HoneyKitty's manga / #Webtoon(295)

Limited Run

Complete | Eeej | 2019 released

It was going so well but the end was rushed. I wanted to see more of them in an actual loving relationship. We didn’t get to see them lovey-dovey! I wanted to see Uke enjoying loving sex. It took too long for them to get back together or for Seme to realize that he loves Uke. They are such good characters design. Uke is stubborn but kind and Seme is the cold stoic kind but kind as well. We didn’t get to see the trial or conflict with grandpa anymore either. Uke sees an up and coming Actor. He hasn’t gotten good offers yet and he lives in a poor neighborhood with his brother, father and grandma. Uke gets a call That he could be sponsored by the CEO of a big and popular company. He refused because he doesn’t want to sell his body to make it big. Uke tells his family about it and they get happy thinking they will be living better now. He calls them crazy for suggesting he do it but they see nothing wrong. His dad gambles and has loan sharks after him. Uke accepts the offer and goes to meet CEO. Uke realizes CEO is a man. Seme asked him if he has been with a man and tells him he needs to be his pretend affectionate boyfriend. Uke tells him he has (he hasn't had sex but had to give blowjobs to loan shark guy) and accepts. They go out to dinner. Everyone sees. Seme tells him to stop acting stiff. The chairman/grandpa tells Seme to stop with the fling because he has plans for him. Chairman doesn’t believe Seme is with a man. Uke gets a role in a series finally. Uke and Seme meet and Uke thanks him and Seme tells him he better do good because is reputation is on that too. Seme kisses Uke because he knows he is being watch by chairman now. Uke is still stiff so Seme statesthey need to get their bodies in sync. They fail to have sex because Uke started to cry in pain. Seme is not interested in forcing him. Even though Seme is not interested in man or sex, Seme wants them to know and see them having sex. Lol. Uke gets taken by Seme to buy new clothes because Seme states it wouldn’t be right for Uke to look like a bum when he has a rich boyfriend. Seme states it’s a shopping date. Lol. Uke gets presents for his family too. They talk about how Uke wants to pay his dad’s debt. Seme drops him off but then changes his mind and takes him to a hotel to have sex. Uke asked why he choose him and Seme states he was the most attractive. Lol. Loan Shark see Uke will be in new tv drama so he lets the dad borrow more money. Shark tells Uke if he sucks his cock he can let the interest slide one mouth. Uke is angry at his dad for gambling again. Uke wants to ask Seme for more money but he can’t and ends up just having sex with him, the next morning he sees a modeling contract for the exact among of money he needed. Uke and Blondie co-star aren’t getting along and The Director is giving Uke a hard time. At an even, Blondie sees Uke and Seme together. He now know who the Spencer’s is and ends up recording and over hearing them having sex. He gets hard. Seme gets wind of Uke not being treated well by Director so he goes to the set and somewhat warns the director about rumors of him spreading. Uke sees Seme doing all these nice things for him and he’s starting to feel like a real boyfriend. Uke goes on a date with Seme and while heading back home he gets drag to an alley and half raped by Shark (he stoped putting it in because he heard a voice). He left marks all over Uke’s body. On the weekend, Uke and Seme take a drive to the beach, in Seme’s mother’s town. She past away when he was young. They eat, go for a walk at the beach and go to Seme mother’s old home. They while watching tv Uke asked to kisses Seme. They begin to get it on when Seme notice the marks on Uke’s body. Uke want to explain but can’t because of his pride. Seme asumes that he’s been fucking other men behind his back. They have rough sex. Uke tells him he hasn’t had sex with anyone else and Seme is upset and tells him he should have explained himself in the beginning. An article is written about Uke’s brother being a bully and Uke was a bullly too (Brother beat up kids that where calling Uke a whore). Seme takes care of it and warns his grandpa not to do it again. Seme hasn’t contact Uke so he is starting to believe they are over. At the wrap up party for the tv drama, Uke goes out for a breather and Blondie follows, Uke tells him why he has a problem with him, if he wants to fuck him. Lol. Seme gets there and tells Blondie to leave essentially. Lol. Seme gives Uke flowers and congratulates him for the tv drama. Uke get disappointed when he sees Seme’s flowers being given to someone else and ignoring him. Uke gets drunk and passes out.nhe wakes up thinking it’s manager but it Seme taking up to bed. Uke asked for Seme to stay. During sex, Uke tells him he was disappointed that Is why he got drunk. Seme states he seems like he has feeling for him, to which Uke reply what if he does. Seme states that is not going to change the status of their relationship.Uke states he knows. Seme tells Uke that his father used to be a driver for the company, the company went by a different name, it changed when his father got remarried. His father was there when his mother died. Seme also picked Uke because he needs him to do get a USB that should be in Uke’s place. (Seme actual meet Uke when Uke was 7. Seme believes that his mother got killed so his father could remarry. Seme feels guilty because he wanted the life he was living and still be with his mother so he asked her not to get divorced. When his mother died, everyone involved died as well. He knew Uke’s father got a good severance pay and he thought Uke was well off until Seme one day when Uke was in high school he almost ran Uke over with his car. (Uke was trying to run away from Loan Shark). Uke was taken to the hospital were they told him Uke has bruises from physical abuse. Seme knows his grandpa doesn’t know they are still a live.) Blondie visits Shark to name a price to get rid of Uke. He gives him the recording but Shark tells him that is not enough evidence. They need to do something else. Uke sees Seme in a meeting with a women at a restaurant. Uke asked Seme while he still is looking for the USB to have feelings for him. Seme states he doesn’t understand. That Seme already stated to not ask for more even if he knows he likes him. Uke starts to cry. Seme takes him to his place. Uke states he is fine now to leave and Seme tells him that he does like and cares for Uke but he wishes Uke can tell him exactly what he wants. They have sex. Uke wants to repay Seme’s kindness by finding the USB for him. Uke can’t find it anywhere in the house so he asked his Dad. Dad gets angry and denies it but later that night he goes and unbury the USB. Uke takes it away and know he has it. Uke wants to give it to Seme after Christmas because he still wants to see him (he believes they will break up afterwards). Seme’s Secretary tells Seme that he doesn’t need to accept Uke’s request all the time. Seme tells him thanks for the concern but to stay out of it and not to tell him again. Uke calles Secretary to ask about a present for Seme and Secretary tells him that Seme is kind but he needs to stay in his lane not to cross the line. Uke buys Seme a watch. They go on their Christmas date. Secretary goes to talk to Uke’s dad. He gets into an accident. Seme goes to see him and he tells Seme that he spoke to Uke’s dad and he already has the USB for a while now. Seme is angry. Seme meets with Uke and tells him if he really thought he would fall for him in another week or so, to not bet on it, and that he Uke was well aware that they would put an end to the show. Uke states he will hold on to the USB for now because without