Extras from: Take Off (Jui). Patreon Exclusive. Has all the other missing extra chapters.
Bye Bye
4.5 It was going so good. Everyone’s dynamic was so cute (the mains and family) Ending was rushed. We didn’t get to see the wedding. We needed to see the baby! Another season would of been nice. I wish the friend and the bodyguard should have told him sorry for miss speaking. We can only assume Seme really is a gangster by the way he is. Bad people magically disappeared from Uke’s life and he has a lot of bodyguards. Uke never question his scar either. Lol. The Brother and Uke becoming text buddies and buddies is cute. They are funny together. (Ch. 17) Brother really likes Seme. Lol.The Brother knows everything and he’s find with it. Lol. Uke has an outgoing type of personality overall, feisty and cute. Seme looks cold and calm but is sweet to Uke. Seme and Uke dating is so cute. Seme is actually affectionate with Uke! Seme likes how Uke’s reaction are unpredictable, it’s cute. Seme heard everything Uke said when he was drunk and put it into action. (He wanted mittens and a matching phone case with his lover, so he did it). It funny how Seme thinks Uke always wants to Uke does something embarrassing and thinks to himself he wants to die and Seme reads his mind. The family is funny. The dad is so manly but a simp for mom. Lol. It’s cute that they added Uke to the family group chat after they meet him. Lol. Uke lost his family in a fatal accident. Parent died immediately and brother died a week later. 10 yrs later, Uke doesn’t want to live past his older brother’s age because he feels guilty that he could live longer them him, so he goes to a bridge and plans to commit suicide. In that moment a car crashes. A rich 19 yr old Alpha pop out and tells him it’s his fault for distracting him. Lol. He is scared of his older brother so he asked Uke to cover for him too and he will give him more money. Lol. Uke meets with the brother (Seme, who he thinks is a gangster. Lol.) 2 times trying to convince him that the younger Brother saved his life by not committing suicide that day. Seme doesn’t believe him because he isn’t acting like someone who wants to die. Lol. Uke explains to him his situation. Seme apologize and tells him to keep the watch his brother gave him as payment. Uke feels atracción towards Seme but knows he doesn’t have a reason to see him again. Uke decided not to die so his goal his to marry a wealthy handsome Alpha and have a loving family. (His uncle has been trying to fix him up with divorced wealthy Alphas since he was 19). Bother calls and tells him if he can have the watch back because his father wants to collect everything relating to the mother. (Uke assumes The Brothers have lost their mom too so he agrees to give it back). Uke again ends up meeting with Seme. Seme seems amused by Uke and even laughs which catches the guards off. Lol. Seme gives him an envelop and tells him the mom isn’t dead just traveling but their dad can’t function without her. Lol. Uke thinks he shouldn’t get drunk just in case he want to remember having sex with Hot Seme. Lol. He ends up getting tipsy, asking Seme if he has a boyfriend, whining he doesn’t have one and how he doesn’t have a family either, throws up in Seme’s hands when Seme cares his check trying to wake him up. Lol. The guards panic and tell Seme not to kill him. Uke wakes up in a hotel room and is embarrassed because he knows what happened and also tried to seduce Seme. Seme tries to leave but Uke tells him he is an Omega not to leave him. Even tough Uke was in is heat, Seme was too wild in sex. Lol. He can’t remember the whole night so Uke thinks that’s a shame. Lol Uke is to embarrassed to face him. While Seme is taking a shower he leaves telling the bodyguards he is playing hide and seek. Seme gets angry and Brother calls to tell him. The next day Uke finds Seme waiting outside his place. Uke tells him he was embarrassed that’s way he left. He invites him up and have sex. Seme is now sending him food and Uke ask bodyguard if he does this all the time to which the bodyguard tells him that he is kind to his omega partners even though they miss understand and not to be delusional. Uke states he knows his place. Uke will think of the food as payment. Brother calls him to ask if they are dating since he knows they had sex twice. Lol. The bodyguards keep talking about it. Uke asked if Seme is interested in him. He tells Uke that Seme is an extremely dominant Alpha. Uke goes out drinking with friend (his only friend is a jerk that likes to put him down to make himself feel superior) only to get tipsy and Seme shows up and takes him home, confusing Uke. Uke believes Seme couldn’t possibly be interested in a low quality cheap Omega. Uke it’s okay with Seme just playing with him. Uke life hasn’t changed much but it a bit more exciting because him and the Brother are texting more and he likes the up beat text. Uke ends up going to a blind date Uke’s Uncle prepared. It’s in a hotel at 10. Uke gets their but it’s greeted by Seme. Uke is confused. Uncle calls to tell him guy ran off scared, maybe family business. Lol. Seme explains that he over heard the conversation he had with his uncle the night he spent at his place, so he knew when and where but not the time so he spent the whole day at the hotel. Seme states he ruined the date but he saved him from a perv. (Old man had a camera on him). Uke asked why and Seme doesn’t know either. He just wanted to. Seme gives him a gift. It’s a new phone case and gloves he rambled about when he was drunk. Uke feels touched and thanks him. They spent an hour just talking. Uke takes a shower and seduces Seme stating he always spends Christmas naked. Seme seemed not to happy with the comment. Lol. Rough sex for a moment. Lol. Uke becomes friends with Cafe shop owner who is a Dominant Omega. Uke is happy to make another friend. Uke states he his technically dating Seme. Seme keeps buying him gifts. Uke goes out to buy Seme a Scarf and Brother tags along. (Uke buys a Scarf for Brother, too). Seme keeps saying sweet things to Uke (he stays up late talking to Uke on his night shifts, replies to his text messages right away, tells him he wants to hear his voice and see him soon). Seme brings him roses when he gives him the scarf. (They have matching phone cases, now) Seme sees Omega and Uke together and Uke states he is worried Omega is overworking. Seme not to worry to much about others to much in front of him, he didn't know he was the jealous type. Lol. Uke tells him being jealous is good to keep doing it. Lol. (He also frown when he heard he spent time with his brother)Lol. Seme begins picking him up from work and talking him to eat. Uke keeps getting harassed by manager and manager gets mad and puts him on night sift again. Uke tells Seme he is picking at him. Uke’s Manager quits and got into an accident. CEO calls to apologize to Uke and promotes him to assistant manager. Seme sees Uke is cared and worried about Manager because he's married. Seme makes a phone call. Lol. Uke calls wife and wife tells him he ran way with his mistress. Lol. Omega tells Uke he seems happier then ever and Uke agrees. Seme leaves for a business trip. Uke Ex comes around. He slaps Uke and Uke kicks him. Lol. He goes to the clinic and Seme calles him. Even though Uke didn’t tell him what happen, Seme gets his bodyguard (the one who called him delusional) to pick him up and take him back home until he comes back. They bicker again about how Uke shouldn’t get his hopes up he’s a whore that should know his place and Uke response with his boss likes junk food. Lol. The Ex also magically quits is job and leaves. Lol. Because he wants him to recover, Seme cancels the exhibition Gallery date. Uke is sad so he called the owner to have it extended for another week. Lol. Seme takes him to his place (he states he is having a house made for him) thinking he can’t convince Uke to stay with him but Uke states he doesn’t like the view of the river he thinks Seme’s heart beat is much more beautiful. Lol. Seme moves stating his pet fox didn’t like it. Lol Uke tells Seme he’s going to hangout with Omega so he comes back from his business trip to accidentally distract him from going. Lol. They end up going to visit Seme’s family because they are curious about Uke. Uke goes to the Seme’s old room and begins to cry because he is reminded of the family he once had. Brother finds him crying and he tells the whole house. Lol. Seme tells him it’s okay to cry. Uke keeps not eating well and Seme’s mom pulls Seme aside to tell him he might be pregnant in which Seme tells her he will be proposing soon. Uke overheard this but miss understands thinking he will marry someone else who is also pregó. Uke feels depressed and sad knowing everything is coming to an end. He stops answering Seme. Uke gets drunk a little put has a lot of stomach pain. He finally answers. His bodyguards find him and Seme takes him to the hospital where they confirm pregnancy and that Seme meant to marry him. Uke thought they were friends with benefits but Seme states he thought he was his boyfriend the whole time. Seme states he has never dated before and it’s the first time he felt love toward someone but he will do everything to make Uke love him back. (He also wanted to make Uke’s wish come true about being married before 30 and having kids, he said it when he was drunk). Uke stays a mouth in the hospital and quits his job. The Brother is taking care of him while Seme is away. The mother stops by, too. Seme takes a marriage license paper but Uke still is concern about signing it. Seme when to meet uncle. Uke is worried and calles him to tell him not to say anything about his past to which his uncle states he should know. Uncle got intimidated by Seme and calls Uke asking him not to tell Seme about how bad he treated Uke and that he apologize to which Uke states the same words he said back at him. Lol. Seme’s mom calls to ask if he knew Seme was in therapy. Uke didn’t and Mom explains that she was concerned how a cold hearted/personality type person like Seme can date a kindhearted and quick to cry Uke. Lol. Seme listen and is trying therapy for Uke’s sake. (he wants to be able to understand emotions to help comfort Uke). Uke ends up having a miscarriage. Seme conforts him and it just hits him that Uke wanted to die not long ago. Uke understands that Seme is trying his best to be a better person for Uke. Uke is considering going back to therapy, too. Uke signs the wedding papers and leaves to the bridge. He trows the his shoes and his unborn baby shoes. He is moving forward with his life because he knows his family would have want him to be happy. Seme gets to the bridge and crashes the car. Seme thought Uke was going to kill himself so he crashed the car. He misunderstood when they were talking on the phone. Uke explains how his parent die and how the city put a new guardrail because of it and that interned saved Seme’s Brother and Seme’s life when they crashed. They will move foward happy together. Time skip some time later and Uke is 6 months pregnant, married and enjoying his life. Seme is so protective of baby and Uke he doesn’t want to have sex (they eventually do. Lol) and he tries not to meet Omegas by himself for his Uke not to feel uncomfortable. Extremely Dominant Alpha Chairman of Huge Company (30) X Extremely Recessive Omega Office Worker Logistics Team ️ Assistant Manager (27,28) Seme’s Brother (19 turn 20)
Love in Kitsch
Uke is outgoing and cute. He went and got what he wanted. Lol. He is also honest with Seme telling him he falls in love easily or why he went to the island. Lol. They are both honest with each other. Seme was cute that he asked how Uke was feeling about being deflowered by someone he barely knows. Uke states he has no regrets and they can get to know each other. Lol. They are both young and craving affection and love and they found that in each other. They are a lovely couple. Lol. Wish we could have had a little more backstory on Uke. It felt like the smilies people are the once that have been hurt the most. (He did states he was bullied and nobody has ever taken care of him when he was sick). Glasses fell for Uke because he was reminded of his youthful days when he was in love with Pretty. It’s cute that he wished them the best when he saw how happy they are. Uke sees a picture of Seme online. Seme is just his type. He applies to the place he works at (a B&B). He has 4 yrs of kitchen experience and he’s handsome so the boss hires him. He likes to hire handsome guys. Lol. Seme appears and yells at his boss uncle to stop taking pictures of him and ignores Uke. Uke will know have to stay at the place for 3 months. While getting the vegetables, Uke here are sex sounds coming from the staff room and Seme then coming out. Uke tells him if he had a good time and tries to leave but Seme stops him because he doesn’t want him to misunderstand and they trip and fall. Uke takes it as an opportunity of a lifetime to be with Seme, his dream man. Lol. Even though he has never had sex. He tells Seme he isn’t the slutty type and he doesn’t sleep with random men but he help himself and tries kissing Seme. (The moaning Uke heard earlier are still going). Seme asked Uke if he was a perv since he got excited hearing other people fuck and that his face is cute and begging to be fucked. He states he likes the obedient type, so Uke tells him to please fuck him. Turns out everything was in his head. They only fell down and they kiss. Lol. Uke has a boner and tells Seme sorry and runs to his room. Lol. Seme tells his Boss Uncle to tell the other staff people (guy with glasses) to stop fucking in the break room. Uncle tells him he is young and should find someone too. Lol. Seme tells Uke to forget about the incident they had. They work together and Seme notice that he is good in the kitchen. He asked Uke to serve as well. The mr. glasses tells Seme he is interested in Uke and is excited to defile an innocent person. Uke is outgoing and can entertain