20 First night
33 they go to the north
35 Hue acting cute in bed and morning sex
36 the explanation: if a husband loves his wife, then he gives her power within the house
41 ela fala com a prof que Hue visita ela toda noite
47. Hue realised He was an idiot for agree to Lucia doesn't fell in love with him
52 Taran story
56 Hue builds a house house for women only and Kate Milton uses this in her favor
61 hue get in trouble for pry in. Lucy's Health
69 I'm in love with her - they met in the garden
70 she loves him
72 Damien appears
87 hue is back
99 tea party of hell
105 they adopted Damien
109 Damian leaves
112 Damian is not my real son
132 - back to capital
139 Lucia knows that she can always seduce Hue
142 Lucia is upset because she purchased 19 dresses
147 Hue is jealous
150 Hue scorted Lucia to the tea party
153 Hue crumble bc what happened in the tea party