it, he’ll become nothing to Seme. Uke leaves and starts to cry because of the realization that after everything they’ve been through, Uke couldn’t make Seme his. He finally goes to a club private party Blondie keeps inviting him to (Blondie and Shark plan to get him drugged and rape him on camera). Uke gets spiked and just when they were going to rape him he kicks Blondie and smashing a bottle to the other guy. Uke can’t run far and then Seme gets there (Uke’s Manager contacts Seme telling him Uke is missing). Tells the guy to fuck off and takes Uke with him. Seme is mad and asked him if he was trying to get a new Sugar daddy. Seme states he will give Uke what he wants and starts having sex with him. Uke cries and bits him telling him that he is confusing him. Seme states that having sex with Uke means nothing. The next night, Uke goes home. Father is drunk and asking him if he has the USB (father has a fake one in his hands) Uke is feed up and starts telling off his dad. Dad slaps him and Uke leaves to go give the real USB to Seme. Uke dad goes to the grandpa to sell him the fake USB and grandpa gives him the money but then tells his people to kill him, he doesn’t believe him. Dad gets hit by a truck and dies. In the mean time, Uke gives Seme USB. Seme apologize for his behavior. Uke wants to hear Seme tell him at least once that he likes him. Seme asked, even though He knows it’s a lie? Uke states he should have given up a long time a go and thanks him for everything he has done, he won’t contact him anymore. The funeral for the dad comes around. Shark goes and tells Uke his dad as debt with him again. Uke states he can take the donation money because he isn’t paying. Uke gets beat up. Seme arrives just has Shark is leaving. Uke states he doesn’t need help. They go outside to talk. Seme believes his his fault but Uke states everything was his choice and that he doesn’t want to see him right now and leaves. Seme gives his number to Uke’s brother telling him he manages Uke and to contact him if it anything evolving Uke. Shark ‘Company’ Gets shaken and bloody by other crazy people working for Seme. Seme gets there and tells Shark to rip the name of Uke’s dad of the books. Uke is overworking, not sleeping enough (he goes to visit Granma at the hospital now), and doesn’t eat well. He faints and brother calls Seme. Seme brings doctor. Uke get a contract that he will be an exclusive model for Seme’s company. Uke tells Seme not to do that to leave him alone and not to have pity. Seme is also confused why he is doing all this for Uke. Blondie tell Uke that their is a vid of the attempted rape and the person wants money. Uke tells him to figure it out himself. Uke ends up meeting at the place where the guy tells him to to get the money. Uke gets hit and dragged to a warehouse. Turns out it was Shark. Shark tells Seme to bring 1 million if he wants Uke back. Seme is with the lawyer/detective, post pones the trial, and leaves to go get Uke. (The USB had info on fraudulent things the company was doing and a recording of the mother being threatened with death). Seme gets there to Shark ejaculating on Uke’s face. Shark states Uke’s ass must be good for that type of money. He states he trained Uke to use his mouth well that Seme should enjoy it. Seme goes mad and beats Shark up (Seme gets a cut on his face and bloody knuckles). Uke gets taken to hospital. Uke asked why didn’t Seme just gave him money and told him to look for the USB. Seme tells Uke that every time he tried to investigate they got killed. So he got relieved when he found out that Uke was an Actor. Seme was confident that he can make him a big star that nobody can touch not even his grandfather. Uke thanks him for telling him but also states he shouldn’t have came and that he will pay the money back. Seme tells him it’s not Uke’s responsibility that he choose that. Uke states he doesn’t want to be indebted anymore to Seme and leaves the hospital. Uke is emotional because he doesn’t understand why Seme is acting that way after all this time. Uke gives giving money to Seme and Seme keeps returning it. Uke goes to see Seme and asked him why. Seme tells him again it’s not is responsibility to pay the money back, to not push his luck, and can Uke even afford it. Uke states he wants to cut all ties with him. Seme states to give him that money he will exhaust himself working and collapse because that’s all he can do. Uke states he can sell himself for the right price and that he should estimate the price. They have sex. Uke feels embarrassed and tells Seme to forget what just happen. Seme tells Uke that he will call the debt repaid if he meets him to talk 3 more times, to please give him a chance to apologize for how rude he has been. Uke states he will think about it. Seme gets to see the attempted rape vid and he feels ashamed how he acted towards Uke that day, that he was no better then those guys. On the side side, Seme tells his men to find Shark and let him know not to come around them again (Shark gets killed by his men). Seme sets up a plan to lure Uke to eat with him. Uke states he hasn’t accept yet but Seme tells him he just wanted to see Uke. Uke Brother got a scholarship from Seme’s company and their grandma got moved to a better location in the hospital. Uke also received the painting he liked and a note stating that he can go back to his previous place there are still stuff of Uke’s there. Uke and Seme meet. Uke thanks Seme for what he has done. Uke see a poster of a play he wanted to go see but it’s ending already. The next time they meet, Seme sets up a way to see the play in private. Uke thanks him and invites him to eat. Uke is flying for a photo shoot and sees on tv a scandal that Seme is dating the prosecutor that is leading the investigation and show a pic of them. Uke knows he can’t say anything because Seme has never stated he wants a relationship with Uke but it also the rumor bugs him. Seme goes to where Uke is. They take a walk and Seme explains that he isn’t dating her and that he realizes he wants to do more things for Uke and make him happy not out of guilt but because he wants to. Uke tells him how he can come up with that conclusion when not long ago he was begging to be liked by him. Uke tells him he can’t make him happy so they should part ways and think of their time together as good memories. 6 months pass, Uke acting career is going well and Seme’s trial is over and is now the Vice President of the Company. Uke ends up wining an award. Seme is there to see him accept it. Uke ends up getting into a 5 car accident. Seme freaks out and goes to we’re the crash site is to find Uke. Uke just hit his forehead but is fine. Seme hugs him and tells him he thought he will never see him again not even on tv. Seme states he can’t let go of him anymore. They go back to Seme’s place to dry up. Uke wants to leave and then starts to cry in frustration that he likes Seme and just when he thinks he is moving on Seme appears again. Seme tells Uke that it’s all his fault because he realizes he liked Uke too late. Uke tells him to repeat it again that he likes him. A month pass, Uke Is raping up a scene at the beach. Seme and Uke take a walk and Seme kisses Uke in the cheek. It seems like they stared over again. Side episode: AU of a tale that a human is sacrifice to the dragon god in order to get rain. But the dragon falls for the human and marries them. Uke is the new sacrifice. Seme saves him. They have sex. Uke goes back to village to tell them they will have rain but they want to sacrifice him again because they think the ritual hasn’t been completed. Seme saves him kills off the ones who try to kill Uke and takes him as his wife. CEO of big company️ Vice President (32) X Actor (24) Loan Shark (34)