a crowd. Mr glasses introduces himself to Uke as the front desk manager. When Uke notices Seme leave he leaves after him. Seme believes throughout the day, Uke has been flirting with him. Uke collapse from being drunk. Seme takes him to his room. Uke asked to be feed water by mouth. Seme tells Uke he can ask for anything as long as it not dating him. Uke can’t control himself, he wasn’t Seme so he asked him to sleep with him. As long as they can move on and not talk about it, Seme agrees. Uke states that he is a virgin and Seme tells him he has never done it with a guy. They have try to have sex but Uke cries that it hurts and passes out. The next day, Glasses reveals to Uke that he knows Seme for 3 yrs since high school and he is 21. Lol. Uke begins winking and calling him pet names ( honey, sweetie, baby) because he thinks Seme is staring at him because they had great sex. Lol. Seme tells him he passed out with just the tip and if he forced him he will call rape. Uke tells him he doesn’t mind being forced if it Seme. Lol.seme leaves with his Uncle to eat while Uke goes up to take care of boner when he get stoped by Glasses. Glasses states that he knows he had sex with Seme and he can help him with his boner, pushes Uke into his room and give a blow job. Seme sees Glasses and Uke going inside the room and has a flashback of the person he liked ‘cheating’ on him with glasses. (Pretty boy is polyamorous, has a tattoo and smoked. He wants to be loved by everyone and couldn’t stand rejection. He told Seme he was so nice, it boring and he always did what he liked, predictable ending. That guy also just did anything he wanted not caring about Seme’s feelings). Now it seems that Glasses and Seme are competing for Uke’s attention. Uke tells his friend about it but his friend states that it might be a bet and they are both weirdos. Uke states he could just enjoy himself and play along but friend tells him not to be nice and forgive just like how he forgave the last Chef. ( apparently he stole Uke’s recipe and told him he said he loved him so Uke should just give it to him. He had a crush on him for 3 yrs and got kicked out When people found out). Seme asked Uke if he is going to dinner with Glasses. Uke states he will think about it if he tells him not to go. Seme tells him not to go but Uke smiles and goes with Glasses. Glasses stares that Uke is a player. Lol. Coming back from dinner, Uke fallows Seme outside. Seme tells Uke if he keeps coming on to him he might fall for Uke, so to stop. Uke is shocked and asked if that is the case. Seme said yes and Uke states he can’t stop himself when he likes someone, that he has already fallen for Seme. They go and have sex in the pantry. Lol. Glasses see them and goes off and has angry sex with a client at the beach house. Glasses gets a text the Pretty boy is coming back. Uke and Seme have sex in their break. Uke states they should go on dates too not just sex. Lol. Uke tells Seme he likes him and before Seme could tell him he likes him too Uke states he loves him. Lol. Seme tells him it’s too soon for that. Pretty boy gets picked up by Glasses and is working at the B&B. Uke gets confronted by Glasses that he knows he had sex with Seme. Uke tells Glasses not to touch him. Meanwhile Seme and Pretty boy see each other for the first time in yrs. Seme is disgusted with Pretty boy’s chill attitude and leaves to Uke’s room ( he’s been trying to look for him). Uke finds Seme in his room and they plan a surfing date. Uke is a newbie and Pretty sees this and rams into Uke. Pretty is annoyed that Seme is treating Uke like how he use to treat him. He goes and has rough sex with Glasses (he got annoyed when he told him what he did to Uke). He gets a small scratch on his forehead. Uke states he wants to create a bucket list with his boyfriend. Seme agrees that he is his boyfriend but to promise not to disappear on him. They go out to dinner. Seme tells him about Pretty boy and he ask if Uke is jealous which Uke states he is but he wants to focus on Seme’s feeling. Glasses and Pretty finish and Pretty starts to cry. Glasses is being harsh and tells him he shouldn’t regret what he has done. Pretty wants to date Glasses and for him to love him like he use to. Glasses tells him to cut the crap. Pretty asked him if he has someone, Glasses states yes, Pretty states he doesn’t like that and that he is sorry for disappearing on him to not tell him he likes someone else. Glasses doesn’t believe him and both are now being snappy with each other like if they are enemies. Glasses is paying attention to Uke so Uke knows he is stuck in a love triangle. Uke knows that Pretty isn’t a good person and he is acting passive aggressive towards him. At a party, Pretty spilled beer on Uke. Seme gets up set and tells Pretty off. Uke knows it wasn’t a joke. Uke doesn’t want to laugh it off or else Pretty will take him as the joke, so he instead spill beer on Pretty back and states he made a mistake too, they are even and don’t need to apologize.Lol. Glasses takes Pretty away because it looked like he was going to hit Uke. Glasses tells him not to mess with Uke. Pretty slapsh him and states Glasses doesn’t like Uke he just likes how he can mess him up since he is pure and not jaded like them. Uncle tells Seme that Uke is only contracted for a month and he wants him to stay longer. Seme wants to do anything to make Uke stay. While having sex, Uke asked for more and Seme states if he promises to stay with him he will give him as much as he wants. Uke says he will say it later. Seme feels conflicted because Uke said in bed that he loves him so he doesn’t know if he means it. The next day, Glasses and Uke go for a walk where Glasses confesses that he likes him and that he is sorry that Pretty is picking at him that it’s his fault. Uke tells Glasses that he likes Seme. Pretty runs into Seme and tells him he is jealous of Uke. Lol. Seme and Uke go groceries shopping. Seme asked him to stay. Uke states Seme wouldn’t like a deadbeat boyfriend. Seme states he doesn’t care about if he has debt, running away, or has a boyfriend back home, he is crazy for Uke and wants to do everything with him. Uke takes this as a proposal. Lol. Like going on spontaneous trips together. Lol. Seme agrees. Glasses tells Pretty he confesses to Uke and now he knows why Pretty was being mean and cold to him. (Even though Pretty mood swings wore him out, he still liked him until one day he up and left because of a fight they had. He didn’t like being pushed around). Uke states that Seme is the most important choice he has made. He wants to give Seme all his heart and will be incredibly happy if Seme felt the same. While having sex Seme tells Uke to stay again and that he has a house they can live in together. Glasses and Pretty get into another fight. Glasses tells Pretty he will move away and not be tied down to him that they aren’t good for each other. (They were young when they fell in love and maturing they became different people. Pretty really loved him but was hurt by how much he told him to be mature. That is why he chose to be in polygamy). At the end, They both love each other so decided to stay together. Uke lives with Seme and they will go back to Seoul to college and for Uke to become a master Chef. 4 yrs pass, and Pretty goes to visit Glasses (he is the boss of a small company) and tells him he missed him. Glasses missed him too. They get back together and go visit Seme and Uke. Uke and Seme are planing to move back to the island and making a restaurant their. They all live happy. Seme’s Uncle’s B&B Kitchen Chef Worker (21)️ Uni Student (25) X Chef (23)️ Master Chef (27) Glasses Desk Manager (26) ️ Owns a small company (30)X Pretty Boy Working at B&B (26)(30)
One Take
2.5 Seme is serious and tells it as it is. Uke is chill but a skeptic and likes to question Seme’s feeling a lot. Seme has never known affection so he is a jackass to everyone except Uke who he is obsessed with even though they bicker with each other. Lol. It’s funny that his manager and everyone on set know that Uke is a fanboy of Seme. Lol. They even congratulated him for getting his autograph. Lol. (Uke wants to get it laminated. Lol). I like that Uke has a sweet tooth. Lol. It’s cute that Uke’s manager is happy to know that Uke and Seme are pinning for each other mutually. Lol. Even Seme’s manger is okay with it. Lol. And Director and older costar are good with it. Lol. Wish we could have gotten more couple moments. I want to see them more in the relationship. Uke has been an Actor for 7 yrs. 7 yrs back, He got himself involved in a scandal (he tried helping a girl that was being harassed but it looked like he was the one harassing, sexual assault. Because of this others don’t like him and the girl had to move overseas) and got kick out of dramas and did movies but now he is back given the chance to start in a new drama a long side Seme, a very popular Actor. When meeting him for the first time, Uke accidentally just blurted out that he was fucking handsome. Uke tried to apologize but Seme told him it’s the truth. Lol. Uke ends up looking him up all night. Uke thinks Seme is incredible with his acting which makes him feel defeated. Just when he was about to leave, Seme stops him and asked him for a ride. Manager explains that Seme is bad at driving and if he can drive him to the office. Uke does and Seme tells him he can keep the car and just to bring it to the next shoot. Uke notice his heart beating fast and believes he is developing a celeb crush on Seme. After that, Uke became a fanboy (he likes his acting and his face and is even subscribed to his fan club site). Lol. Uke was watching a trailer for Seme’s movie and Seme catches him. Seme asked him if he wanted to see the movie with him. At first Uke thought it was a date but turns out it was the movie premiere and he invited the rest of the cast they are working with. Lol. Uke stayed up looking for more of Seme’s movies all night. At set, an action scene gets inserted but Uke doesn’t think a week is enough time to practice. Seme tells him if they can do it in a week he will give him an autograph and a photo (he saw Uke earlier staring at the fans down when Seme was giving out his autograph) Uke agrees. Lol. Seme wants to practice the fighting scene but Uke runs away and hides because he is tried of practice. Uke over hears Seme and costars girl talking about a deal they have to get back at Uke ( he has problem with his cast mates. Shy boy keeps wanting him to remember him, Redhead is angry at him all the time, Long hair girl wants him out of acting because the girl he had the scandal with was her close friend). Seme knows Uke is hiding there and Uke confronts Seme about the deal but he tells him he has a different plan and the deal she made was with someone else and to look at the tittle of the show (trap) (deal is to get him out of acting). The day of the action scene comes but Uke has a sprain ankle but does the shoot even though his manager is telling him not to. They had to in province at the last minute because Uke fell on top of Seme. Seme helps him put ointment on his ankle. People are starting to have different opinions, more positive, about Uke (the rumors were false and he isn’t scary). Uke gets called an ugly duckling of the set and he finally remembers Shy boy and shy boy cries. ( Uke after the scandal took up a position to teach younger talent and shy boy was one of them. He was chubby and over acted and couldn’t sing or dance well. Uke gave him advices to give up if he isn’t going to give it his all. That was also advice for himself since he began doing movies after. Shy boy took his words and became a Idol then an actor in hopes of sharing the creen with Uke one day. So he got mad at Uke for letting people say bad things about him if it isn’t true). Seme tells him to wait for him after work to give him what he promised. Uke waits by Seme’s car. Seme asked for pen and paper but Uke doesn’t have any so they go to Seme’s place. Lol. He gets the autograph but no picture because he isn’t looking good so another time. Lol. They drink and watch the show. Seme passes out and Uke leaves him in his bed and sees and investor proposal letter. The next day, Uke talks to Shy boy and asked him about the investor. Turns out the investor plan the drama to end his Career and he is the one his manager stated was Seme’s manager. Uke confronts Seme who that guy is to himand Seme tells him they need to get to know each other before Uke can trust him so they should go on a date. Lol. Uke agrees. They go to a fancy restaurant where Seme tells him about the largest investor in the show is a company that he owns. He states he doesn’t like the people that are using his company in suspension ways ( money laundering) . The director that hates Uke because of the scandal was one of them that use to wine and dine investors. He got busted with the scandal Uke was involved in. He apparently offered investors young and rookie celebs that he manipulated so he was a reliable pimp to them. He hates Uke because he ruined one of his operations. That is why he asked the drama’s director help destroy Uke’s career. Seme doesn’t want that because it’s his show too, lol. Seme believe that since the Bad Director hasn’t given up on destroying Uke’s career for 7 yrs. Uke must have something on him. Seme wants to get rid of all the parasites in his company and wants to use Uke as bait. Seme tells Uke that the investor technically is is manager as a CEO. Lol. So his own manager wasn’t wrong. Seme states that his plan is to make Uke a star. Because when Uke receives more attention, Bad Director will strike and then he will know and the cut off all the parasites. Seme asked Uke why he protected the scandal girl and if they were special to each other. Uke states that she was a good colleague. Lol. Uke tells Seme he can stop press releases that he is fine with the popularity he has gotten already but Seme states he would have gotten that if the scandal didn’t happen and that he should care