What's with this strange dream?!
one of the best stories I have read in a while. Definitely #2 in my heart next to Kiraide Isasete. These are both very good reads and I highly recommend.
His Little Amber
Dareka Yume Dato Ittekure
guys… this is literally so damn good omg I can’t express it enough. It’s a omegaverse and mpreg with very good plot and great side characters, I cannot stress it enough if you are into fluffy stories READ THIS ONE!
Full volume
Great read tbh. I started reading this when it first came out, forgot about it, and decided to pick it up last week and I did not regret it at all. 8.5/10 wouldn’t really read again because it just wouldn’t be the same
Good read, I really like how they were able to communicate very well in the end. A very warm story that will have you wishing to see their relationship out till the last of its days. 9/10
Dear Door
So good but I definitely did bawl my eyes out during the end other than that it’s a really good story that I will not be rereading
Kimochiii tte Nihongo de Nante iuno