Body Complex

Complete | Dell Studio,Reck | 2019 released

2.8 I like the beginning but ending was rushed. It needed more chapters. Wish we could have seen them going on dates and such, their everyday life as a couple. I want to see a future chapter. I like how Seme believes they are dating after a couple of times having sex. Lol. Cute. He really fell for Uke hard. I feel bad for Seme because he kinda got manipulated by everyone. He got used by Uke to get back at his lover, wife used him to get Uke away from Professor to make him pay, and his own father was going to use him to get more fame. Uke stayed with Seme because he was kind to him and persistent. Seme fell for him because he is his first. Sex Complex CG TOON (Yaoi): It’s the same, more condensed but with some extra details. a lot more was explained. Wish they would have added that on this one. Lol. Uke dreams of becoming an Artist but he’s a bum working odd jobs. He gets into Piano and a video of him playing goes viral. He gets a Sponsor (he becomes the profesor’s Whore/lover. The Professor is a world renowned pianist and an executive director of the art foundation. He gave Uke a scholarship). He feels exasperated because their is no improvement and he thinks he isn’t getting much benefit from the Professor. His hand isn’t in great condition and at school he is known as a freak and is an outcast because he does what he wants and seems flipped about everything (Uke has a potty mouth). He doesn’t see the point in trying hard if nothing changes. The professor promised Uke he will go to Germany to study if he’s half as good as his illegitimate son (Seme). Uke and Seme end up living together (Uke lived with Professor and now his son is joining him. Uke complains but the Professor but he states Uke is his lover but is only staying at his place to fulfill his own sex drive like an animal. To not ley a hand on his son. They have sex and Seme ends up seeing it). Uke bugs Seme (he tells him to be his housekeeper, gets him kicked out of his feather’s lecture and then water thrown at his face by Uke. He chases him around in anger and profesor tells them to behave). They go out drinking and they get drunk. Lol. Seme is a light weight. Seme can’t comprih how his father can have a wife and boyfriend and have treated his own mother bad (She already passed away and asked the professor the least he can do is let him stay with him too). Professor is mad but Uke tells him off. Professor apologize and they have sex. (Professor was being nice to Uke in a text. Uke has been in love with him for 6 yrs. apparently Professor told him he was gay but didn’t tell him about the son and wife). The Wife is the Chairwoman of the school and visits the Professor to tell him why his whore in the list of soloist and he needs to be careful with his son, that he is also stupid for leaving 2 young people in his house. Lol. Uke asked Seme to have a duet. They play together. Seme at night ends up masturbating to the thought of Uke’s face. Uke recognizes Seme is a rising Genius and he is jealous that he can do things he can’t. Seme beats up rich kid because he over heard him saying Uke said his mother was a prostitute. Uke tells Seme to watch his hand. Lol. Rich kid apologize and states he miss heard that Uke didn’t say it. Seme is heated and calls Uke a slut. Uke gets mad and tells him to not talk to him again. Seme brings beer and wine to apologize to Uke. Lol. Seme tells Uke he saw them having sex when he first came to the house, he doesn’t understand the relationship because he knows his father is cold hearted but he is on Uke’s side. Uke and Rich kid get into a fight. ( apparently rich kid has a video of Uke being gang bang and threatens Uke he will lick it but Uke states he has the original so he will sue him ).Seme stops the fight and Uke sees that Professor is there but just like in the past when he got beat up by Rich kid he does nothing and leaves. Uke gets upset and Seme tells him what is up with rich kid if Uke wants revenge but Uke states he wants revenge on someone that keeps hurting him (the Professor). Uke has sex with Seme. Seme is a straight virgin. Professor actually tells Rich kid to stop harassing Uke. Uke and Seme have sex again and Seme tells Uke to stop being with his father. Uke states that could be a problem, that he should just enjoy himself. Seme tells him he will let himself be taken advantage of for the time being. The Professor ends up hearing that Uke and Seme are getting closer from other classmates and he finds semen on the practice room floor. He is going to install cameras in his home. After more sex at home, Seme tells him after he wins the competition and he goes to study abroad they can run away together in Germany. Uke states if he is in love and Seme states why can’t he be. Uke states he can’t because he doesn’t believe in love anymore. Professor tells Seme that he better be careful because sooner or later he’s going to get caught. Seme states he is just venting on him because he got his plaything taken away from him. Professor punches Seme and states not to cross him and to not touch his possessions. Seme asked if Uke is that precious that heaven him and his mom couldn’t compare. Professor states that Uke can’t do anything without him and he is the lovely creature he confined in his aquarium and won’t let him go. Seme calls him disgusting and Professor states he doesn’t care and he should run away. Seme and Uke go home and have sex. They notice the camera. Uke gives money to Seme and tells him to go to a hotel and not to comeback because he doesn’t want him to see what will happen. Professor gets home and punishes Uke by giving an aphrodisiac drug and BDSM. Uke states he is sorry but later on states that he is tired of Professor that he knows he is just a toy for sex. Professor hits him. Ukestates that if he had never hit him and hurt his hand he could have been a better pianist. Before he gets strike again, Seme comes in to stop it. He takes Uke with him because Uke states he doesn’t like BDSM stuff. Professor watches them leave but believes that Uke will come crawling back because of money or fame. Seme tells Uke he came to his father because he wanted to destroy him and his lover because he left his mom, got married to another woman and got a side lover. Seme tells Uke his father is a Pervert and sociopath that they should get their visas and leave to Germany. (In a flash back, The wife tells Seme that he doesn’t like what Professor is doing (having sex at her house and dating) but in his twisted way he loves Uke). Wife is preparing to bring down Professor. Professor calls wife to blame her for what happen (Seme taking Uke away from him. They moved out). Wife changes the duet to be with Uke instead of Seme. Seme tells Uke not to go perform but Uke wants to go because it’s something that he’s been waiting to do. The day of the duet, Wife is looking for Seme. Seme is having sex with Uke. Uke goes out to play with Professor and then a vid of them having sex plays on the screen. Professor leaves with Uke and blames him for his reputation being over. That he gave a whore everything for him to turn around and sleep with his son. Uke gets angry and tells him he loved him that’s why he followed him. Professor accidentally pushes Uke into the street and a semi truck hits him. Seme sees Uke being taken into the ambulance. Professor tells Seme that he will take responsibility and him and Uke will go to Germany. Seme tells him he will never be like him that he took Uke’s dream away and to not run away. Professor ends up leaving by himself to Germany. The doctor tells him that his wrist is in bad condition but with rehab he might be a pianist again. Uke runs way thinking it the end for him. Seme is sad and depressed and asked Wife to look for Uke. She finally finds Uke and Seme goes to him. Seme remembers at one point before the crazy events happen Uke told Seme he loved him. Uke and Seme stay and live together. Seme tells him he will support him and will always be with him. Uke accepts it because he wants to be with Seme too. Music College Piano Major (20) X Music College Piano Major (26) Executive director of the art foundation Professor (40)