because what good is an Actor if no one wants to see you act. Uke gets upset that everyone keeps telling him this (Shy boy and Scandal girl told him if he even liked Acting) and tells Seme why he is complicating things and he is sure he can do everything without involving him. Seme gets upset and states if it doesn’t involve Uke it will mean nothing. Seme storms off with Uke and takes him to the penthouse. Uke asked if he is hitting on him. Lol. Seme tells him if he would spend all this time and money on an expensive dinner and hotel room if he wasn’t hitting on him. Lol. They go inside and Seme throws him on the bed and tells him he wants to show him what he means to him and that he doesn’t like how he is covering for the girl or others are trying to bring him down. Uke tells him there’s been a misunderstanding and that he’s not gay. Lol. Seme states if he is sure and then they kiss. Uke likes it but doesn’t want things to end as a one night thing so he tells Seme how he feels about him (at first he thought he was starstruck but now he knows he likes Seme) because he likes Seme and doesn’t want things to end. Seme tells him that went he sees him he gets hard and wants to do dirty things to him. Lol. Uke states he wants to get to know Seme better and they should start by exchanging phone numbers. Lol They begin to chat but Seme only sends him one word type answers and then they go on a date to the movies to watch Seme’s new release but Seme seems emotionless. Uke begins to wonder if beneath all his lies (his acting style) he will even find the true him. Uke wants to be someone special to Seme and know his true self. Uke now is starting to feel like even Seme liking him could also be a lie. Even though Uke has been feeling distant, he misses Seme. While in the waiting room, Shy boy walks in and then Red head. Red head asked Uke if he is close to Seme and Uke states he isn’t sure. Red head states then why is Seme only nice to him. Lol. That he doesn’t have conversation with anyone he just does commands. Lol. Uke is now back to thinking maybe Seme feelings are genuine. Uke’s Manager shows him the article about someone that worked on set telling the story of the scandal. Manager states they should talk to Seme. Uke finds out that they have been communicating behind Uke’s back. Manager was told by Seme to give him Uke’s schedule and that once his contract was up Seme will sign him to his company. Uke feels hurt but also understands. He tells Manager they need to take a break from each other. While Uke was walking away, Seme catches him takes him inside a room. Uke tells him if he’s been lying about his feeling towards him the whole time to get him to do what he says. Seme tells him he has been upfront with Uke and he never lied. Uke tells him to stay out of his business now but Seme states he needs his cooperation to resolve the scandal f he wants to get to the top. Uke states he never wanted that. Seme tells him that what he has seen is his best attempt at showing his affection that he never received it so he doesn’t know how to express it but he will give him everything he can. Uke states that he still like Seme but that if it isn’t coming from his heart he doesn’t want it and to leave everything to do with him alone, if he can’t be real he doesn’t want anything with him. Seme tells him he doesn’t need his promisión he his doing things his way because Uke is lying about not caring about Acting he is just scared it will be taken way. Uke felling toward him thinking that Seme’s feelings are fake or he doesn’t need him got nothing to do with him and kisses him stating he will kiss him when he want to. Lol. Uke cries sexual harassment but Seme tells him to sue him but he has a good lawyer. Lol. Uke leaves. Manager turns in his resignation and his company is not going to put him a new one (it’s not like Uke wanted to work with a stranger). The internet sounds divided about the article. Uke goes to Director and tells him to finish up his shoot just in case he has to quit early. Director tells him he likes him more as an Actor then Seme because he is able to get into the minds of the characters he plays unlike Seme. Red head and Shy boy confront him about the scandal. Uke states he didn’t do it. They believe him. Bad director contact Uke and he meets with him. He wants the recording file of the incident. Uke states that the investors on the vid don’t know the bad Director was going to us the spy cam to blackmail them. Uke leaves and Bad Director tells him it will get worse for him. Uke is filming his last scene with Seme. Director tells him to act like Seme is his soulmate. Uke asked if it’s an lgbt drama and the Director states he can put it that way. Lol. Uke last scene before he jumps off the window, he has love on his eyes for Seme. Seme was su post to let Uke fall to his death but ends up grabbing his hand. Director knew that will happen lol. The long hair girl tells Uke to leave the show. Uke sees the pleading in her eyes for the truth so he decides to tell her. Uke the type to not try as hard and Actress, she would give it her all. Actress asks why he does this work if he doesn’t like it. Uke decided to find the answer for himself since his answers weren’t suitable (he likes money and praise. Lol) He began trying his best in Acting and he began to have bigger parts while the actress kept getting smaller. One time Uke was around and saw a couple of Bad Directors clients going to the same run as the Actress. Uke sees her in the aftermath. She tells him to call her a tramp because she does whatever it takes to get a role but Uke doesn’t and finds a hidden camera in the room and tells her they can use it. The Bad Director opens the door and sees what Uke has. Actress wants to give the spy vid back to Bad Director because he threaten her to release all the other vids of her and the spread of the scandal on Uke. Uke tells her not to worry, that he won’t quit acting and that her vids won’t leak out. So the director kept pushing her until she quit and left to the states. Uke tells long hair girl that he will soon leave the show. In his place, Uke turns on the tv to be surprise by the news stating that Seme is retiring from acting because he was deeply affected by the scandal concerning Uke and was profoundly disappointed in the attacks and hostility on a fallow Actor with little evidence. Uke is shook and goes to the press conference. While Seme was leaving after the press conference, Someone asked him if there was something between him and Uke and he answers that he wants to get close to Uke. Lol. Uke finds Seme and they go to Seme’s secret apartment so they can talk. Once there Seme locks the door with a password and tells him he will stay there for a couple of days and that he knows the truth already because he had long hair girl bugged and that he is quitting his job is no different from what he did for the Actress. Lol. Uke punches him and Seme gives him tea to settle down. Lol. Uke states if he quite acting to become a criminal. Lol. Seme states that everything will get resolve soon because the Actress will be coming back and is going to reveal everything. Seme told the investors about spy cams sex tapes and they are in a frenzy so they might not need the one Uke has. Uke asked why he is doing all this and Seme states he wants the continuation of Uke’s career. Uke asked if he loves him and Seme states he’s not sure but he doesn’t want Uke to hate him. Seme tells him he has 3 days to figure out the passcode, hints are all around him. They are living together now. Lol. Uke finds a laptop and sees that Seme has many vids of his pass college Theater days and even his audition tape for the drama. Seme was telling the truth when he said he knew Uke better then he thought. Uke asked Seme to have a drink with him and asked him about his past. Seme states is mother ran over a dog with no emotions. His parents were both monsters that never showed affection toward him but that how he learn to not invest in things emotionally that will one day will leave. Seme states that Uke found the vids. Seme didn’t want to get close but still wanted to watch Uke. Seme states if Uke can handle him. Uke states that Seme doesn’t want to be hated. Seme tells him to promise he won’t but Uke can’t say that his feelings will never change but he will not hate him. Seme passes out. Uke figures out the passcode (fist college play and birthday). Uke meets with his old manager and tells him the truth about the scandal and what is going on with Seme. Manager states that what Seme is doing is love and that Uke was a little to passionate to be just a fan. Lol He gets relieved that the feelings are mutual. Uke states he isn’t sure because he doesn’t know if it’s affection or obsession. Manager tells him feelings come in all forms and expressions but Uke is a good person. Uke asked Manager to be his manager again and Manager asked him to join his new company. Uke agrees. Uke speaks to Actress. She is going to get married and she feels like she needs to come out and say something and apologies to Uke and tells him Red head is younger brother. Uke has over the vid to her. Online they state that reporter fabricated Uke’s scandal so Uke is free from that. While getting home, Bad Director goes and tells Uke that it was all Seme’s plan from the beginning. Seme told him to take care of Uke and then he will invest on his next project. Bad Director starts to chock him and Seme comes and starts to kick him. Uke stops him and Bad Director runs away (he gets caught by police anyways). Uke states he would have began a relationship with him but know that he knows the truth he doesn’t want to start anything (he doesn’t want to question Seme every time something happens like if he is behind it) so he wants to let it go but for Seme it already started 7 yrs ago. A month passes and they are back on set. Seme question Uke that he his running away from his own feelings and confusing him (he wasn’t real him, Seme shows it but the Uke runs away). When he saw Uke’s play that talked about a lie becoming a reality, Seme believed that he found someone who would be able to understand him and gave him hope. Uke states he is also running away because he feel he himself isn’t good enough for Seme but Seme tells him to lie. Lol. They go on set and while filming a lamp falls down toward Uke. He goes to the hospital. After Uke Manager leaves, Seme’s managers appears and tells him it was an accident because Seme had him investigate. He tells Uke to think twice in getting with Seme because Seme would commit any crime for Uke and it would make it hard for him to clean it up. Lol. That Uke doesn’t need advice because he made Seme question the way he has been living his life. Manager also apologize because he was the one who showed Seme the play Uke was in and to think of Seme as a wild dog that bit him. Lol. Seme goes to see Uke at the hospital. Seme treated Uke to kidnapped, confined, or threaten him because he wants Uke with him. Uke states they should date and call what they have love but he ever gets tired of it he will run away. Seme agrees and shows him the recording of his confession and states if he runs away he will go after him and expose the recording. Lol. They are a couple now. Extras: their first time having sex. Lol. They didn’t show it though Mega Star Actor/ CEO of film/show investing Company (late 20’s) X Actor (late 20’s)
This was funny. Not bad. Wanted to see more of it. I think Seme fell for Uke already. He finds him cute. Lol. Uke is going to have a gangster boyfriend. Lol. It’s winter and Uke is homeless. He ran away from home because he was being neglected by his mother and starved. Another homeless man tells him there is a mansion with food always arriving even when the owner isn’t home. Uke goes there and eats, take shower, and sleeps. The owner finally arrives and Uke goes hide in the attic. Seme in his bedroom having sex with a man and Uke can see through the cracks. He states that it’s intense and gets a bowner even though he isn’t gay. While hiding in the mansion he learns the name of Seme, he wears xxl condoms, has a routine and has intense sex. Uke masturbates to it and is even trying his butt. Lol. Uke moans and Seme hears. He calls security to check the cameras because there is a rat running around. He gets his gun and finds Uke asleep. He ties him up upside down and Uke wakes up. He tells him the truth but Seme still wants to kill him. Uke tells him he’ll do anything. Seme doesn’t think he is useful but when he graces his nipple notice Uke got hard and ask if he likes being tied up. Uke tells him to kill him but it’s because of the adrenaline not him. Lol. They have sex. Seme looks into him and finds out that he was adopted from abroad (Asia) and he reported his adoptive parents for abuse and ran away in 10th grade and just came of age. He decides to keep having fun with Uke. Uke begins to feel good during rough sex (even sees Seme has sexy). Lol. Seme is also enjoying himself, doing things he wouldn’t do for others ( sucking on dick and nipples and kissing). Uke has been feed and a only sex partner for a month now. They have sex, feed, sex, washed. Uke starts to think it’s not so bad. Lol. But he snaps out of it and states he can’t loose his dignity. Lol. While in bed with Seme an intruder comes in and Seme kills him. Seme tells him to wait in the room because it’s dangerous. Uke fears for his life and runs away but gets caught. Seme has sex with him. Seme was angry and wanted to kill him when he heard Uke ran away but when he fought him his anger disappeared. He has feeling for him but doesn’t understand them so he thinks he wants him as a pet. Lol. The next day, he tells Uke that he kills but he isn’t a piece of shit that abandoned his pets. Lol. That he will keep Uke feed for the rest of his life as long as he doesn’t run away. Uke ask to just have sex once a day and Seme states he will think about it if he never runs away. Mercenary/ Gagster X Homeless boy (18)
Run Away, Assistant Manager Ha!
