Top to Bottom / Big & Big
3.8 I like the ukes character design. I like the ukes body. It has some meat. Lol. Thunder thighs. Lol Seme likes big round butts and uke likes big firm hands. Lol I like how they both tell their closes people everything. I wish we could have gotten more at the end. I feel like there was missing parts. Like the friend and cousin, the guy with a freckle on his hand who had an impact on the uke when he was young, and the ukes ex boyfriend. Uke had trama with his ex but we don't know if he got karma for it. Executive Director/Travel Writer (36) X Sales Team Manager (29) We really didn’t get a conclusion to them. We can’t only asume they stayed together. Uni Student (Director’s cousin)(24)X Bar Owner (Bartender) (uke’s friend)(29)
How To Talk to my Crush
2.8 It was okay. Uke was funny and when he got with the Seme he wasn’t afraid of intimacy. Like the fact that they told their friends and everyone was accepting. Uke’s best friend is actually really cute. He accepted his friend was gay, listen to him talk about his crush, and helps him out when he can. Wish we could have gotten more in depth with their relationship. Freshman Student X Senior Engineer Student ( uke older by 4yrs)
When I Quit Being a Corporate Slave
So cute! I love their character design. Wish there was more. Small Restaurant Worker X Unemployed Office Worker
Hochichirui Hitoka
4.8 It was so cute! I want to see more of them! Second Zoo Keeper couple would have been cute too. Needed more development. Zoo Keeper (2 years younger) X Zoo Keeper
Bad Boy Musashi and Oyamada
This needed to be longer or a second volume. It’s so funny and cute. The Seme is a puppy Seme but also not stupid. Lol. Wish they would have said they were dating but oh well. Student ( 1st year) X Student (2nd year)
The Third Ending
It’s funny how every time he see his uke looking handsome he takes a picture. Lol it so funny the the uke was chubby when he was in jr high. After he figures out he likes and can’t imagine life without the uke, he becomes so possessive. Lol but the uke only has eyes for his Seme; he blushes for him but is more stoic with everyone else. Lol it’s cute how the Seme doesn’t care about how he his seen by others, he wants to hold hands and show affection in public. I wish the 2 gay couple would have meet. (Couple from this story and Couple from her last story “hello again”. The 2 Seme’s worked for the same company. ) Management Department Office Worker X Office Worker ️ Part time Bakery Worker, Student.
No Love Zone Webtoon
4.8 Uke rejected Seme’s confesión back in high school because he was short and looks matter to him. He gets reunited with Seme again in the office but now he is his hot boss. Lol uke is the outgoing one and Seme is reserved. Love that the uke loves to kiss a lot so the Seme is always kissing him. Lol The little bother and sister are so cute! They all look alike! I like how the uke and Seme got together in the middle of the story. I like the uke’s little k9 teeth popping out. Lol. The chibi version of them are so cute. The Seme is a puppy but also cool and collected. He is really possessive/ protective of his uke. Lol the uke is cute. His inner dialog is funny. He doesn’t like to be messed around with and he will tell you that. Lol The ukes bff and co-worker are handsome... they should be partners. Lol The extra episodes are the bunny and tiger spin on them. Lol I wish we could have gotten more of the main story. Team Manager (29) X Office Worker (29)
Help Me, Teacher
Wish there was still more! Glad it got more after the initial 4 chapters! I feel like both Alphas will also learn to love each other since the gym teacher seems to be an easy going guy and likes to see the Student nurse flustered. Lol. The Student nurse really is in love with the uke so he will do anything foe him. lol I like their dynamic. Uke lives life on easy mode, Gym teacher is easy going but a beast in bed, and Nurse is worrisome and nice but a prevent in bed. Gym Teacher X Student Nurse X School Teacher
Bad Contact
3.8 I like that there was a time skip to their college days giving each other promise rings and living together. The middle friend also knows they are together and it seems like other people know too, since they like to hold hands in public. Student X Student
Angel Buddy