Sex Complex CG TOON

Complete | Dell Studio | 2000 released

This is a better version. It had a little less of the loving Seme dialogue but since the first one was read, this one gives more definition. It’s the same, more condensed but with some extra details. A lot more times they had sex, how the mother never told the Professor she was pregnant and then she got sick and die but before she asked Seme to reach out to Father. Seme began working and gave up playing the piano to take care of his mom. The TA of the Professor spread the rumors of Uke fucking the Professor to get the scholarship (she was mad because she also was competing for it). When Uke got raped by classmates, Uke told Professor and he said he would take care of it but he didn’t. They kept raping Uke but Professor kept doing nothing. Uke is falling out of love but believes everything would be fine if Professor sends him to Germany like he promised (Uke thought why would he want to keep around the source of his bad reputation). Uke practiced way to hard and Professor likes BDSM so that fucked up his wrist. Uke fell for Seme when, in the practice room, he saw Seme protecting him from the classmate who raped him while Professor did nothing again. Uke states at first he was with Seme to get under Professor skin but not anymore. The one who provided them with a new place when they moved out was the wife. In the end, Uke is in rehab while Seme wins first place in a competition the wife asked him to participate in. They both end up going to Germany and the fuck on the plane. Lol. The end. Music College Piano Major (20) X Music College Piano Major (26) Executive director of the art foundation Professor (40)

The Origin of Species

Complete | HARUSARI,ASHK ,TANSEOM | 2000 released

4.5 It became a slice of life once the drama past. Lol. They both fell in love with each other and didn’t question it too much or deny it. Lol. Love that we got to see them on some dates and the baby. Seme is a dangerous man and is not afraid to kill but has always been kind to Uke ever since he meet him. I like that he is able to laugh and be affectionate even though he looks stern. Uke is naïve to the things he doesn’t understand but not stupid when it comes to work/hacker and how to move along. Just wished that he would say yes more in sex then always no, stop, it hurts. Uke was enjoying himself so he should voice it too. Lol. I like the omega that Uke keeps calling to help him out. Lol. He knows how to take him out of sticky situations. Lol. The chibi versions are cute! Alpha and Omegas are consider Extraordinary species. Seme is the President of a Company and he is asked by a partner to get an item at an action. Uke is a hacker and with 2 colleagues, will do a heist. Uke craves to have a lover beside him one day. In the heist, they get caught. Uke asked Seme not to kill them. They are taken. Uke is asked who he works for and Seme tells him that he won the auction because he was the only bidder. Seme tells Uke to crack a code. He does but tells him there is a another within it to crack. Uke knows there are 2 items to get, he already got one. They make a deal. Uke’s 2 colleagues will be release and Uke’s collateral will be making a sex tape with Seme because that’s the only way Uke knows how to threaten someone. (Seme can’t participate in auctions anymore and he doesn’t know the location of the second auction). He agrees but asked Uke that it’s not good for Omegas in these situations but Uke tells him he doesn’t care because there are already sex tapes of him. They have sex. (Uke asked about the camera and someone filming but Seme gave him a cell phone and tells him it’s not his thing to have sex in front of people). Uke has never had sex like that before. Uke isn’t a hostage anymore but is involve in a business relationship now. Seme release the 2 colleagues and Uke tells them he is okay he just going to finish up something. Uke gives Seme the phone with the sex tape. Seme asked him to do another job but that he also wants to sleep with Uke, so to name a price and to make it high. Uke states he doesn’t need money he just wants to stay in his bed once they do it. Seme states that sounds like a Lover’s Request so he will treat him accordingly and if he changes his mind to just name a price. Uke is enjoying himself. (Is the first time he experience sex with no penetration and someone being kind). Seme wants to hire Uke temporarily so Uke signs a contract. (It’s the first time Uke sign a contract of his own free will). Uke gets extra money from Seme and he tells him he will use it to pay off debt. Seme at this point doesn’t care about his personal issues as long as he can do the job right. (Seme did get jealous when a young new Alpha guard brought Uke food so he decided to have Uke naked in his lap while Alpha brings him condoms to see that Uke belongs to him. Lol). In one instance, Chief Secretary asked Uke to bring Seme out of a club he still hasn’t come out from. Uke gets confused for a Worker there and gets changed into a sexy outfit. He gets to where Seme is. Seme knows the women he was talking to was planning to drug him so he tells her it doesn’t work on him and takes Uke and leaves. Seme gets turned on with what Uke is wearing he begins having sex with him in the hallway and continue in the car (Secretary is driving) and in his bedroom where he knots with Uke (Uke keeps telling Seme that knotting doesn’t work on him since he is an incomplete Omega (infertile because he has normal mom & extra dad) Turns out Seme Has mix breed parents. he can reproduce but can’t really sense pheromones but he can smell Uke’s). Uke hears Seme and Secretary talking about if it comes to it he can take care of this one guy but it will start a war if he’s hurt too. The one guy is helping get the item. Uke doesn’t want Seme to get hurt. Uke is on top of it and gets the guy out to a different airport unharmed and Uke takes the item. He gives it to ‘Sir’. (Sir and coworker Baldy meet Uke in the island where he grow up. He didn’t have anyone anymore and Sir took care of him). Uke tells Sir they need the first heist item to open the second and where is the other 2 coworkers (his friend and the girl). Sir states Baldy Is probably dead he can’t be found and girl Uke needs to look for her. Uke does but doesn’t tell Sir. The girl tells him not to trust Sir because even Baldy didn’t, even if they work together for a long time. Uke find another guy they work with and he tells Uke that Sir hired a hit man and he stepped away from it because he didn’t want to kill the 2 coworkers. Uke is out on a mission to find baldy. Seme is upset Uke is running away and he can’t catch him. He finds out that Uke is working with his opposition and competition (Sir). Seme tells Secretary that he knotted with Uke and he doesn’t want a baby to comeback 20 yrs asking for inheritance. Lol. Secretary doesn’t believe it because he didn’t smell any pheromones. Seme asked him to do a genetic test on Uke. Seme ends up catching Uke after 20 days and tells him if he does this all the time. Lol. Seme states they found Baldy. They have sex but no intercourse (Seme wants to test Uke first for pregnancy). The next day, Seme gives Uke his cell phone to talk to Baldy. Uke tells him what he knows and Baldy tells Uke that Seme is keeping him safe and to not lay low to not have Sir suspect. Seme asked Uke if Sir has the sex tapes of Uke. (3yrs ago, Uke told Sir that he got a part time job. Sir told him congrat. Uke gets gang raped and taped. Sir states he paid some of it but he still needs to work with him in order to pay off the debt and get the tapes from those guys). Seme tells him he will help and fix it and that he is sorry about letting his coworkers go when he knew they will get caught right away. Uke cries and apologize to Seme about lying to him all along. Seme states that his ID was fake too. Lol. And not to worry that he will take care of the item because he is a business man. Seme goes and makes a deal with Sir, then he goes and tells a detective that they will make a drug deal to bust his opposition. Uke gets approached by the actual buyer of the item and tells him to go retrieve it. (He injected Uke with something and that he has 12 hrs). Sir calls Uke and tells him to go deliver the items. Seme tells Uke to be a good boy and wait for him. Uke goes to obey Sirs orders but Sir actually gave him a fake item and wanted to traffic Uke. (There is an Omega that Uke keeps hiring to help him out in sticky situations. Omega gets him out of this situation too). Omega interrogate a man and he tells them there are 5 fakes. Uke calls Seme to tell him about the fake. Seme tells him what he was going to do but Uke tells him that the papers that the detective wants and the item are in the same location and he has access to the place since his is hometown. Uke goes there with Omega. They get the documents and Uke tells the Omega to be on standby in the boat while he finishes the getting the item. Sir is outside pointing guns at him telling him to give him the item. Seme arrives there and tells Uke to come to him. All guns turn to Seme. Drones arrive with guns and shoot Sir when he tries to shoot. Seme kicks Sir and the police arrive. Seme turns to Uke and tells him to come. They kiss and Seme notice that something is happening to Uke and demands to know who did it.(Uke’s vains are blue like he is being poison). Uke gives him the item, he faints. They leave but before that Seme gets shot by Sir. Seme ignored it and goes to the guy who wanted the item. They trade the item for the antidote. (Seme tells him he would have gave him the item, he didn’t have to do that to Uke but he states he couldn’t trust Seme because he was keeping Uke the one who hacked his company). Seme gives it to Uke and Seme faints because of blood lose. Uke wants to give him blood but Secretary states not to worry, plus it’s not a good idea because Uke is pregnant. Uke is shook. Lol. Seme gets hospitalized even though he states he is fine. Uke takes pregnancy test and turns positive. Uke meets with Omega and tells him thank you and that he might be pregnant. He goes to visit Seme at hospital. They have sex. He gets discharged. Seme takes care of everyone who has hurt Uke (he killed Sir and the sex tape guys). Uke and Seme go out to eat and Uke tells him he is pregnant and wants to keep the baby. Seme states that he knows and they should get married. They go on a trip vacation date. Uke and Seme go to visit Baldy and tell him the news of marriage and baby. At first he was worried because he knows Seme is a dangerous man but Uke states he is kind to him and he is happy. The meeting with the parents happen and Uke has Baldy and Coworker girl by his side. Seme’s Parents are happy for the marriage and baby. They plan the wedding. (Seme is taking care of Uke well, taking him to the doctor, feeding him, and wants to by him a plane to travel as a family). They get married. 3 months pass and their is a rumor that Seme is sponsoring an omega (people think it’s Uke the one Seme is sponsoring not knowing that is his wife. Lol) Seme gets up set and believes they should start calling each other pet names. Lol. But soon changes his mind because he can’t control himself. They have the baby, Uke goes back to finish school, and they live a happy life together. Alpha Company President/ smuggler X Omega Computer Genius Hacker/ Part-Time Restaurant ️ Housewife/ Student (25)