4.5 Seme is bratty, cheeky and promiscuous. He’s a punk. Lol. But he teases, is sweet and caring toward Uke. Uke is hardworking but socially awkward and shy. Lol. He’s a cutie. Lol. Their sex scene is sweet (chapter12). Uke is the one to tame Seme. Lol. Seme is clingy. Lol. I like that they got together during the story (ch.21) I like how everyone in the Modeling Agency know they are a couple. I wanted to see the Stylist and his boyfriend more. They looked cute (ch.46) want to see a story on them. Uke goes to his long awaited vacation. There he meets Seme. Seme invites him to spend the night together and Uke thinks he is hot so he agrees. Uke has a one night stand and losses his virginity (he only used fillies before). Seme leaves a note and money the next morning which pisses Uke off since he wasn’t a prostitute. Lol. Back at home, Seme has a 6 month contract with Uke’s AD Agency. They meet on set. Uke is mortified and Seme is amused. Uke gives him back the money and a note stating he isn’t a sex worker. Lol. Uke has to meet with Seme and his manager to convince them to add another shoot to the contract. Seme tells Manager to leave and tells Uke that he has taken a liking to him so he will do the shoot if they become sex partners for the 6 months. Uke agrees. They have sex. The next day, Uke needs to revise the shoot concept and hope that Seme agrees. Seme tells him to come in person. Seme asks for a blowjob while he looks over the edited concept. He tells Uke he did a good job editing it because the first draft was trash. Uke ends up coming will sucking him off. Seme believes even though Uke is clumsy that their bodies are compatible. Uke ends up being Seme’s Manager for the day (his actual manager got injured by a stacker). Seme tells Uke to go with him to fittings and the shoot. Will waiting for the shoot to be set and ready, Seme asked to have some fun. They have sex in the van. Lol. At work, Uke is scolded for not showing up (and others in the company think he is sucking up because he tries his best). At the shoot, the Uke’s boss tells him to take his kid to see the aquarium from above. Brat wants to grow rocks and ends up throwing a big one which Uke tried to grab but ends up falling to the water. Seme is in the water already and saves him. Everyone is looking at him and the boss is scolding him. Seme tells the boss that he has shitty direction (behind the scenes he also treated the boss that he would break the contract). Lol. Boss and others from the company leave. Seme gives Uke a change of close and takes him to his place (the boss abandon Uke on the set). Seme believes that Uke is giving him too much work compared to past sex partner but Seme is still mesmerized by Uke. Uke dreams of the past when he got charmed by a boy and left his desk to play with him. Uke confessed to the boy just to get rejected and got a fear of public speaking because everyone was whispering homo and the boy he liked called him a loser (later in we find out that crush spread the rumors of Uke being gay because Uke didn’t allow himself to be fucked by crush). He got severely bullied and dropped out of school. Because of ptsd on public speaking, he fails a lot of job interviews and was barely able to pass for the AD agency company because his project proposal was good.(even now he ends up correcting his boss proposals which he doesn’t like and that’s the reason he’s against Uke). He wakes up and has breakfast with Seme’s gang (Manager and Stylist). Seme gave him medicine for his fever and kept him feed. Lol. The next day, Seme asked for another ticket for the fashion show. Stylist and Manager ask why because they know he only hangout with sex friends in every country.Lol. He states he wants to take Uke because he’s been working hard. Seme meets up with Uke and takes him out shopping for clothes for the event and out to dinner. Uke question is sex partners do this much. Lol. They have a good time and go to Seme’s place to have sex. Seme bought him a tie and sexy underwear. Lol. During sex, Uke realizes that he has fallen for Seme. Since Seme is sweet to him, Uke states he wants to stay in this delusion until the end. At the fashion show, Uke get styled by Stylist. Seme is in awe at how handsome Uke looks even other models and photographers thinks he is a celeb. They go watch the runway Seme is in. At the after party, he meets with Seme and tells him he looks cool. Seme leaves for another interview when Uke get taken away by other models. One sees the hickeys and states that he is his sex partner that is the reason he hasn’t reach out to them. They start to say raunchy jokes like if they can have a 3 way and if he makes Uke come if he can hire him as a model too. Seme walks in and Uke runs away not wanting Seme to see him the the stare he is in. In the bathroom, Uke tells Seme that he can’t do it anymore. It’s not fun for him, he’s just a toy to Seme and that he had no choice, he did it because of the contract. Seme tells Uke that he is making him out to be a scumbag. That he is the one who begged for extra shoots and his ass was a bargaining chip. He works his ass off at the shoot and Uke keeps is position, he didn’t mind breaking the contract but Uke looked like he was enjoying it and states that his price for a photo shoot is low and now wants to fuck him to strip. Uke begins to strip. He knows what he said first was wrong but he wanted to hate Seme because in actuality he got shocked and angry because he was jealous of his other sex partners and that he wasn’t the only one Seme was sweet and affectionate towards. Uke starts to cry and Seme leaves. Stylist was in the phone with his boyfriend hiding and heard everything, calling Seme a bastard. Lol. Back home, Uke cried so much like a breakup. Lol. He knows that Seme was in the right even if it hurt him and he should apologize. Seme blocks all his ‘model friends’. He is pissed at them for saying that stuff and mad that Uke started to striped instead of punching him. Stylist thinks that Seme is coming across as a real asshole for making sweet and innocent Uke his sex partner and lying to his manager that he wouldn’t get a sex partner in Korea. Stylist kicks Seme out of frustration. Lol. At the day of the final shoot, Uke and Seme haven’t spoken to each other since that day so they both look dejected. Uke offers to help Stylist go get coffee and Stylist agree in hopes that the can make up. Will coming back from getting coffee, Uke gets hit by a motorcycle and sent to the emergency room. Seme finds out and wants to go right away. Manager ask what their relationship is and Seme states he doesn’t know. Manager tells him the stay and finish the shoot he promised to Uke and he will go see him. Manager tells Stylist to take care of Seme. After the shoot, Seme goes to see Uke. Seme got angry when Uke said that he was only with him because of the contract because he thought all the time they spent together was a lie. He knows he needs to apologize. Uke wakes up and just when Seme was going to apologize, Uke tells him he is sorry for what he said and that he’ll do better from now on and he’ll try his best for the sex pact. Seme tells him if he remembers the awful things he said to him, why would he apologize when he made him cry and that he wants to end the contract. Seme runs off frustrated because he didn’t tell him that he was sorry, if he was okay, that he was worried and that he missed him so much during the shoot. The following day, manager and Stylist go to visit him. They tell him about the stalker and that they will take him to and from the hospital in the mean time, Stylist wants to protect him too. (It was Seme’s Idea)Lol. Uke took sick leave but they still have him working. Uke has a bad dream of having a threesome with Seme because he states he can’t keep him to himself send he’s popular, so he should agree because he likes Seme. Seme never went to visit him after that day, but when Uke got discharged, he was the one driving him home with the help of Stylist. (Seme even did his hair to look handsome for Uke. Lol) Uke gets embarrassed because he forgot to put away pic and magazines of Seme. Seme sees them and when they leave Uke’s place Seme is blushing. Lol. Stylist doesn’t know what is going on in Seme’s head. At work, boss thinks Uke injured himself on purpose and he might have a rich girlfriend. When they go pick him up for his doctors visits, Ssme thinks Stylist is interfering, annoying Seme.Lol. He’s always next to Uke being buddies. They plan a picnic night out. Uke is happy to be seeing the cherry blossoms with the people he cares about (Manager, Stylist, and Seme are there). Seme gives Uke a blanket but still can’t talk to him properly. Lol. Stylist and Manager leave to go pickup the chicken. Seme takes the opportunity to apologies and tell him what he was going to say before. He ends up confessing that he wants to be in a relationship with him. Before Uke can answer, Seme stops him and tells him to take his time and tell him later (Seme thinks Uke will reject him because all they have done is have sex and he might hate him and that the confession was shitty. Lol). Stylist and Manager are hiding in a bush. Lol. They have a good time and ven buy led balloons.Lol. Uke wants to take the opportunity to grab Seme’s heart before he changes his mind so on his way home, Uke tells him he was Delusionally thinking they were a couple and that he got jealous of his other sex partner, that his confession feels like a dream, and that if he can be enough for Seme. Seme tells him he knows it’s hard to believe that he has feelings for Uke but to please believe him, he won’t disappoint him, to be his boyfriend. Uke agrees. They go to Uke’s place. They don’t want to be away from each other so Seme stays over. They end up doing oral and masturbating because Seme doesn’t want to hurt Uke (his leg his in a cast.) the next day, Seme takes him to work and prepared him coffee. He sends Uke a massage that hr misses him and Uke gets fired up to not do overtime. Lol. They go out to eat. Seme tells Uke to be himself that he is his boyfriend, to take advantage of that. Lol. Outside a cafe, Seme is telling Uke he wants to be called by babe and he wants to call Uke hyung. They are lovey-dovey and the window curtains get pulled to reveal Manager and Stylist having a meeting with others. They saw Seme hugging the crap out of Uke. Lol. Uke is embarrassed. They go inside when the others leave. Seme tells them they are dating. Stylist and Manager tell Uke if Seme is forcing him, lol. Uke tells them no. Manager tells him he leaves Seme in his care (Manager has been with Seme since 18). Uke plans a date with Seme. He thinks Seme confession was beautiful. Lol. And he needs to tell him his feeling properly, too. Uke gives Seme a Bouquet and tells him he likes him even though the one he brought for him are a lot bigger. Seme puts the flowers together and tells him they added their hearts together and that his has more love then any he has received. They go and do the pat lock thing together (Uke always wanted to do it when he had a boyfriend even if it’s childish), they go to eat and Uke tells him he reserved a hotel room. Lol. At work, Uke is having a hard time concentrating because he thinks about the steamy weekend they had. Uke doesn’t let himself get pushed more work and gets off work fast. Seme picks him up and they go to his place for dinner but Uke starts taking the lead and kissing Seme. Seme tells Uke is so turn on by Uke taking the lead. They have sex. They take a shower, eat, be lovey-dovey, have sex again. Uke feels more comfortable in Seme’s place now. When he goes to work, Uke doesn’t care if they are gossiping about him anymore because he’s breathing easy being with Seme. In the weekend, Uke and Stylist go see Seme at a shoot. Another stylist comes and introduces himself because he knows he is Seme’s boyfriend ( he saw the lovey-dovey scene at the café). Uke ask Stylist what it takes to have a long relationship because he wants that with Seme. Stylist states he moved in with his boyfriend almost right away but you need to be a good fit for each other and it won’t be hard. Uke tells him that Seme asked him to move in together but he turn him down because he thought it was too soon. Lol. Stylist laughs about it in the inside. Lol. Stylist tells him he is fine. Uke works overtime on the weekend. Nice coworker tells him he heard a rumor about Uke that ever since he’s been working outside the office, Uke has been receiving money and bribes under the table from clients. Uke knows who spread the rumor (the one that is always next to the boss and slacking off and putting all the work on Uke) and is now in investigation mode because he feels like there are ulterior motives to the rumors. Lol. Uke finds out he his boss and slacker coworker are embezzling money (he feels betrayed by boss). Even though he misses Seme over the weekend, Uke doesn’t want to see him because he looks like a mess and wants him to only see the good side. Seme goes to his home and waits for Uke outside. They hug and Seme tells him he missed him. They eat together and Uke vaguely tells him what’s going on and how he feels pathetic. Seme holds him in his arms and states he has a hot boyfriend he can lean on now. Lol. Uke laughs and they have sex. The next day, he talks to boss to see if he will tell him the truth but he threaten a Uke instead. Uke tells him he already reported them to the company. They both get fired and Uke hands in a letter of resignation. Uke always thought that the ground would cave in if he ever lost his job but he is doing fine. Seme goes to visit the company head, his sister and he tells her not to but in that Uke is his boyfriend. Sister was just curious. Lol. While getting into his place and telling Seme on the phone he’s home, he get smacked on the head and tied up by the stalker. He tells Uke that he’s a nobody and not qualified to be with Seme and can’t find anything useful to sale of Seme (he would take pics of Seme with models and sale them or items of Seme). Uke gets mad and whacks him in the head. Seme walks in to a man nocked out and Uke bloody from the head. They calls the police. Lol. Uke tells Seme if he wants to live together. They move in together. They are having a domestic life, enjoying sex. Lol. One day, Uke runs to open the door naked with a sheet on thinking it’s Seme with the groceries but it was Seme’s sister and the fashion artist. Lol. Sister calls him cute and compact. Lol. She reveals that they are half brothers and that he is the youngest of the family company. She leaves behind a company contract for Seme to be their model (in the past Seme didn’t want to be tied to the family company). Seme revels to Uke that he has 2 older half brothers that hated him but are in prison now. Lol. Months pass by And Uke is seeing Seme sister more and being on set with Seme and the others. Uke applies to the marketing team in Seme’s agency. They ask him if he knows that they will be rumors of him because he is Seme’s partner but Uke states he will work even harder to prove himself he is qualified to be there. Uke gets the job but he isn’t afraid of rejections because the person he loves will always be by his side. 7 yrs pass. Seme stop being a model when his sister again offered the contract and instead because full time president of the model agency in Korean branch and Manager became president in the US branch. Seme reveals that he became a model because his sister told him if he rise above he won’t be touched and treated like garbage by his family. Even though they don’t see each other as much as Seme would want in the office, they are still lovey-dovey. Extra ch. Alt. Uni. Where Seme and Uke are college students and fall for each other and another where Seme works for his sis company at the office and becomes a fan and wants to be lovers with small Actor Uke. Lol World Top Model (Co-President of Model Agency) (26)️ President of Model Agency Korean side X AD Agency Office Worker Marketing Team/Deputy Manager️ Model Agency Marketing Team (33)️ Team Leader of Marketing Team(40)
