Ookami-sama no Koiwazurai
Thank Goodness, I already read a beast men that dont need to portray his fuckboy tendencies. There is no need to draw the seme sleeping around to tell that he is a true wolf. It was also great a uke that is not a crybaby. Overall, I love how faithful the seme and how the uke deals with his feelings properly instead of running away. Great Job to author-san!!!
Wakarazuya no Renai Houteishiki
The seme is not a fuck boy, but was misunderstood by the uke because the seme was comforting a ghorll Review: It was a good read, thank goodness that there are no major problems because of the mc's friend and the relationship between the mc and ml was wholesome and lovely.
Drugless Sex 2
Okay here my is my review after reading Chap 5 In Chapter 5: At first, I was so angry with tatsu or the uke I think (IDK his name) because he attempted to cheat, but after him confirming that even if Inui or the seme didn't go home and dont caught them on the act of cheating, Tatsu (uke) will still resist cheating with that another person because he clearly said it at the last page of the chapter that he cant really do it with a woman now. The uke was stupid, but I understand because he was previously a playboy and I think, he didnt really know much about being the bottom and his ego is breaking due to his history of being a playboy, but after Inui come to his life, he think he was played at the hand of the Seme. I think if only someone, not just Inui, (since he cant understand the uke'd position or feelings) can make Tatsu (the uke) understand things, especially some character who is a bottom, then maybe Tatsu can share the feelings he kept of being afraid dominated by Inue. Final review after reading it all: It was greatttt!!! I love the Inui chibis, his chibi is cute, but also persistent to tatsu. There relationship is somewhat smutty, Im scared of doing it everyday, but many fictions always portray how love equates to sex. I wish people in the future portray love not just through sex, but in other ways more romantic.
Ookami-kun wa hanasanai
My review: (After finishing the manga) So beautiful, I realized somethings about entering a relationship, it gave me lesson about how relationships work. It is a nice, fluffy and beautiful to read. My review: (after reading chapter 3) I just want to spout something about those people that are saying that the 2nd volume of wolf x rabbit is boring compared to the 2nd volume of lion x horse. You are PATHETIC!!! Maybe we have different likes, but saying this is boring is not logical. If I read the plot of the 2nd volume of wolf x rabbit compared to lion x horse. This one has unique plot than the other. As you can see, this volume doesnt only talk about possible love rivalry, but also family conflict. I didnt find it boring and I was happy that the problem about the love rivalry end smoothly and easily and both the wolf and rabbit was dealing with their own problems, buy they solve this problems because they are with one another. I like both 2nd volume of the wolf x rabbit and lion x horse. It is just annoying how people degrade the wolf x bunny just because the 1st volume is fluffy and they think the problems encountered in the 2nd volume is boring. So pathetic. Anyways kuddos to the author, I only read for free, but I was so interested about the seme's mother and the seme himself conflict.
Fushiguro wa Ore ni Amai - Jujutsu Kaisen dj
So cuteeee!! thank goodness it was a shounen ai, I really thought that there will be explicit scene with fugi x suku, but thank g. This manga is not illegal. Anywayst that was cute again huhu love that there are jjk bl shipping that is not fucked up in the head.
Arima-san wa omega ni naritai
I already read the volume 1, which ends at chapter 5.6, but the translator says that there will be a 2nd season for this manga, so I just take note that I already read volume 1 or 1st season.
Heesu in Class 2
It was very fun to read, it makes my heart doki doki!! But quite disapointed about the last chapter of sunwoo and dahm, they didnt even. Communicate about the problem compared to heesu and seungwon. Anyway, all is well when it ends well (huhu IDK if this is the right idiom TT) As for Heesu and Seungwon, goodness, I need some seungwon in my life and their relationship was so cuteee!! I love it!!! Mwahhh!!
Outsider Communication
My review: There are some comments saying the seme manipulate the uke, I get that the seme control the situation due to his accident, but it is not something too dark or even scary. The seme even deserve uke's help because he accidentally pushed him and I think, the seme had no ill intentions at the beginning of the story. I clearly seen that he develop feelings for him during the time they are together and not just in the past. In addition, the seme didnt plan tripping in the stairs, so the manipulation for me isnt even a bad manipulation which can be seen in other more darker bl stories. Anyways, love the seme, so honest which makes my heart flutter mwehehe. The uke on the other hand easily accept gay relationship, which is confusing because he watch pornography, but I think the uke was just really open to any kind of relationship. Kuddos for both the two of them, love their communication. (I also dont know why it has outsider in the title, but they really have a good and sincere communication or conversation) Love lots.... Mwahhh!!!
Thoroughbred wa nabikanai