Heal, Heal, Heal!

Ongoing | Jinlamb , Domi, Kemje | 2019 released

2.5 It was meh. I thought it was going to be cute. The ending was starting at square one again. I like how Seme was affectionate to Uke. Wish we could have seen them on dates. It’s funny that everything Seme thought Uke was wearing was shabby is now adorable when he’s in love. Even his personality. Lol Seme is seen as a douche bag to everyone else. He does underhanded comments. Uke is spicy but looks like a nerdy shy guy. Lol. Seme comes from a well off family but he still tried his best in everything he did (he has awards and metals). Because of it his family wealth they didn’t let him game; he was 19 when he started gaming and meet Uke online. They text and have game together for 5 yrs. Seme feels like he doesn’t have to put up a front talking to Uke so he likes it. At a Uni. Beginning of the semester party, Seme over hears drunk Uke saying he likes someone, his voice and the way he gave him a nickname (pretty much Seme). Seme is skeptical but he has a feeling it’s him. They have a photography class together and end up being group partners. Seme thinks Uke doesn’t recognize his voice but turns out Uke does and his trying to get away as fast as possible. Lol. Uke only began noticing his sexuality 6 months ago, that when he figured he liked Seme. Uke was a sick kid throughout his like so gaming and photography was his thing. He gets bully somewhat in Uni. People think he is a eye shore, so his self estime is low. Uke and Seme decide that the person they are looking at can’t possibly be their online buddy. Uke was planning to stop talking to Seme online to get over his crush but now Seme is talking to him more. Seme ends up adding classes to his schedule the same ones Uke is taking. (Seme is trying to make up for the 5 yrs he didn’t get to know his online buddy). Uke since day one is being distant and cold with Seme and Seme is feed up and tells him what his problem is. Uke ends up telling him that his voice sounds like the person he likes. Uke accidentally ousted himself. Lol. Seme understand and tells him he can help. Seme tells Uke he is gay too in order to get close to him (Seme wants to help Uke to confess to his online self. During everything, they will become clothes friends and then when Uke confesses, he will reject him and disappear the user name. Seme will get what he wanted, a close friend). Uke doesn’t trust him. But Seme tells him what he needs to do for him to trust him. They go out to a gay bar. They talk about what Uke and why he likes his chush. (Uke states that he was alway there for him when he needed someone to be on his side and cheer him up). Seme tells him the first step is to talk to him not just type. Uke does it and is nervous. He calls Seme to tell him. The are becoming close to the point the Uke’s BFF stop worrying about it. (BFF is in the same class as both of them and he heard rumors of Seme being crazy and rich). All 3 go to an Internet cafe to play the game. Uke is telling Seme he’s no good and telling his BFF he needs to play better. Uke want to win a game. Seme thinks back how Uke was always nice to how he played and told him it’s okay not to win. Seme his questioning if he was the only one having fun then. He tries to quit as his online persona but Uke doesn’t let him stating he does have fun with him. Uke wants to give him a birthday present. Seme remembers why a birthday present (Seme new his family was different and wasn’t much love. He only found confort in his older brother of 4 yrs older. One day, his brother came home drunk and was mad at Seme and blamed him for his family not being happy and that he isn’t even his real brother, he is a substitute to the real one. The brother tried apologizing but Seme new the truth now. Also his family doesn’t like him doing dance. It’s embarrassing to the military father but the mom is OK showing it off. He tried to keep on moving trying to mask everything but when he was 23 he hit rock bottom and wanted to die. Uke contacted him before doing so and asked him what is wrong. Seme doesn’t know when his real birthday is, so Uke gave him a new date to celebrate). Seme ends up giving Uke a different name and address to send the gift to. It not, so they go to Seme’s place. Uke gets a bit drunk and tells Seme about the Romantic dreams he has with Online friend. Seme tells him te reenact it. Lol. They end up having sex. Uke tells him he thought it was a dream. Seme is hurt and states he doesn’t want to be just friends. He puts his pride a side and begins to be affectionate toward Uke. Uke doesn’t deny the affection even when they are in school.lol but that when Uke is distracted. Uke asked Seme why he is doing, that he knows he likes someone else. Seme states he doesn’t care, He likes Uke. Lol. BFF ends up sees then kissing and thinks Seme is harassing Uke so he punches him. They both explain that even though Uke likes someone else things with Seme just happen. Lol. BFF look at Seme with pity. Lol. Uke tried to introduce Seme to online friend (himself) that way Seme can get the hint, get mad because Uke friendzone him and stop liking Uke.(Seme had to get the help of his Brother to do the game session. Lol). Seme stops communicating with Uke for 2 days. Uke gets flustered even though that’s what he wanted. Uke goes to where Seme is. Seme states Uke fail making him mad and to stop liking him. Uke states is not fair to Seme to like to people at once but Seme tells him he’s okay that he doesn’t mind being the side piece, to give him a chance. Uke agrees. They have sex. Seme is super into Uke. He sees Uke as adorable. Seme always wants to meet with Uke. Uke asked Seme who he has dated in the past. Seme states he went out on a set up date by his mom when he was 21. His mom wanted him to lose his virginity because she was embarrassed of it. Because he didn’t do it with the girl, his mom locked him in a basement and had an older couple have sex in front of him for weeks until he went off to Military services. Uke gets upset and tells a Seme to take everything he can from them and to cut ties. Seme gives Uke is card to enter his apartment so he can rest there. When getting there he meets with the mother’s secretary and notice that he has the same name as is online crush. He begins to piece things together and comes to the conclusion that his crush is Seme. Uke doesn’t know what to think. Seme is making him out for a fool and also questioning if Seme actually likes him, even though he already told him he loves Uke. Uke over hears Seme toalking to his classmate and denying that he is in a relationship and that he hangs around Uke because he isn’t that creepy. (Seme is denying everything because he doesn’t want to out Uke because he doesn’t want to make his college life more difficult). Uke telks Seme he better hurry up and explain himself or else he will never see him again. Seme confesses to all is intentions and ideas. Uke is angry and faints. Seme takes him to the hospital and calls is Bother over crying. Uke tells him off again and to leave. Seme leaves with him brother and tells him he is dating Uke. Lol. The brother tells him to give him some space. Seme every day keep texting Sorry to Uke. Seme’s brother reaches out to Uke and they meet. They talk. Brother tells him his side of the story and that his brother’s been depressed ever since and if he can hear him out. Uke ask why they are distant now when Seme us to love Brother so much. Brother tells him his drunken mistake (he got angry because other people were making fun of him being crippled when younger and his brother being a dancer) and how his brother became a dancer because Seme wanted to crushed the girl who rejected his brother. Uke is starting to feel pity for Seme. Uke tells brother that Seme has been visiting his mother on the weekends. Brother feels uneasy about that. He goes to we’re the Seme is. Seme is told by the mother that she’s okay with him being gay but he needs to date someone that will benefit her. She also told him that she is her son but from a different affair because she needed to have a pretty and normal baby because his brother turned out crippled. Seme leaves with his brother not wanting him to see his mother. A month and a week as passed, Uke goes to see Seme’s dance performance. Uke states he doesn’t forgive Seme but he can start over with him not as friends or as lovers. Seme agrees and is now trying his best to win Uke over again. The end. Extras: 10 yrs pass. Uke and Seme are a couple living together. (They have been a couple for 10 yrs) Uke works has a Reporter and Seme sent his mom to prison for embezzlement and is now the head of the gallery. Seme’s brother got married and has 2 kids. Uke gets mad that his higher ups and coworkers are talking about Seme that he is a sociopath. They find out that Uke was close to Seme in college, so they ask him to get an interview because Seme always refuses them. Uke doesn’t want to and tells his BFF about it. BFF calles Seme and tells him what he hear from Uke. Seme goes to Uke’s workplace and does the interview. Now everyone is saying he is handsome and kind. Lol. They are a happy couple living life even with the struggles they might face in the future. The end. Junior University Student Dance Major (24) ️ CEO of Gallery (34)X Junior University Student Photography Major (24)️ Company Reporter (34)

