Tonari no Metaller-san
About to freeze to death on a day of heavy snow, Kento is saved by his neighbor Soushi. Dressed all in black, taciturn and scary-looking, Soushi seems hard to approach, but his eyes, almost hidden by his long hair, shine as if pleading for something. After that day, the two of them end up eating together every day for one year. Kento, while hiding the fact that he's gay, doesn't want the peaceful and happy time they share to come to an end. Can he keep a lid on his feelings...?!
Suki toka Arienai!
Third year Editor, Tsukamoto Takahiro spends most of his time reading novels by Setoguchi Itsuki. Takahiro is in charge of Itsuki while his senior is on his maternity leave. However, what was supposed to be the best time has turned into something else due to his new neighbor. Their first impressions of each other were the worst, yet they also both find out that they are actually rivals in love! Under such circumstances, Takahiro couldn’t believe who appeared during his meeting with Setoguchi-sensei!
Tadareta Koi ni wa Itashimasen!