I am not sure how to feel about this. Though, I’m glad they got a happy ending.
Nineteen Over
I came for the cover edit: why tf was the rape so easily brushed off… nvm, I dont like this anymore. its not like the black-haired is even handsome anyway… the blonde deserves better edit 2: actually. if “you’re always a child in my eyes” mean whag i think it means, then blondie can fuck himself too. this actually had so much potiential.
Zetsubou ni Nake
this story feels like a tangled mess of the characters. not in a way where the author made this story horrible and a mess. bur a mess as in, one event leads to another and one mess leads to another. theres a lot that cant be forgiven.
Let Dai
i hate and love this. dai’s really pretty and handsome but he is awful. i dislike him. a lot. same with the Jaehee. I get that you would do anything for your love but is Dai deserving of that love? last read: vol9