Hatsukoi Encounter
It's a masterpiece, sorry. If you get it, you get it. If you don't, you don't. If you know, you know.
Duke's Private Tutor
TW // rape , sexual assault The author can't go a day without drawing a sexual assault scene. Please stop torturing Jace, those scenes are so unnecessary and to be fair nothing could really save the story for me. I thought season 2 would be better but it's almost the same as season 1 just with 'If you hate me so' where the rapist is suddenly kind to the uke and everything is okay; 'The Duke's Private Tutor is not okay though, it sucks. The only redeeming quality is Noah and his friend and the beautiful art that made me let out gasp after gasp each chapter. Unfortunately, beautiful illustrations are useless when you have bad characters, unnecessary rape scenes and an asshole for a duke. Let's just hope he acknowledge all his wrongdoings throughout the story, oh wait who am I kidding, he would never. Let's try again by writing a good story and having beautiful art in the next manhwa, author!
On Doorstep