I Became the Lousy Side Top
4.3 The novel has side stories! Wish there was more towards the end. It was good. It’s funny that Uke wants to fatten up the kids and Seme. Lol. Poor Seme really didn’t have any power at all and cried a I actually like main Top. He choose Uke’s happiness over his greed to love him. I kinda want a story with him finding someone and being happy. I kinda wished all 3 of them got together and became a polygamist family. Lol. Like Seme and Top became lovers because they both missed Uke and Uke coming back made them all a couple. Lol. The friend from the real world Snake was something. I feel bad that his love for Uke over the yrs didn’t went anywhere and now he has to live without him forever. Uke gets reincarnated into the side landlord Seme of a BL novel. He was rude, nasty, and mean and a complete trash of a character to Seme (he tried get him to have sex with him for rent payment). Uke knows the novel and knows he will eventually get stabbed and kill by main Top. Lol. So he is know trying to get in Seme’s good graces so he won’t get killed. Uke knows how to cook really well so he starts off by winning Seme’s little brothers over with food and taking care of them when Seme is out for work (9 yrs and 6 yrs). Seme has to work multiple jobs to take care of his lousy father’s debt payment to loan Shark and his little brothers. At first he was reluctant because he thought Uke wanted something from him or he pity him but slowly he came around and accepted the offer to pay an extra $30 to get feed by Uke. Lol. Uke ends up finding the main Top injured instead of Seme. Uke knows that in the original novel, Seme finds gangster top injured and takes care of him and Seme becomes victim of Top’s depravity and eventually fall in love with each other. Uke leaves him alone but Seme never helps him, lol. So he goes and helps Top himself. Uke gets strangled but Seme walks in and gets Top off. Reluctantly, Seme helps with his injuries but is only helping because he started to care for Uke. Top is a gangster and didn’t trust Uke at first. Uke feeds him too. Lol. Seme doesn’t trust him and Top know. Lol. Top offers a cooking job at his house and Uke said no. Top believes Seme is getting in the was so he tells him to get out the way and Seme states no. Lol. Top ends up transferring all Seme’s debt to his company and his dad borrowed more money so Seme has more to pay off. Seme is sad and starts to cry when he sees Uke and tells him what happen. Uke comforts him and feeds him and the kids. Uke tells Seme he has money from his grandma to pay off his debt but Seme states how can he take that money when they don’t know each other. Uke gets drunk, kisses Seme, and states they will start a relationship to get to know each other. Lol. Seme knows he is drunk and won’t remember and he was right. Lol. Seme doesn’t bring it up until later when his brother states if Uke is a good person and Seme tells him he is. His brother gets happy. Seme tells Uke to come closer and he kisses him. Uke asked why he did that and Seme states is a drunken antic because he did it too and to stop drinking. Uke agrees. Lol. Seme tells him he doesn’t mind his drunken antic though. Lol. Seme is beginning to understand that he has different feelings towards Uke but can’t be with him because he can’t bring him down. Top ends up visiting and Uke ends up feeding both Seme and top wraps and Vice versa. Lol. (Top doesn’t like to be touch by others but it’s okay with Uke). Top offers him the job again in exchange he will take off half of Seme’s debt. Uke ends up agreeing. He tells Seme he is working at a supermarket. He goes to Seme’s house to sign the contract and cook. Tops Assistant questions having Uke around and is surprise by the fact that Top is eating the food. Lol. Uke is testing Top’s patience (vacuuming, putting different cushions, making food with extra flavor) but Top just complains but lets him. Lol. Seme finds out that his debt has been cut in half and is told his father got lucky with some money. Seme doesn’t want to believe it. The 4 of them end up going to an amusement park and having fun. One day, little brother got into a fight with a classmate because he got jealous of brother having a better lunch then him. Uke gets a call about it by older brother and makes a deal (he can request anything he wants) with Top because he offers to help. Top gives Uke a suite and they talk to the principal before hand to get the details. The classmate ends up apologizing and mother who was trying to humiliate Seme apologizes too. They go home happy. The kids finally get cell phones and Seme upgrade his to match Uke’s phone because he wants to at least have matching phones once.Lol. Uke gets a call by Top to go to a bar. He goes and Top and another guy type snake is there (Top doesn’t like him and wants to take him down but he tries to be friendly with him because they have the same personality. He only invited Uke because he wants to fix his Snake became interested in Uke and ask Top if he can have him. Top gets mad and states no, he is his dog. Seme is calling Uke and Snakes answer and states he is his friend. Uke gets drunk by accident and Top yanks him away and takes him to his place. Uke yanks Top and they fall asleep together. Seme is getting annoyed at Seme and Snake for trying to take Uke away from him. Lol. Uke calls Seme back and apologize for leaving him hanging. Seme meets up with Uke and sees the bruised wrist (Top yanked him away from snake) and ask what his friend did and what is he to Uke states snake is a friend and that Seme is family. Seme gets upset and tells him he doesn’t like that and confessed his feelings for Uke and ask if his feelings for him bother him to which Uke states it does and walks away from crying Seme. Uke is crying to but believes he needs to walk away because it’s not how the story goes. Uke goes back to pick up his phone he left at Top’s house and Top tells him to stay over. Uke couldn’t sleep because Top was sleeping with him. Seme is looking for Uke and states he will hide his feeling if it mean he can stay by Uke’s side. Uke makes breakfast really bad but Top eats it anyways and then tells Uke to rest for the day. When he wakes up, Top notice he isn’t pale anymore and let’s him go home. While walking home he runs into Seme (Seme was actually looking all over for Uke. He is scared that he will disappear just like his parents). He apologizes to Uke and states they are family. They go home together. Seme is happy with the way things are and is trying not to be greedy. He gets gifted movie tickets and invites Uke. Uke agrees. At work, Top tells him to drop off documents and as he does he runs into Snake who is trying to be his friend. He leaves and Top tells him to be careful because he is dangerous. They go to the movies and have a good time. Snakes keeps calling Uke until he actually comes in person and takes Uke to a restaurant. Top comes in mad and tells Snake why he is treating his man to lunch to which Snake replies what makes him his man. Lol. Top takes him away and on the way home, Top tells Uke to be his and he will wipe Seme’s debt completely. Uke ask if Top has feeling for him to which Top states it took him long to realize it. Uke is confused what the timeline is out of whack and tells Top he isn’t the one he should be with. It is revealed that Snake is actually a friend of real Uke and he went looking for him in this universe and want to bring him back with him. He is planning to Get ride of Seme since Top is too powerful. He invites Seme over by stating he will tell him more about Uke. Seme is told that Uke works for Top to reduce his debt. Seme goes and tells Uke to quite that he doesn’t need him doing that because it’s his responsibility. He gets Uke phone and cancels the contract with Top. Seme goes off to clear his head and runs into Top. Top is there to offer a better deal to Uke but Seme states he will do whatever it takes to pay the debt off. Top agrees and leaves and Uke comes and they go to hotel because it is raining and Seme is wet. Seme thinks that he is destined to be trash and asked Uke again why he did it. Uke cries and states he just wanted him to be happy. Seme states Uke makes him happy enough. When Seme is asleep Uke adds that he did it because he likes him, too. Seme goes off with Top. Uke promises the kids he will bring him back. He begs Top to let Seme go, Top ask why and Uke finally tells him that he loves Seme.Top use to like destroying people like that but he can’t bring himself to do that to Uke but even though he likes Uke he states Uke needs to do more to convince him to buy him. Uke was going to kiss Top but remember that his first kiss was with Seme and states he will work hard to pay the debt. Top gets angry and tells him to leave. Top wants Uke but not with violence because he doesn’t want him to change. Seme become a rookie gangster. Top finds out that since he can’t reach him, Uke is trying to reach Snake. Uke call Snake. Snake tells him to remember his true memories and then he will help. He remembers that it’s is close friend from back home and gives him a call again. Snake states that if he has grown found of Seme and Uke can’t admit that it’s much more then that it feels like he will die if he losses him. He goes to meet snake. Snake tells him the deal. Once Seme is happy and stable Uke needs to die so he can go back to the real world. Uke it sad but agrees but to also put that Seme’s father will no longer borrow money. Snake goes to Top and ask for Seme. Top refuses and leaves. Top calls Uke over and ask what deal he made with Snake and Uke tells him he said he can be his. Top get super piss and ask why not him that he will do anything for Uke and Uke states the same thing to let Seme go and to stop his father from getting more money. Top agrees and let’s Seme go. Seme is free and goes back home. Uke arrives and they have dinner and all sleep together again. Seme is happy and decides to ask what happen later. The next morning, Seme ask and Uke states that he made a deal with Snake that he will pay him back double what the debt was. They get into an argument but at the end Uke states he can be a cook and Seme a waiter and they can pay it off with this new business venture. Seme begins to smile (he understands that if they start a restaurant to pay everything off it will take forever but at least they will stay together) and tells Uke he loves him. Uke blushes. Lol. Seme is in cloud nine being next to Uke. Lol. Uke asked for a week to be with Seme and the kids before he has to be with Top. They go to the beach. Uke wants to leave Seme with good memories. Snake fines out Uke agreed to the deal with Top and get angry. He goes to see Uke and tells him they need to go back to the real world, that Uke needs to die or is he planning to stay in the same world has Seme even though he can’t be with him. Uke is thinking about it. Snake leaves him be but knows once Uke gets is full memories back he will be with him and go back home. Uke has a beer and Seme was looking for him. They end up kissing and Seme once again states he loves Uke even though Uke just states they are close friends. Lol. Uke cries because he doesn’t want to part ways from Seme. They are having fun in their trip. Snakes contacts him if he made a decision and Uke agrees to die after the trip is over. Top goes to the beach and gets Uke. Seme is asking what is going on and realizes the deal Uke made. Top pushing him off and takes Uke. Uke starts to cry and Top tells him he can but doesn’t want to see him cry when they get home. A stranger walks by and stabs Uke. Top goes into panic and Uke states again he should keep his promise. Top takes him to the hospital and Seme fallows. Top believe he won’t die from a stab wound because he has gotten stab many time. Lol. The doctor comes and they are shook to find out Uke is dead. Uke wakes up in the real world and remembers that Snake’s sister asked him to get the BL book for her from her brothers room when he does she said goodbye and he is transported to that universe. Uke is mad at Snake that tells him just to think of it as a dream that his feeling there weren’t real. Uke leaves and pass by the sister that remark that he is awake. Uke cries because he misses Seme. In the other world, Top finds out that it was Seme’s dad who killed Uke and asked him if he want to go ask him why. Seme goes with him. They discover that Snake told him to in exchange for money. In the real world, Uke is harassing Snake’s sister to get him back in the book but she states if he can get her brother’s permission she will. Uke goes to Snake and tells him he wants to go back to Seme. Snake is upset and tells Uke he loves him and he wants him to live in the real world. Uke threaten to kill himself and Snakes said he will die by his side. Uke leaves mad and contacts the sister again and begs her and states it’s a win for her because she hates