Ideal Assets
Love Cycling
Kabukichou Bad Trip
Uke can read minds but Seme doesn’t care. It’s cute when he gets embarrassed. Lol. I like the ending chapter more. It had a bit more drama in there. Lol. They are a cute couple but I wish we could have more couple scenes. Surprisingly, there wasn’t much bdsm. The Seme was understanding and nice. He mainly likes to poses and give orders. Lol. His friends, Rio and Jun are great! They really care for the uke a lot. So cute. I wish they had their own story too. Lol It felt like the coffee shop Owner needed a story, too. His character design is so cute. Supermodel X Host ️ Coffee Shop Worker
Sweet As Hell
I like how they got together by the middle of the story not at the end! I like that the uke said I love you first even though the Seme was the one deeply in love. It’s cute how the uke is quite honest even though he was trying to hide his feelings for the Seme in the beginning. After all the trouble, they’re a cute couple. Lol. At the end we find out the Uke was the Seme’s first for everything! He lied about having other girlfriends. Office Worker X Office Worker (Same Department ️ Different Departments)
Oresama dom wa nade raretai
3.8 It was cute. Wish we could have seen more of their dynamic. The uke was really stubborn. But at least he understood his feelings at the end. And the Dom is actually a nice to him. It looked cute when he was hugging his sub. Lol Dom Dynamic school nurse X Dom/Sub Teacher
From Points of Three
3.0 for main couple. 4.5 for 2nd couple. Their a switch. Lol. I liked the third wheel. Lol. He was bubbly and cute. I’m happy he got his own chapters in the end. Ch.58-80. It was the best part. Lol. He got a happy ending. Yay! Wish we could have seen them in a double date. Main theme of the story is power play. Seme thinks because of his privilege background he can get whatever he wants easily and he always comes out on top. Him wanting to process uke (coerced him into playing BDSM because he wanted him as a new partner) leads him into falling in love with him. Uke realizes that he’s been tricked into the relationship. He gets upset, pretends to be lovers to get revenge. Uke does but Seme already knew uke was trying to do something. He said he didn’t do anything about it because He wanted to use that time to make Uke to fall in love with him. They break up, but months later, with a crying Seme stating how much he loves and misses him, they get back together. Seme hired uke to film him having sex with partner because he has been interested in him. Seme said he will help him with his debt and the ex boyfriend. Uke had a toxic relationship. He told Seme that he can be his care taker that he was okay with taking care of him like a puppy because he loved him that much. Seme agreed that he only needed uke in his life. He began cutting ties to everything around him because his dad found out he was with uke and then his dad made a scene at work and they found out about it, too. He didn’t have a job now and he was completely relying on uke in every way. Uke started to feel pity rather then love. He started to feel regret for approaching him. Seme cheating on uke and always asked for money, until he got himself in trouble and uke had to go into debt so he wouldn’t have to go into prostitution. He broke up with him after. Seme told partner he no longer wanted him anymore that he had a new partner. The partner didn’t like it because essential he was losing a sex friend and uke who he fell in love with during their meet ups. Lol. Uke tells him they can be good friend and eventually they do. They get together. Uke finds out he used his ex boyfriend to manipulate him into the relationship. He gets revenge by stating he still wants Seme and getting him to admit his crazy behavior (he recorded him) and then trashed all his electronics trying to fine the sex tape he helped film. They break up. Months later, the partner (uke’s now bestie. Lol) has a play uke his invited to. Seme goes there to and runs into uke outside the place. Seme starts to cry and states it’s been hard without him. Uke realize that Seme wasn’t a powerful, cold, composed and always in control man, he was a selfish and always got his way brat. Lol. The intimidation factor his no longer their so he decided to give Seme another change with to lies this time. They live together happily. Popular Actor (26~) X Cinematographer Film Crew Worker (32) University Senior Student (25~) X University Student Actor (24~)
Sugar to Mustard