Tameiki no Haru ni Koi no Natsu
Great sequel to hinekure. I love that we got to see him finally be happy because in the main story I definitely felt bad for haru. 9.7/10
Full volume
Great read tbh. I started reading this when it first came out, forgot about it, and decided to pick it up last week and I did not regret it at all. 8.5/10 wouldn’t really read again because it just wouldn’t be the same
Good read, I really like how they were able to communicate very well in the end. A very warm story that will have you wishing to see their relationship out till the last of its days. 9/10
Dear Door
So good but I definitely did bawl my eyes out during the end other than that it’s a really good story that I will not be rereading
Smoky Nectar
TEN OUT OF FUCKING TEN. it was amazing and I don’t feel like it was rushed at all even tho the random hornball adolescent was kinda unneeded. OVERALLLLL this was a great read for me cause I love vampires