him. Lol. She agrees to meet him and explains that only her and Snake can go into other worlds by means of a book. That the other side is as real as their side and the book will keep changing depending on the outcome. Uke tells her the person he loves is on the other side and she states because that other body is dead he will have to go in his current body and they have to tie a rock to the book and drop it in the middle of the ocean that way Snake won’t get to him and drag him back. They rent a boat and sister gives him an expensive ring to buy him time looking for a job. Sister sends him away. Sister actually hates Snake and want to bring him down and his only weakness was Uke so she is happy with the outcome. Uke arrives and a yr has passed. He goes to his old home we’re he finds the bothers there. He asked Seme if he recognizes him. They don’t recognize him and once a girl approaches Seme, Uke runs away. Uke believes Seme had a yr to grieve and is now happy with someone else. He goes inside a restaurant and eats. He sees a poster that states they are looking to hire so he asked. He gets hired and is also living in a small room at the restaurant. Seme walks in and orders and Uke makes the food for him. Seme leaves and thinks that Uke looks like his Uke. He gives the food to his brothers. Top is there at the house drinking. Since Uke died, Top as been going there to drink and then leaves. Seme somehow found confort in knowing Top is the only other person who knew Uke like he did. They eat the food and Seme starts to cry because he is reminded of Uke’s food. Seme goes and meet up with Uke. Uke tells him he was friends with dead Uke and he is the one who taught him how to cook. Uke wants to be friends with Seme and get back into his life like that. Seme learns that he lives at the restaurant and offers him a room at his place. Uke agrees. He cooks for them and Seme finds it so familiar. Uke asked wear Seme went and bother tells him he is with a guest. Top comes by and Seme tells him he can’t be doing that anymore since they have a new tenant. Top states he looks better that they both loved and lost the same guy so why is he the only one living in this hell. Seme states that he’s in pain too, that he has to live with guilt for driving the person he loved to his death and if it wasn’t for his bothers he would have followed Uke along time ago. Uke stops in and states they will talk later to sit down and eat. Top eats with them and it’s the first time again that he was able to take down food. When Top leaves, Seme tells Uke that he is his Uke. Uke confessed and even tells the kids that he was originally from a different world. They just accept it. Lol. Top over hears and goes the next day to meet up with Uke and tells him to come back to him. Uke tells him no because he loves Seme and wants to see him happy with his own eyes and he will also make him happy that’s why he return to this world. Uke asked Top if he resented him. When Uke died, Top and Seme would visit each other to talk about Uke. Top was in dispare and thought that he needed to be miserable to atone for his sins. Top tells Uke he never resented him, that he just regretted that he couldn’t make him happy so he knows Uke will never be with him, that he will be happy with Seme running the restaurant they built. Top states if he takes him by force he could lose him again and he doesn’t want that and ask for his forgiveness. Uke states he can’t forgive him right away because he gave him a hard time but he knows he did it out of love and he is reflecting on his actions. Uke ask Top to be a regular customer at their restaurant and then he will forgive him. Top smiles and states he’ll be glad to. Time passes and they finally open their restaurant, costumers are coming in and Top gives them a grand opening gift and also makes an ID card for Uke. Uke and Seme are live happily now. Convenience Store/Restaurant/Bar Worker (23~) X Landlord (older then Seme) Gangster Director of Financial group company (Main Top in the book) Director of a construction Company (Real life BFF to Uke and a Snake)
One Night Mate
3.5 Silver and BFF are funny (ch.61). I want a story just on them. Apparently, they do end up together! I wanted to see that! I liked their chemistry more then the main characters. Lol. They were the best! they now how to comunícate more then the main couple. Uke is funny. He’s a mixture of tough and timid. Lol. Seme is chill, like he has no care in the world. I like that they got together at the middle of the story (ch.31). Lol. But then it was just trouble after that. I like that Uke broke up and looked like he was moving on nicely. When first introduced, Uke got kisses by Seme’s BFF Silver Hair and didn’t batted an eye. Lol. Uke goes on his first trip to Europe thinking it will be great but on his first night, he didn’t make the correct reservation so he has no hotel room. Seme walks in. Uke had a crush on him for a yr. he used to follow him around like a puppy but then he overheard a conversation were other guys stated Uke might be gay and Seme stating he’s not keen on gays. Uke crush on him stoped there. Seme was about to leave when Uke ask if he can share his room for the night. Uke knows Seme is an annoying Yes Man (Seme agrees but it’s whatever and doesn’t care about most things type attitude). Seme agrees. Seme gets robed the next day and ask Uke for help until they get to Barcelona where his brother can help him. They go site seeing but it’s awkward. Seme gets hit on by girls and Uke leaves (he gives him is card and tells him he will wait at the hotel). Uke goes to a bar and on his way to the hotel is getting hit on by a guy. Seme sees this and Uke rejects the guy but trips and falls and hit his head. Seme tries to help and Uke blurts out his plan to travel and meet new guys in each place because he’s gay. He tells Seme he wants to be immoral and promiscuous.Lol. He passes out and the next day apologizes for what he said and to not tell anyone. Seme tells him he doesn’t know what image he has but he won’t tell anyone and he doesn’t dislike gay people, he just can’t relate. And tells Uke if he wants to have a one night stand he can do so in the room. Lol. They have a good chat on things they can improve on ( Uke tells him Seme isn’t responsive and has no opinion. And that he doesn’t like taking pics and felt uncomfortable with the girls. Seme tells him he doesn’t like to be left alone. That he’s only alone because he broke up with his girlfriend). They go out and have a good time. Seme sees Uke blushing and shy when he sees to guys kissing and thinks Uke is pretty cute. On there way to Barcelona, Seme sees Uke has a temper when 3 racist begin harassing him. Uke shuts them up. Seme has never seen this side of Uke because he was always like a puppy towards him. Lol. The bus breaks down. The racist guys spill drink all over Uke and Uke chases them away. He borrows Seme’s clothes and Seme has a couple sleeping bag for them to share. Lol. Uke thinks it crazy that when he was trying to get close to Seme he was far away and now that he wants distance he’s too close. Lol. They arrive at Barcelona and part ways. Seme had a fun time with Uke and Uke thinks it’s like a dream but feels empty now that Seme is gone. The next day, he runs into Seme. He ask Uke if he did immoral and promiscuous things already and Uke states he’s tired of that and moving on. Lol. Seme wants to tag along stating his brother left him and now he want to join Uke in doing something immoral and promiscuous. Lol. They go out drinking and Seme states he had fun with Uke so far and that they should be friends. Uke said sure. Lol. Seme then takes Uke to a night club and ask if he been to places like this since Uke stated he has done a lot before. Seme leaves with a girl and tells Uke good luck. Lol. Uke has never been promiscuous only in his brain. Lol. He tries to dance and Seme thinks it’s funny. Uke gets taken away by a drug dealer but he thinks it’s for kissing. Seme laughs and saves Uke. The club has a kissing time and Seme is starting to think he’s bisexual. Lol. He kisses Uke and then ask if he doesn’t mind a non-European, if he wants to sleep with him in Spain. Lol. Uke never though he would be kissing someone he knows and also losing his virginity. Uke kisses Seme in agreement. They have sex but halfway, Uke falls asleep. Uke wakes up crying the next morning. He tells Seme he was a virgin. Seme tells him it’s okay and it’s better that his first time is with someone he knows ( he doesn’t think it’s a big deal). Uke ask to pretend like it never happen and Seme agrees. They part ways and Seme starts to think he wouldn’t mind having sex with him again. The new semester starts. Uke tells his BFF he lost his virginity in a mistake. Lol. Uke gets a new roomie and it turns out to be Seme. Uke goes to BFF and tells him the whole situation. For the week he sleeps at BFF while avoiding Seme. BFF tells Uke to play it cool, he can’t run forever. Seme ends up chasing after Uke. They talk it out. Semetells him he himself doesn’t even remember who he lost his virginity to, so he will eventually forget and that he isn’t interested in men so he doesn’t need to worry. Seme states he doesn’t like to be alone. Ever since his grandma pass away, he doesn’t like it. That he use to live with his girlfriends before but he got dumped a lot so he got the idea to just live in the dorms. They are roomies now. Seme sticks to Uke close and Uke ask why. Seme states his BFF went to America for the semester so he’s lonely. Lol. Seme’s Friends tell him not to do that to Uke because every time he ends up forgetting them once he has a girlfriend and the other party will get hurt (he did that to them too. Lol). Seme doesn’t want to because he’s having fun with Uke. BFF tells Uke they are BFFs now. Lol. Seme see Uke blushing and begins to think about him and Uke having sex and starts to think why did Uke cry when he woke up after they did it. Seme helps Uke with the surveys for the broadcasting club in exchange for a question. They finish the work and Seme ask the question, why Uke cried after they slept together. Uke states he wanted to feel loved and felt pathetic for getting drunk and not being like he had imagined and that next time he will start by dating. Uke blushes and Seme gets hard again. He tells Uke that he wants to do it again with him. Uke is taken back and states he will only do it with the person he likes and dating. So Seme ask if they can date. Lol. Uke throws him a pillow. Uke tells his BFF about it and he states he could be playing around to just ignore it and that he broke up with his high school sweetheart. Uke sprain his wrist because Seme hugged him and he fell so know he is helping him take note and such. Seme introduce him every time he sees someone he knows. Seme’s Friends (Bommer and Gamer girl) come around more often and they hangout. One time when Seme leaves them alone Gamer tell Uke not to open his heart to Seme because he always leaves his friends once he gets a girlfriend. Uke sees Seme being called out a lot by his former announcing partner a lot and a classmate comments that they are probably dating. Uke thinks why he should care but it’s bothered because Seme said he wanted to date him. At their room, Seme helps him dry his hair and Uke asked about the girl and he states they are going to host the festival together and Uke states he thought they were dating to which Seme said they could start dating if they spend more time together. Uke asked if he stops seeing friends when he dates and he said yes but not extreme. Uke ends up kissing Seme. He frantically states he was trying to stand up and is going for a run. Lol. Uke knows he kissed him out of annoyance that he might stop talking to him. Uke gets a text from BFF’s Ex. He goes to tell him his ex wants to talk and maybe he should but BFF gets upset and tells him he’s meddling and making him uncomfortable. Uke goes back to his place and starts to cry. Seme is there and ask why and Uke states he is trash, he kisses him without consent and mad his friend upset. Lol. Seme tells him he caught his friend at a bad time and that the kiss was a mistake and he wants to make one too. Lol. They kiss and even sleep in his bed. Lol. Uke becomes close to Seme Friends and they don’t bring up the kiss. Uke sees BFF arguing with his Ex and interferes. BFF tells him again he is meddling and Uke starts to cry and tells him how he can he not and he’s worried about him and now he feels hurt and runs away. Lol. Seme walks in on Uke crying again. Uke tells Seme that BFF is special and grateful to him. (Uke accidentally outed himself when transporting his things to their room. BFF didn’t say anything. Uke wanted a gay friend and when he was going to meet someone in an app and BFF told him not to go because there are weirdos. Uke goes anyways but they try to rape him. He gets away and BFF goes to pick him up. Uke told him it lonely being gay and BFF tells him he is gay too that even if he has a bad personality that if Uke wants to be his friend). They haven’t spoken in a while. Uke is a producer at a campus radio show and one of the letters was from BFF to Uke to meet him at the place they became friends because he wants to apologies is inferiority complex got the better of him and he was embarrassed about his situation. Uke goes to the spot and hears BFF kicking Ex and stating he had an affair with a women. Uke goes rage mode on Ex. Lol. They talk it out and BFF apologizes and tell Uke to thank his Seme because he suggested him writing a letter that Uke felt bad. Uke run to wear Seme is. Uke tells Seme he likes him. Seme ask if it’s not a mistake and Uke said no. They kiss. And go back to their room. Uke confesses that he has liked Seme in the past. They are boyfriends now and have sex. Uke is so happy to have a boyfriend he is even thinking marriage. Lol. Seme seems chill about it. Lol. Uke begins to realize that all they do is have sex and tells his BFF about it. He doesn’t want to hear it but he states they sound like fuck buddies. Lol. Then he ask Bommer and he states it’s a form of affection. They all see Seme with a girl and Gamer states that he stays friends with his Exes. Uke is starting to feel anxious. Bommer tells Seme what Uke told him and Seme thinks he is going to get dumped. Uke asked him out on a date. BFF has to switch room because of a leak and has a new roommate that he catches masturbating (it’s Seme’s BFF silver hair). He hate him. Lol. Uke plans the date but