The premise of the story alone is so good. At first, it's quite boring seeing chiko debating whether to go for it or not but later on it got chills n static running around my body. The way they at last knock some sense into those kids n also end up being big sis chiko really is interesting n heartfelt. It just shows hope exist n the fact that everyone have their own struggle.
It's hard to describe, it just sad. You learn a lot reading this. Every story is so deep and thought provoking. What ishikawa did in the end is morally wrong but he did for a reason and haruna are thankful for it so i got nothing to complain. I don't think this story really tergantung like people said. It really reach the peak when ishikawa stop haruna lifeline. The decision he takes. It require lot of bravery and he had thought and gone thru so much. This author really never let me down.
Kimi no Knife
For the first time, what a shitty ending senseiii.
Satsujin Purgatorium