Surge Looking For You
4.8 This was cute! Wish it was longer! I wanted the Seme’s Friend trainer Doctor to get with the delivery motorcycle guy! It’s sad they both don’t have any blood family anymore since uke was raised in an orphanage and Seme was raised by his grandma (I think he was abandon by him mother). The baby is adorable! I want to see how he looks grown up! National Swimmer X National Figure Skater
Oboreru Omega
Seme believes in fated pairs and is sweet vanilla. Lol. Nothing much of his character changes. Uke is a tsundere but it’s cute when he get clingy to Seme and likes to kiss a lot. Lol This needs another volume. I want to see them interacting more with each other. This cold have been so much better. I wished the uke would have gotten the chance to compete and win gold. His dream had to change because he became an omega. He seems happy he was the reason his Alpha won gold. He motivated him. Uke really got the short end of the stick. So sad. I wanted both of them to be champions and for uke to prove to the world that an omega can do it. Seme goes to an all Alpha school. Among them, Seme lands as a normal Alpha because he doesn’t come from a big background. Seme is in the swim team. Uke is a new transfer student. Seme gets that love at first sight feel, like if he his fated mate he is confused because he thinks uke is an Alpha. Uke joins the swim team. He wants to prove to himself that even though he is an omega, he can still win and compete. (His uncle was a swim medalist and train uke until 8th grade when uke became an omega. The uncle said what a shame and he will no longer see him again). Uke ends up getting his heat because his meds aren’t working every time he gets to close to Seme. Uke gets chosen to compete. Uke doesn’t want anything to do with Seme but seme wants to protect uke ever since he found out and becames his swim practice buddy couch. Uke ends up getting his heat, captain finds out and tries to rape him. Uke pushes him into the water. Seme comes in. Captain apologized and said he is in an all Alpha school because he his sensitive to omegas pheromones. Seme tells him to keep uke being an omega a secret and to still let him compete that he is really good. He does and he wins. Uke ends up attracting the attention of the yakuza's Son. He just likes to fool around. He tells uke to come to his hide out. Uke comes and ends up seeing an orgie. He gets invited in but he doesn’t want to. He gets forced to suck the guys dick. Mischief Alpha smells him near his neck and finds out he his an omega. Uke runs away thinking he doesn’t want to get bitten because he likes Seme but doesn’t want to admit it. Seme know there is something strange with them two. He confronts mischief Alpha to leave uke alone but he tells him he knows he his an omega. He gets uke and Seme to come to a motel with him. He knows they like each other and want to see them fuck. Lol. (He tells Seme that uke hide his neck from him.) Seme asked him to leave. Seme confesses to uke that he loves him. Uke confesses too. Seme decides to wait until uke is ready to be his mate in order to bit him. In school! The student councilor finds out that uke is an omega. Uke and Seme are going to be included in the competition. Uke tells Seme his dream of becoming a gold medalist like his uncle. Seme disides to bit hIm and make him his mate because he wants to help uke reach his goal. Apparently, even though uke has a mate now, he can still attract other Alphas. They go to the doctors. Doctor states that because he was not secreting omega hormones since the beginning, his heats will still be wack for a hot min. Doctor doesn’t know when they will be back to normal. The office calls him. He gets found out. He is expelled. Uke takes Seme to swimming pool outside of school. They share a touching moment.(Seme told him he will work hard for the two of them.) Uke disappears not telling his Mate were he went. 6 years later, Uke is working at a pool teaching children how to swim and Seme grow up to be a world gold medalist in his place. Seme goes to see his uke. They share the night together at a hotel were Uke tells him he wants to make a baby. Judging by the last page, his sister told him he made uke wait for him 6yrs, so he leaves to the countryside to be with him. High School Student Swimmer (15?)️ Gold Medalist Swimmer (21?) X High School Student Swimmer(15?)️ Swimming Teacher (21?)
It's Stuck
3.5 Wish there was more. Healthy relationship. There dynamic was chill. Omg. Their character design is so different. Lol. Seme is tan, muscular, and has tattoo. Could be yakuza but he’s a horseback rider. Lol, Uke is pale, white hair and red brown eyes. He’s a bunny. Lol They train in the same training center, they got close and started going out on dates. They fell in love and decided to be in a relationship. A month later, uke is trying to go all the way with Seme but still can’t. Seme tells him not to worry about it but Uke wants to do it. Lol. Uke orders dildos and starts to train. Lol. He also order bunny ears. The date comes and the day before he tried on the bunny ears only to not be able to take them off. Lol. He goes on the date with a huddie. They get home and Seme finds out why he was hiding his head. Lol. Uke told him what happened and what he bought. Seme reads the instruction and figured out how to take them off, but he tells uke they need to have stimulated brain waves. Lol. So they have rough sex. Lol. He press button and takes them off. Lol. University Student Horseback Rider Athlete X University Student Teakwondo Athlete
Sweet Spot (se yang)