everything is going wrong but Seme thinks he’s cute and having a good time. Seme asked him about his troubles with to much sex and Uke tells him that he likes it too but he doesn’t like the fact that he talks to his exes. Seme is open minded and doesn’t see anything wrong just because they broke up, they still share good memories and he doesn’t like to feel alone. Uke ask why he has that trama of being lonely and Seme explains that growing up he didn’t have friends, he stayed in America and his parents went to live abroad and his brother too to different areas. They promised to visit but never came. He didn’t planted roots but he began understanding how to deal with racism and making friends. One day his grandma came to stay with him. At first he found it awkward and didn’t like it but then he did and he was always with her until she past away and after that he hated being alone. He found it hard to cope. Uke is crying and Seme doesn’t understand. Seme was thought that everyone has to leave no matter the reason. You have to leave and let leave. Uke tells him he is healthy and won’t leave him alone. Lol. Seme feels weird about seeing Uke cry about it but also warm. BFF ask to stay at their place. The next day, Silver goes and surprises Seme and he introduces Uke as his roommate. Silver kisses him as a hello. Lol. Seme ask how is he back from America and he states he broke the rules and he just bought a dorm room with money. BFF over hears this and kicks him out of the room and states he will report him. Lol. Silver states he paid and BFF states he’s an illegal tenant. They start to fight and Silver gets the idea to trade roomies. Lol. Uke remember that Seme is a yes man and he agrees. Uke forgives Seme but it’s still upset they will be separated for a while and Seme doesn’t seem bothered. He thinks Uke is being impatient but then turns around and goes sees him at night giving Uke any food that reminds him of Uke. Lol. BFF gets pissed but Uke is happy because he thinks that he couldn’t stop thinking of him and it’s not a one sided love anymore. Girl classmate announcer comes and tells Uke to set her up with Seme. They all go to lunch together and she states Seme and her should eat off campus and alone together next time and Seme agrees nonchalant. Uke gets upset and doesn’t want to see Seme. Uke thinks he is losing because he is more in love. Seme doesn’t understand why Uke is getting mad about. He text out that Uke is being too sensitive and Silver that why is he annoyed, that he just breaks up with friends when that happens and accidentally sends the text. Uke is furious and house to tell Seme that anyone will get upset if their boyfriend accepted all the flirting that came his way. That he can barely stop him from seeing his exes. Seme tells Uke he should have said something instead of running off in a temper, but if he was in his place he wouldn’t have gotten upset because he doesn’t see what the big deal is plus he is open minded. Uke is taken back and Seme explains he likes to be in open relationship, that he told Uke since the beginning. He likes to keep himself open to the possibility of meeting someone else. That he isn’t good at saying no to the people who like him but he won’t get in a relationship with them until his partner agrees because otherwise it’s cheating.p but he will go with whatever his heart takes him. Uke ask if Seme likes him and Seme states he likes people that like him that he’s always been that way if that’s fine. Seme ask if he wasn’t to break up and Uke tells him no but he will never give him permission to date someone else. Uke understands his position is to lose and he’s fine with it but he thinks of Seme as special so he will just like him more. They end up falling asleep in a bench holding hands and BFF and even Silver sees. The next day, BFF tells him to move back, he can’t keep to Lovers apart and to be careful because at this rate he might out himself. Lol. Silver tells Seme if he’s dating Uke. Seme sates ho he knows and Silver states he made it obvious but that it’s gross that he’s dating men because he was that lonely. Seme tells him he has been with guys too but silver states that the guys he meet were pretty and nothing feels out of the ordinary. Lol. And tells Seme not to put all his eggs in one basket. Seme thinks Uke is pretty. Uke tells Seme that he will like him more so no one will get ahead of him. They have sex and during Seme thinks that nothing is out of the ordinary and Uke is pretty. He even tells Uke is pretty and handsome. Lol. Uke takes his actions has an extra treat. Seme thinks it’s strange that he wants to keep looking at Uke and he does even during club and keeps telling Uke how pretty, handsome and cool he Silver moves back and gets handed the rules. He thinks it’s a pain and comes up with the idea to break them up since that’s the problem. Uke ends up being ordered into a new position being in the camera crew and because super busy. Seme can’t tell if he misses Uke or if his lonely. Silver invites him out and snaps a pic and sends it to Uke. Seme is actually not interested in making friends and is bored. Uke arrives angry stating he thought Seme was out playing but he’s just playing him (he catches Seme with another persons phone (Silver said yes to a girl wanting Seme’s number). Silver tries to explain but Seme is happy seeing Uke. Uke ends up staying but he’s still enraged and Seme looks happy. Silver plan isn’t working. Lol. At the end Uke ask why he went and he told him he was lonely. Uke tells Seme he needs time to think. Uke is starting to question himself about his decision in the relationship. Seme thinks they are going to break up. Uke ends up telling BFF what is happening and Silver is happy he doesn’t see Seme and Uke together. At that moment BFF runs with a bat towards Seme trying to kill him thinking he cheated while Uke is trying to stop him. Lol. Seme thinks that Uke and BFF are having a good time together and is fines it unpleasant but thinks it’s only right for Uke to also want to see other people. Seme asked them if they are dating and Uke punches him. Lol. They end up sitting down and talking overall Seme looks happy that Uke isn’t dating anyone else and Uke is confused because it seems to him that Seme likes him back even though Seme can’t outright say it. Gamer, Silver, and BFF are in another table seeing them. Silver states if they are openly dating. Gamer tells him nobody would know if he didn’t open his mouth first to be careful and to stop being a jerk and leave them alone. BFF states he did that on purpose taking Seme to the bar to break them up. Silver states if there’s a problem with that. BFF tells him what his problem is, that isn’t he a violinist. That there are always guy like him who make trouble when something goes wrong in their career. Silver gets upset but then they see Uke running. Uke tells BFF that he needs to go to a school play and his sister got hurt and can’t record. Lol. Silver and BFF get back home and Silver tells him to be careful around each to not look through his stuff and that he can do guys too. BFF tells him he found out while cleaning and he’s not threatening, that he only does guys to watch out . Lol. Silver complains to Seme but Seme tells him BFF isn’t a bad person. Uke is being worked hard by the video staff and over hears the manager stating he’s all browns and no brains. Uke is sad but doesn’t want to quite and let everyone down. Uke is going to meet with Seme. Seme has been missing him too and even text him that. Seme has a cough and girl classmate goes and gives him soup and Uke sees. Uke cries and tells Seme he can’t do this anymore, he likes him so much but he doesn’t know how to make him un lonely. Seme ask if he wants to break up and Uke nods. Seme heart is hurting and states if he doesn’t want him to he won’t meet anyone else but he can. Uke tells him he is the only one for him but not the other way around. Seme states he understands. Seme thinks it was eventually going to happen and he should be fine. Uke tells BFF what happen and they’re going to switch rooms again. BFF knows they both have love for each other but are fools. Lol. Seme is stuck in a daze. Silver and BFF run into each other and BFF starts harassing him by calling him babe. Lol. They bicker and then they hear music student talking about Silver that he’s back but he can’t play because his hearing his screwed up. BFF calls them out and states he’s back and his hearing is fine but if they have more to say to say it to his face. Lol. Then he turns and says see you, Bebe to Silver and leaves. Lol. Uke tells Seme that he will try his best for things not to be awkward between them but if he gets a new girlfriend he’ll have to disappear. Uke ends up quitting the broadcasting club and so does the classmate he was close with. Lol. Seme doesn’t see Uke that often or at all anymore and chases after him. He ask him to lunch but Silver comes around calling Uke baby and stating he knows he his single now. Silver then notice Seme and BFF there. Lol. Awkward. BFF tells Silver to take his friend with him. Lol. They end up all eating lunch together. Seme ends up saying that they are still friends and BFF brings up that there is a guy interested in Uke he will set them up on a date. Seme sees the pic and starts to say he would look good with Uke but that aumento isn’t interested prompting Uke to say he will go on a date with him. Uke leaves and Seme fallows. Silver tells BFF that he didn’t think Seme liked him and that he looked in danger by loving something to much. Lol. BFF calls them idiots. Lol. That he is just convincing himself not to like anything for fear of getting hurt. BFF gets up to leave and Silver stops him and says that he wouldn’t say that if he had lost something that meant the world to him. BFF apologizes for sounding arrogant but that he has the rest of his life still and that he’s the only one that can pull himself out of despair and to not use excuses to hurt others. Seme stays up thinking about Uke’s date and tell Uke that he’s no good for him, that he might like the gym too much and he might break his bones when he gets hugs. Lol. Uke tells him he understands he his chill but he is overstepping and leaves for class. Uke can’t believe Seme as already moved on. Lol. Seme starts to imagine Uke with someone else and feels horrible and believes he is lonely so he needs to get with someone. Uke tells BFF and BFF tells him if Seme asked him out again if he would accept because in his eyes Seme looks in regret. They both hear Bommer saying that Seme is going to be dating broadcasting classmate and wants to go tell Uke when he gets taken away by Gamer. Seme is awkward with Uke and leaves. Uke is is enraged and tells BFF he will go on a date with that guy. Lol. BFF goes to Silver and ask him for updates on Seme or else he will report him. Lol. They day of the date comes and intend of the date appearing BFF does and tells him he actually got a random pic and didn’t have anyone to introduce. Lol. Seme sees Uke taken away by someone and goes after him. He ask who he’s with and Uke tells him his shy date. Lol. Seme is going to meet classmate and Uke tells him good luck and leaves. Seme feels nauseous seeing Uke walking away with his date. He stops him and states not to go. Uke tells him if he wants to talk. They go get coffee while BFF date waits on the side. Lol. Uke tells Seme if he can’t satisfy Seme with all his love then nobody can, that having someone by his side constantly isn’t the answer to his loneliness. That he should date someone he truly like to make good memories and to stop using him because he’s lonely because it’s giving him mix feelings and to have a good break. Seme shakes his hand goodbye. Uke leaves and Seme sits there confused how to tell liking someone and feeling lonely. Classmate comes and Seme starts to cry and tells her that he just got out of a relationship and wants to be with them again. She tells him he only wanted him to be a trophy boyfriend and doesn’t care for love but he should go to the person he wants to be with. Seme goes to his room and Silver sees him depressed so he calls the other friends. Silver runs into Uke and BFF. BFF tells Uke that Silver was his accomplice. lol. But he is sorry for meddling. Silver tries to defend himself and BFF laugh and almost calls him cute but spits out annoying instead. Lol. BFF thanks him for the help and they leave. Seme misses Uke and wants him to be with him. Uke leaves with BFF for training. Silver changes his hair back to dark brown and Seme isn’t eating much or sleeping. Gamer states he is probably lovesick. Silver tells Seme that he should call Uke and that he regrets interfering in their relationship. That he didn’t have closure on his own situation and he’s sorry. Seme realizes that he need to tell Uke that his feeling were enough. Seme ends up quitting the broadcasting club (Chief was about to start talking shit about classmate and Uke that quite). Seme ask Silver where Uke is and goes to see him because he wants to win him back. Silver calls BFF that Seme is on his way over. There is a snow storm and Uke and BFF think he couldn’t possibly be there for him. Uke finds Seme. Seme tells him he likes him and wants him to be with him. Uke throws a tantrum how much he hated Seme not fighting for them when they broke up and that he only wanted for Seme to want him and love only him. He tells him that it’s dangerous what he did and they head inside the building. BFF gives them a earful and lets them be. He calls Silver to tell him Seme is found and they look like they made up. Silver wants to keep BFF on the phone and BFF asked if he likes him, but that he shouldn’t because he’s not his type and hangs up. Silver states he doesn’t but they haven’t gone on a date to say he isn’t his type. Lol. Uke and Seme are sleeping at the gym in a sleeping bag. Uke tells him he gets jealous easily and overthinks so he isn’t confident he can be with Seme. Seme states he doesn’t want Uke talking to others either but he was childish and he will handle his loneliness on his own so Uke won’t have to try hard to be a good person. They start dating again and Seme is leading to start his own fires. Back at college, Seme gets his own apartment because he forgot to apply for the dorms because he was lovesick. Uke helps him move in and Seme hint he should have a roommate. Uke doesn’t get the hint. Uke wants to have sex and Seme does to but he is holding back because he remembers the time Uke thought that that’s all they did. Uke tells him the situation and BFF is starting to wonder if they can have a proper relationship without his help. Lol. BFF tells Uke to move in with his boyfriend and that his been talking a lot to Silver because he likes him. Lol. (Apparently, they do end up together but not for a while. Silver keeps asking him for a date). Seme gets drunk and ask Uke to stay with him as a roommate. Seme is getting jealous and Uke admits that BFF was his date that one time and that he will be living with him. Uke is thinking of marriage now. Lol. They become roomies again and say I love you to each other. Schools broadcasting station announcer(21) X Sophomore Physical Education Major (21) Violinist Music Major (21) X Uke’s BFF Physical Education Major (24)
