I like the story, and some action scenes. I like how the story developed, and how they interact with each other. I really like how they solve their misunderstanding by communicating with each other.
This is not a happy ending. This is a horror, psychological story. Hindi rin macoconsider as bl kase puro katoxican lang nandito.
Wolf In The House
Omg! Ang gandaaaaaa. Ang saya, buti may mga happy ending sila T^T. Ang ganda ng mga characters, ang cute nila! Sobraaaaa. Ang ganda ng story kase may mga action din bukod sa romance. Ang ganda ng plot, shems. Overall, sooobrang ganda.
Bad Friend
This is so interesting, I'm liking the story. I like the couple and the art, omg! I'm having a lot of expectations, hope to not be disappointed. Waiting for the next chapters!
The Contractors of Pandora