What’s the Probability of A Successful Love?

Ongoing | Bori sooyeom,Rie | 2019 released

1.8 Wish there was something more towards the end. Uke forgave to quickly. I wanted to see the high and mighty begging more. Lol. That is fucked up of the Seme’s sister and BFF’s wife to do that to Uke, though. Uke wasn’t chasing after her boyfriend for her to feel scared about Uke having feelings for him. The siblings are trash. Wish the BFF knew about what they did to his BFF. We never got to see when Seme actually feel for Uke even though he said he didn’t want to see it that way. He should have begged more. Ex and Manager should have gotten a better ending. I want to know more on them. Ex keeps getting duped. Lol. Uke is in love with BFF for a long time. BFF is going to get married. Sad, Uke goes to a gay bar to have a one night stand. Seme comes around and Uke doesn’t bit at first but then agrees to it. They have sex. Seme asked why was he depressed and Uke states his unrequited love will get marriage soon and he has to go to the wedding. Seme states he has a wedding to attend too so if they meet again it might be faith. At the wedding, they meet again because the Seme is the brother of the bride. Seme tells Uke to date him. Uke said no. Right before BFF goes to his honeymoon, he tells Uke to makes is place newlywed ready (his job has to do with remodeling homes) and asked Seme to help pick the colors and such. Seme once again ask Uke out and states he fell for him at first sight and he is just his type, plus he can help Uke get over BFF. Uke states he tried dating someone for 2 yrs but didn’t work but agree to Seme’s advances and they do a bet. Uke that they won’t succeed and Seme that Uke will fall for him. (Seme is actually making a bet with other friends on whether he can get Uke to fall for him.) Uke’s Ex over here’s Seme’s plans and tries to go tell Uke but ends up getting into a scuffle because Uke doesn’t want to hear him and accident punches Uke’s Manager. (The next day, he apologize to Manager and manager tells him it’s best if he moves on from Uke. That his lingering feelings will hurt him). Uke shrugs off the warning about Seme because he didn’t get to hear the full story from Ex. Uke feels like there couldn’t be something wrong with a guy that treating him right. Uke ends up meeting with Ex but just to tell him to get over him, it’s been 3 yrs. lol. Ex leaves not telling him what he heard about Seme. Ex rubs into Manager and gets his number. Everything is going well with Uke and Seme. Ex gets drunk on his B-Day and Manager goes to pick him up, takes him to his place and have breakfast the next morning. (They have a conversation and it leads to Manager telling him that his brother would have been 27 if he didn’t commit suicide because he got outed for being gay. It happened 7 yrs ago). Uke goes with BFF to high school reunion of 8 yrs. Bully tries to bully Uke again stating how much of a fag he is. BFF stands up to him and Uke tells him he is embarrassing. Bully throws a punch but Seme gets there to charco it and tells everyone there that he is Uke’s partner. BFF how’s now. Lol. (BFF defended Uke from Bullies in high school because he was gay. Manager also knows Uke is gay. They both accepts him). Seme tells Uke he should allow himself to feel loved. Manager contacts Ex because he hasn’t heard from him and got worried. They go out to eat. Ex kissed and asked him to be his boyfriend to make him forget about Uke. Manager states he will think about it. They start dating. Lol. Uke meets with a girl client that turns out to be Seme’s friend. She started to hit on Uke stating that Seme and her have the same taste. Seme doesn’t like that she is doing that so tells her to back off. She ends up telling him that Seme thinks dating as a game and leaves it at that. Seme has his exhibition and Uke goes to see it. Uke tells him that he likes him finally in front of (girl)friend. Everyone leaves and Uke goes to find Seme when he hears friend and him talking about how she needs to pay up because he won the bet, she heard the confesión. She is the one who made a high bet on whether Seme can pick up Uke. They see him and Uke leaves. Seme goes after him. Uke his hurt and tells him to stay away. Uke reaches out to Ex and asked him what he was going to tell him about Seme. He tells him what he over heard. Ex also tells him he is dating Manager to which Uke tells him he isn’t gay. Ex confronts Manager and Manager tells him that he felt bad for Ex because his brother was actually being bullied at school for being gay and wanted his brothers support but Manager told him it was an illness and he will get over it. He committed suicide the next day. Ex feels devastated that Manager doesn’t have feeling for him. Uke has a Russian trip for work he can accept. Seme comes running to his apartment begging him not to go. That at first he did approach him with bad intentions but then it became real with out him realizing it or he didn’t want to. Lol. Uke asked him why he was approached in the first place. Seme couldn’t answer so Uke told him to leave because he can’t trust him. (Girl) friend calls Uke out to meet to tell him the reason why Seme approached him. They meet and Seme’s sister is there too. Turns out, Seme’s sister knew Uke had feeling for BFF now her husband and told Seme if she wasn’t mistaken. Seme told her he can take him off her back. After that, she forgot about it. She apologize for what happened but his brother does have feeling for him and to please forgive him. Uke is conflicted. Uke and Ex talk and Ex tells him his experience and to not make it complicated if he misses Seme. Uke apologies to Ex for not loving him when Ex did. Uke ends up telling BFF that he used to love him but know he needs him to get properly rejected to he can move on but he still wants to be his friend. BFF wants the same and apologize for not noticing. Uke goes to Seme and tells him he won there bet so he can grant him a wish. They get back together. Manager is the one that will be going to Russia and Ex will be joining him. The end. Owns a Building where a cafe is (Property Owner of Cafe)& Designer X Small Business Interior Designer and installation (27)