Housekeepers Love Affair
4.3 Blue and Red are so cute together!! I liked their dynamic more then the main couple. The main couple wasn’t bad though. I’m actually surprise there is a 3 some. Lol. It feels like Uke and Blue have had oral sex because Uke didn’t complain when it happen. His friend, Blue, is trying to hock them up but Uke was so dense. Lol. Seme is a golden retriever that took care of his 4 younger siblings after his parents past away. Blue is great! His gentle but is intimidating like a snake. Lol. It’s funny that Seme didn’t make any noise when he found out that his younger bother is dating Blue. Lol. Uke got upset and cursed him for dating someone so young.Lol. Blue and Red have good communication skills in their relationship. It’s cute how Blue introduce Red to his friend as the first and last lover he will ever have. Lol. Red was sticking to Blue to show his friend who he belongs to. Lol. It’s cute that Red told Blue that meeting him was his life’s greatest blessing. It’s cute how they all feel passionate about the love they have for their partners and they know if they trust each other they can move on from any problems along the way. It’s adorable that Both aren’t hiding themself’s from the rest of the family (Seme and Red’s fam all knows and Blue fam does too). Because Uke is translating a smut books, he keeps having wet dreams of him with his housekeeper. He wants to resolve the issue but can’t fire him because Seme a great housekeeper. Uke believes he is sexual frustrated so he goes to Blue Hair’s gay bar (He is a former college mate and is now someone he occasionally meets and talk about his job and how sexual it is. He helps Uke out with it for research and such). Uke tells his his situation and he laughs but tells Uke he needs to turn the fantasy into reality. That he is sexual frustrated because he is always looking at smut and is a virgin. Lol. He takes Uke home and states there is a package he mailed to him, that Uke should review it. Uke finds the package has been open and there beginner dildos. Lol. Seme left a note stating he thought it was the bookshelf. Lol. Everything is normal the next day. Uke ends up using the dildo and Seme kinda sees. Lol. He begins to fantasize about Uke. Uke Ed’s up knocking out in the couch. Seme goes into work and fins Uke there. Uke wakes up and thinks it’s a dream and has sex with Seme. Later on, he realizes that it wasn’t a dream and apologizes and states he can report him. Seme tells him he won’t, he was happy to help and if he wants more he can ask, lol, Blue comes over and acts touchy with Uke. Seme ask what they are and he states friends with benefits. Lol. Blue invites him over to the hotel they will be at. Uke and Seme go for research purposes. Seme arrives and end up having a 3 some (Seme using hole and Blue using mouth). Seme ask why he invited him and he states Uke likes it rough. Lol. And that he is busy so he can’t satisfy him all the time so if he can help with that. Lol. Seme begins to research many things. Lol. Because he isn’t talking to Blue at the moment, Uke ask Seme on a date. They have a good time and go home and have sex. Seme in the middle of it tells Uke that he likes him and to not have sex with anyone else. Uke didn’t hear it. Blue calls and ask if they are dating now and Uke stares how can he insinuate there’s something going on between them. Lol. Blue ask if he’s okay with Seme having sex with someone else and to think about why he helps him with his request. Uke starts to think that maybe he can’t refuse because he is the employer. Seme accident sees a bondage book and thinks Uke wants to try it so he begins to study. Uke wants to ask but can’t so Seme comes around and ask directly himself. They do bondage and have sex. Again Seme states he will do his best so he won’t have sex with anyone else and that he loves him. The next morning, Seme ask him out. Lol. Stating that he can’t stand the thought of someone else with Uke is surprise and flustered that Seme likes him but he will think about it. Uke believes they need to end their professional relationship to starts a new one. He text Seme but he miss understands. Seme thinks he is losing his job. He goes over to Uke and Seme states he understands and he shouldn’t do it out of pity. Uke kisses him and states he doesn’t kiss out of pity. They talk it out and are in a relationship now but since Seme was outside in the snow for hours waiting for Uke to talk, he got a fever. Uke nurses him back to health. Seme’s Red hair brother goes to visit Seme at Uke’s place (Brother found it suspicious that his Seme was sick). He runs in to Blue because Uke called to ask him to get medicine. Brother thinks he’s hot and blue confronts him stating what Business he has there. Lol. Blue thinks he’s cute. Red meets Seme and Blue gives the medicine and as an apology he tells Red he can drop him off home. Uke and Seme have sex and reveal the misunderstanding (Uke hasn’t done erotic sex things with anyone but Seme and he tells Seme he is a translator for erotic novels). While driving home, Red falls asleep and dreams that Blue started kissing him. He wakes up and is shy and flustered. Blue wipes his mouth from the drool and Red leaves in a hurry. Lol. He keeps thinking of Blue since that day. Blue runs into Red while he is working at the flower shop (Red told him to look at the flowers while his flowers are done and Blue states he’s alredy looking at one. Lol). Red keeps having sexy dreams of Blue. Red goes to pick up his little brother at kindergarten and meets Blue there. Blue explains that he is the one who told Seme about the kindergarten. Blue picks up a little girl and gives Red and his brother a ride home. Red thinks he is having sexy dreams of a married man. Lol. While picking up a pot, Red shoves a passerby. He confronts him and picks up the pot trying to look cool (the pot is heavy but Red is strong). Blue bar is right across the flower shop so he sees what’s going on. They guy drops the pot and it would have landed on Red but Blue protected him. He got a cut and fractured his arm. He goes to the hospital. Uke and Seme go to see him. Blue states he got it while helping Red but not to worry about it. Seme tells Red not to worry either. Uke is a bit worried because Blue lives alone. Seme and Uke leave but Red stays behind. Red tells Blue that he will help him out and he alredy got permission from the flower shop. They sleep at the hospital in the same bed (Red accidentally touches Blues cock, so know he knows he’s packing. Lol). Seme is a little worried about Red working for Blue so after sex he ask Uke how Blue is. Uke states he was always popular but never dated. He found out when he reconnected that it was because he was gay but even then he never saw him in a relationship o he might not be interested in dating seriously. Seme thinks he probably has nothing to worry about then. Lol. Red while trying to make Blue coffee ends up tripping and Blue tries to stop it. Blue notice Red as a boner and helps him out with his hand and mouth. Red likes it but is conflicted because he thinks Blue is married. Lol. He ask Seme if it’s okay to kiss a guy and Seme states if they like each other. Lol. Red ends up tripping into the tub while shampooing Blue. His clothes are wet and ends up staying the night. Red is curious about Blues dick size so he looks at it while Blue is asleep. He finds it fascinating how big it is. Blue gets hard because Red is touching it and He wakes up. Red ends up giving Blue head. Lol. They end up masturbating together and Blue gets to see Red’s inverted nipples. He likes them. Red keeps thinking more will come but Blue just cleans him up and puts him to sleep. Lol. Red ask Seme about a friend that likes a married man but they always stop before they go all the way. Seme tells him to stay away from the married man. Lol. Seme ask Uke to ask Blue about his brother (Seme thinks his brother is messing with a married They masturbate together again and Red ask if the little girls mom knows. Lol. Blue states that she knows that he is gay and she is taking care of her because the mom is abroad on a business trip. Red now thinks Blue is divorced. Lol. Blue ask if Red likes him and Red states he is asking himself the same and if Blue likes him. Lol. Blue states when he figures it out he will tell him how he feels. Blue gets better and ask Red to stay as his housekeeper that he will pay him better. Red states he will think about it. Blue also admits that he really just wants Red to stay by his side. Red blushes. Things haven’t changed much except that they are mastubating with each other more now. Lol. Red states he wants him to continue so Blue fingers him. Red is curious Blue more so he goes to his bar. He meets a Blondie who is interested in him and he tells Red that if he is interested in Blue to give up because he is cold to people that approach him and rumor has it he has a lover already which is Uke. Red sees Blue with Uke going into a private room. Blue takes Blondie’s drink and is tipsy and goes to check for himself. In the private room, Uke tells Blue about Red situation and Blue admits he is the one interested in Red. Uke get upset but Blue tells him he is serious (Blue always saw relationships as transactional. And he was able to step away from people that really wanted him by letting the rumors of him and Uke stand). Red stumbles into the room and sees Uke taking a hold of Blues tie (Uke was yelling at him but Red thinks they were about to get it Red storms off crying. Blue tries to stop him but Red tells him not to touch him with the same hands he touched another man with. Red takes Blondie’s hand and ask him about the hotel he is taking him to (Blondie actually doesn’t want any trouble. Lol). Blondie tells Red that he doesn’t want to get band and he should talk it out with the boss. Lol. Blue takes him away. He apologizes for making Red anxious, that he was afraid since Red as never felt that way before he might change his mind after getting to know him and Red states that they need to get to know each other better and Blue adds that he will take it has to deepened the relationship. Lol. They have sex. They both enjoy themselves. The next day, Blue’s sister, her husband and kid come over and catches them in a compromising position. Lol. It is revealed to Red that she isn’t a ex wife but her sister and the child is her niece. Lol. Sister ask if he is his boyfriend and Blue states yes. Lol. They are happy for him. Blue plans a date for him and Red. They get to know more about each other. They find out their birthday are on the same day. Lol. They spend it together and have sex. Red ask about Uke and Blue states he’s an old friend and he already has a boyfriend and they should plan to all hangout together. Lol. Red starts college but still goes to Blue’s house to cook and clean. Blue plans a trip to Hawaii inviting Uke and Seme along. Red finds out who Uke is dating. Lol. (Seme knew already who Red was dating but knew Red was keeping it secret). They get to Hawaii. Seme decides to bunk with Blue to get to know him better (Seme doesn’t want Red to be in the same room as Blue even though he knows they are together. Lol) they meet the host and Red is introduce to Blue’s childhood friend Blondie. Blondie wanted to kiss him but Blue didn’t let him and stated that Red is his one and only lover. Lol. Red and Blondie have tension because every time Blondie tries to get Blue’s attention Red offers to help or interrupts. Lol. Seme thinks Red is getting along with Blondie well. Lol. Seme keeps having to keep a look out because Uke keeps getting hit on. Lol. Both parties end up having sex. At the barbecue, Uke ask Blue to go with him for a smoke (Blue is going to keep him company because he is actually trying to quite because Red doesn’t like it). Seme thinks since Blue is dating Red he shouldn’t worry. The Host tells him some advice to talk out his worries with Uke because he should enjoy his time with the people he cherish. Blue takes Red to see the stars and they have a good chat about knowing that even if other people stare at them they are the only ones for each other. They have sex in the car. Lol. It is reveal that Blondie has a 10 yr crush on Host and is mad at Blue for bringing along his BF because Blue knows his struggle. Lol. (Blue was alway comforting Blondie has a friend when Host got a girlfriend). Blondie blurted out he wanted to have sex with Host and Host hears and makes it happen, lol. They have sex. Apparently, Host has had his eyes on Blondie for a while too. Blondie apologizes to Red and takes him shopping with his card (Blue made him and his dad owns a mall). Lol. It become a date between Blue and Red because Seme and Uke couldn’t make it because Uke is tired (they had a good chat about it’s okay Seme can be greedy and express himself more and if something goes wrong they can talk things out. Uke states he wants deeper communication with Seme. Seme is happy he fell in love with Uke. They get drunk in the bathtub and have rough sex and Seme squirts inside Uke. Lol). Before leaving Blondie ask Red for his number. Lol. They are friends now. They are all closer to one another and happy about the future they will share with the ones they love. Christmas Special: 10 yrs have past and Seme’s family and lovers has made it a tradition to spend Christmas together. Blue and Red live together. Red has a full time job now. Main Couple is still the same. Loving. Lol. Housekeeper (25)(35) X Literature Translator for Erotic Novels (30)(40) Blue Hair Gay Bar Owner (30) (40)X Seme’s Brother Redhead Flower shop Worker/Uni. Student (19)️ Full time Worker (29) Blue’s Childhood Friend Blondie (28~) X Hawaii Trip Host Blue’s Friend (38~)
Take Off (Jui)