Our Sweet 1R
4 stars // this was really good actually! it's not everyday you get a manga that starts with the couple already dating and even living together in a 1LDK! I loved both of the characters, you could see that they love each other very much the same amount, like there's not a one-sided thing where one slowly starts falling out of love with the other or something similar to that, because usually with stories where they were already a couple when it started they'd end up breaking up, only to later get back together and i kinda hate it when it goes there. And, this story *kind* of went there? but it was mostly a misunderstanding on their parts. i think the only reason i didn't give it a five star was because the conflict, in my humble opinion, isn't that strong to warrant such a reaction and aftermath. Sure refusing sex when they'd usually do it often would cause some eyebrow raises, but it could be SO easily solved if they just, talk, it, out. it's both of their faults honestly, uke was not being honest about wanting to stop having sex so often and came out harsh and rejecting, and seme was also at fault for getting his assumptions to his head and acted it out in front of the uke without confirming anything, it's just one hell of a big misunderstanding and i thanked the gods they didn't get to a "let's break up" scenario because if they did and then get back together? I would've given it three stars. Anyway they solved the misunderstanding beautifully! i teared up a little bit, it really sounded like a proposal! and in the end they moved to a bigger place! i hope they grow old together (≧◡≦) ♡
The Wolf in the Flower Shop