Vanilla Taste

Complete | I.a | 2019 released

2.5 not bad. Wish they would have gotten together sooner. So many turns in knowing what was going on in Seme’s mind and persona. Lol. All for it to be he wasn’t a bad Seme. He is whip for Uke but wanted to deny it so bad. Lol. It’s cute that Seme cooks for Uke. Uke is so sunny and cute. He technically likes BDSM because he wants to leave marks and hurt Uke so that way Uke can never forget him again since Uke crushed him when he forgot his childhood with Seme. Know that Seme knows he didn’t forget everything, Seme didn’t truly like BDSM but just wanted to be with Uke. Finally on episode 67 they confess their love for each other. Uke and Seme are childhood Friends and have been living together since the start of University. They are close and Seme is kind to Uke. In high school, Seme mention that if he knew he wasn’t dating anyone he would have asked him out. Uke brushes it off as a joke. In senior yr in Uni. Uke asked if he remembers that and Seme states he doesn’t making Uke a bit disappointed since he actually likes Seme. One day, Uke accidentally opens a box mailed to Seme thinking it his. BDSM stuff was in it. Seme walks in and Uke states he is sorry. Seme states he was just curious that’s why he bought them. Uke is also so he lets him put handcuffs on. Seme begins a little bit of play making them turn on. Seme masturbates Uke and then he states he can’t do it without him and asked Uke to be is BDSM partner. Uke was apprehensive at first because he doesn’t like pain but Seme tells him he won’t so Uke trust that he won’t hurt him. They do it for the first time and they all goes good. Uke decides to keep going because he is his ally that can accept and understand him because Seme has also accepted And was kind to Uke when Seme found out he was gay. Lol. Uke and Seme try doggy play. Uke does good so now they will try intercourse. Uke tells Seme that Seme knows he his gay and he knows he gets infatuated with them and what if he forgets that they are only sex friends and starts believing he is special to him. If he can handle Uke thinking that. Seme states he knows Uke is affectionate and he gives his heart easily and he was always there to pick him up when he got hurt. Seme states he can do whatever he feels like and they continue having sex. Uke enjoys it. Uke believes Seme likes him because of Seme’s words and actions tell him. Uke states that Seme already knows that he can be delusional and that Seme was the one who started it. Lol. Flashback Ep. 13-21. Uke lived with his grandma in elementary school. Seme moved there and Uke befriended him even though Seme was apprehensive at first. Uke crying, Seme had to move away but told Uke they should keep in contact. It faded in the pleasant memories. Uke had to move in with his mother in Seoul at the start of High School when his grandma past away. He lived in the rooms at school but on weekend he went back home we’re he dreaded being. His older brother, step father and sister really didn’t want Uke there. Uke was starved for affection since he couldn’t get it at home. He meet up with Seme again and they became close. Uke’s friend that had a crush on him got jealous and started to spreed rumors that they are gay. (Seme knows he has a crush on Uke and tells him that he already likes someone else. Seme states Uke wants to be loved so he can’t leave him alone so he needs to take him under his wing and dote on Uke because Uke is already under his control). Uke ignores Seme until the rumors die down. Seme investigated and starts to take down everyone who spreed the rumors. He goes to the main guy and scars him into the point that he goes and tells Uke everything. He treated seme that he will expose Uke rumors to his parents and Seme punches him and breaks his phone. Everything goes back to normal but Uke is sad that it didn’t affect Seme because it means Seme doesn’t like him the way he does (Uke liked him romantically) but since Seme is always nice and teasing him he still holds on to hope. In present day, they keep doing different BDSM stuff. Uke believes Seme can’t confess to him because of the yrs of friendship they had and he is shy so Uke thinks he needs to be patient for the confession and then they will naturally start to date. Lol. Seme takes him to his hotel (working there and managing). Uke gets drunk and tells Seme that Seme likes him but he is mad that Seme is most likely engaged to someone because he is a heir. Seme tells him that he isn’t engaged and he doesn’t feel that way about Uke. They have drunk sex. Seme reveals that when he was younger he was in love with Uke. He was his first love but when he meet him again in high school he feel out of love. He found Uke’s personality annoying. Lol. Until he found the BDSM stuff, Seme thought he can finally stop pretending to be friends or put on and act. He was planning to use Uke and then leave him but now Seme is starting to understand that he might of fallen back in love with Uke. He is happy and wants to tell Uke but Uke tells Seme he meet his father once and he was handsome and kind too. Not liking that, Seme cooled off and goes back again into not wanting have romantic feelings for Uke. (Even though everything he does is a sign of loving someone, he even made him a cake because Uke didn’t eat the one he brought home. Lol) (Seme believes that he can’t love normally because he always feels empty inside). Uke wasn’t to buy an BDSM present for Seme in order to seduce him more so Seme will fall for Uke. He accidental he goes to a BDSM bar and meets Seme’s look a like (it’s actually Seme’s Cousin). He’s the owner of the bar. He pick pocketed Uke’s wallet and finds out that Uke is his ‘first love’. He goes to school to return him the wallet. They go out to eat and shop for new clothes for Seme’s Cousin. He asked Uke how he found his bar. Uke tells him he wanted to purchase BDSM stuff for his partner. Seme’s brother doesn’t like the idea of someone taking advantage of Uke’s innocence so he convinces Uke to whip him leaving marks for Seme to see. Seme does see them and Uke states he tried the whip out on himself. Uke goes sleep and Seme tries to control himself and goes to put ointment on his neck when he has the sensation to make is own marking so he scratched Uke. Seme gets turns on. He wants Uke to be his. Uke wakes up to Seme mastubating in front of him. They have bondage play sex and Seme takes it a little to far. Uke said a safe word and Seme goes over the edge believing Uke has a new partner and starts to cry. Uke tells him the truth and clears up the misunderstanding. Seme tells Uke that he likes him and he is special to him. Uke takes those words as a confession and believes they are dating now. Lol. Seme calls the first number Uke has on his phone wanting to know who the other person is. He finds out it’s Cousin. Cousin is upset and believes Seme is trying to take everything away from him. (Seme was told by Cousins father to go around pretending to be Cousin). Seme and Uke go out on a date but by the end Uke feels sad and confused because Seme seems to still think of their relationship as master and servant. Cousin finds picture that Seme and Uke drew when they were small that Seme holds dear to his heart and presents it to Uke and tells him he is the one who loves him. Uke starts to cry because those are the words he wants to hear from Seme. (Seme’s backstory: His father was from the rich family. He left them to marry a poor girl. They had Seme but then mother began to get sick until see fell into a coma. Father ran out of money because of hospital bills and nobody in the family would help him (Seme knows this too). Father was depress and Seme was resentful because he couldn’t save mom. Father apologize and committed suicide. Seme ran to draw the painting outside in which Uke comes to help him on. Uke tells him he lives with his grandma because it was hard on his mother (father was out of the pic because he abused her so much) to the point she wanted to abandon Uke on the street. She remarry and took the brother. They both dream about a future where they live happy in a big house with everyone. Seme gets home and calls the police about his parents being dead. He doesn’t cry because he feels happy that he likes Uke and will do his best to make Uke’s happy. He moves to get taken in by rich fam. Seme plans to take back everything his father left behind, that way he can make all of Uke’s wishes come true. Seme convinces Uncle to let him go to public school to lay low. When he finally meets Uke in high school He is disappointed Uke does not remember him. He gives his Cousins name as a test but Uke doesn’t even remember his actual name. He decided to make new memories with Uke. (Seme always approaches Uke. Uke seems stand-offish not knowing if he should be friends with someone rich). Cousin told Seme that he ran into Uke and was mistaken for him and tells him Uke has a crush on Seme but that he is interested in Uke. Seme tells him not to come between them but denies having feelings for Uke. This is when Uke states he has a boyfriend and then begins to ignore him because of the gay rumors. Seme ends up telling himself that he didn’t want Uke’s happiness he just wanted to possess him. Seme hates Uke because he makes him feel miserable but he will make him his. He also felt guilt and he feels like that can’t be love.) Uke rejects Cousin. Cousin gets mad and tries to have sex with him because he thinks that’s why Uke came to him. (cousin tells Uke that he is the rich one and Seme is an orphan trying to takeover after his fam commit suicide). Uke cries and Cousin stops because he doesn’t want to rape him. Seme comes in punching Cousin because he figured out that Cousin took his painting and Uke isn’t answering his phone. Uke and Seme leave. Uke wants Seme to be honest with him. They have BDSM play sex. Seme know knows he needs to end things with Uke before he hurts him more since he does actually want Uke’s happiness. He tells him the harsh truth of his intentions and how he pretended to be his friend and breaks up with Uke. Uke cries and goes to live with his brother he catches a cold but still moving along. Cousin tells Seme that he will be getting the inheritance but Seme doesn’t care anymore since that was for Uke’s sake to make him happy. (Seme is depressed and missing Uke). Cousin tells him he is seeing Uke. Seme is worried so he goes to find Uke. Cousin goes to apologize to Uke. Uke figures out that he lied about the picture/ him being childhood Seme. Uke realizes that Seme couldn’t have been lying the whole time. There must have been a connection between them. Uke still wants to stay friends with Cousin though. He knows he isn’t malicious. Uke goes home but stops to rest because his sickness is getting worse. Seme finds Uke and brings him to hospital. Uke is now in a VIP room pretending to be more sick to get back at Seme. Seme is doing everything Uke wants. Uke doesn’t know why Seme was trying to be an asshole if he’s bending over for him. Lol. Seme finds out that Uke never truly forgot Seme he just didn’t remember his name and he left right when they were getting closer. Uke gets discharged and him and his brother are in better terms now that they understand each other more. Uke and Seme talk. Uke tells him he was just lonely and that he is clueless in being in relationships, and to admits his real feelings. Seme admits to Uke that if what he feels is love then he has always loved him. Seme understand he has always had those feeling deep inside him. Uke cries and they hug and kiss and have sex in the car telling each other they have loved each other for a long time. They go back to Seme’s place and have BDSM play but with Uke being the master. Seme likes it and realizes he doesn’t care about BDSM he just wants to be with SEme is happy know that he truly knows that Uke loves him and trust in his own love. They go back to their hometown. They clean Seme’s parents place. Seme learns that it’s okay to cry, so he does. Uke asked a granny and she remembers Seme’s actual name. Uke tells Seme his name. They are happy together and Seme is learning not to be close off. Seme goes to see his grandfather where he learns that he actually loved his son and didn’t want him to die, he was just being stubborn and didn’t realize how lonely and sad his son was. He doesn’t want to ruin his relationship with Seme either so he gives him a second chance to come back because ever since Uke left he hasn’t been around. Seme realizes that he has no room to judge his father because he has hurt people he loved too. Cousin goes to see Uke and warns him about Seme again. Uke asked Cousin to tell him the truth wear they meet first. He tells him they meet the first time Uke realize he loved Seme. They talked and Seme asked him if he had someone and he would have asked him out sooner. Uke is flattered that Cousin loves him but he rejects him. Cousin gets mad and punches a wall. Uke cry’s and he stops. They talk it out and Cousin decides to stay friend until he breaks up with Seme. Lol. Seme ends up getting the position of his uncle and Cousin is given money to not make a mess. Lol. Cousin tells Seme how long he plans to keep Uke. Seme goes to his grandfather and tells him since he doesn’t want to make the same mistake twice because he regrets it to accept his partner in marriage. Grandpa colapse. Lol. Cousin gives back the drawing pic and still holds on to hope. Seme and Uke are happy together. Heir to conglomerate Construction Company/ Senior in University Hotel Managment (25)X Senior in University political science and International relations Major. (25) Cousin Actual Heir (27)

Unholy Night

Complete | Gangto,Kie | 2000 released
2021-02-28 03:39 marked

Path to You

Complete | Sinran,Kisai Entertainment | 2000 released
2021-01-18 19:47 marked

Dial Again

Complete | Ppyong | 2017 released
2021-09-01 05:06 marked
Tags: Webtoon