Bakemono no Hanayome
The extra was good. Wish we had more of their domestic life. Lol. This needed a sequel! I want more... wish we could have had more development. They feel in love with each other hipster it felt more out of dependency for the uke Fox became he had nobody that treated him right. And the Seme wanted to make his bride happy. Lol. It was cute, though. The Seme was kind to the uke. (Minus the first day he forced the uke to consummate the marriage. Lol) They're both lonely and only wants to be accepted for who they are by their family. Werewolf Blood X 9 Tail Fox
Willow love story
4.5 Really like both characters. Uke is innocent but not stupid. He knows what he wants. Seme is kind and manly. They’re an adorable couple. I like how they tell each other I love you. They are both innocently in love. Lol. So cute. It cute how the Seme’s heart breaks when he found out Uke was being tortured by the Company. Seme states he only cares about Uke’s confort and happiness. I wish we could have seen more. I want chapters of them going to college together and also the babies. Also, did the brother and Father still hate Seme? Is the Uke’s body okay. (We got to see he was given the fruit peach of fertility by the Seme dragon in the manga Special chapter: Dragon Making Love (Yaoi) so that probably helped with pregnancy. Lol.) Seme is a 2nd Prince in the Royal family and the only one in history to be born an Alpha. Not much is known about 2nd genders, it is new. People have prejudice (including his own family, which in turn made him feel sad and lonely. His own fam didn’t want to be near him.) and a lot of people believe they are just driven by their desires. Seme wants to prove that just because he is an Alpha he isn’t just a horn ball. Lol. He wants to be seen positively. Seme gets fake engaged to a fragile Omega who is the youngest son of a pharmaceutical company. It’s mutually beneficial. The company had a bad reputation in the beginning with experimentations/research means but their image changed when the CEO has an Omega son and did all his research to help those in needed. Seme will leave to the military and come back to break off the engagement later, while he is away Omega will be building connection at the palace. Uke is a human experiment for the creation of new medicine (medicine that can create a normal person into an Omega). Uke’s father was an omega that sold his son for money. They wanted to turn him into an Omega but even though he survived all the experiments, he is still not one fully. The CEO replaces Uke with his illegitimate son giving him Uke’s name so he can be the one engaged to Seme and Uke will stay by his sons side as his ‘childhood friend’ and to provide Son with his blood when they do blood test. Seme comes back 2yrs later. Seme knows there is something wrong(Seme thinks is strange that the boy his fiancé came with feels more like an Omega them him and he feels they have done experiments on him) and doesn’t want to be played as a fool o he begins investigating. He meets with Uke and they are cute and flirty with each other even though Uke is innocently doing it. Seme is kind to Uke. Lol. Seme finds out that Uke has been sheltered and his being abused by the Son (he knows they aren’t friends. Seme switch Uke’s room to be closer to him but that causes Son to beat Uke up because he thinks he is trying to interfere with the plan (They will get power by being at the palace and Uke is there to take meds and see how his body reacts to the Seme and the relay that info.). Uke doesn’t want to tell them that his body does feel different when he is with Seme because he want to protect him. Uke is grateful to Seme for being to kind to him but Uke believes it’s out of pity. One time, Seme takes him to a room for drinks since Uke has never drank alcohol before. While being flirty with each other and holding hands and Seme caressing his head and face, Uke asked if they will kiss again (They kisses before when Seme was helping Uke get his hands cleaned and Uke tripped and Seme catcher him). Seme states no because he is drank to much so Uke proceeds to drink more and tells him if they can kiss now. Lol. Uke ends up telling Seme that the Company doesn’t treat him well and that he wants to stay with Seme but he knows that can’t be so Seme should do what he wants with him like kissing while he is still there. Seme states he doesn’t want to kiss him out of pity because he does feel bad for him. Uke believes Seme is going to abandon him so he tells Seme not to do so because he is the only one who has said nice words to him. Seme finds him unbearable cute. He kisses Uke and tells him he will take full responsibility for what happens and to not blame himself he doesn’t know any better. Uke tells Seme he is a virgin and he is sorry for is lack of experience. Lol. Seme tells him not to worry but he is feeling a bit guilty for having sex with an innocent boy. Lol. Seme gets a called from his right hand man and tells him his fiancé is still going around having sex and getting drugged and a person is trying to extort him with this info. Seme tells him to tell them to go to Fiancé dad and tell him. Lol. When Seme states the name of Fiancé Uke in a daze keeps responding to that name. Seme realizes that Uke is the real one and his fiancé is a usurper. Seme does wonder if Uke approached him on purpose. Seme has Uke moved close to him so he can watch his every move. Seme confronts Uke that he is hiding something but he wants to trust him because he doesn’t want to believe that Uke actions are fake. Seme tells Uke to let him save him from the people that hurt him. They have sex. The right hand man tells Uke that he needed to tell Seme everything he knows so he can trust him and also that Seme is always kind to everyone to not feel special. (He said it not in a mean way just as to open Uke’s eyes to reality. He also told Seme not to feel bad for being suspicious of Uke and those around him that he isn’t Romeo). Seme and Uke meet with CEO were he slams his son into the table and said sorry that he will take care of his behavior. Seme leaves and tells him since there is blood he will have another discussion about new test kits later. Uke stays to ask him why him. CEO tells him other then for the blood test he also wanted to see his experiment in action. That all he has to do is keep the Seme’s penis hooked on his asshole. Uke and Seme meet up. Seme takes him to the hot springs. They have sex and Seme tells him he feels like he can be a normal 23 yr old when he is with Uke. Uke feels happy, too. Seme asked Uke to go to Seoul with him. Seme visits Fiancé to tell him he knows he is a fraud and to tell him the plan. He reveals that Uke was sold to CEO by Uke’s father. Uke was an experiment that didn’t die so he became the precious Omega son they talked about and pass bills in public. He help create an aphrodisiac called Omega that sells in the black market. After the engagement was terminated, Uke was going back to the lab forever and being a whore to VIP clients. Seme is enraged and punches Fiancé. Right hand man tells begs him to stop and to come up later with a plan. Seme cries thinking about what Uke has gone trough and he doesn’t wasn’t to let Uke or himself speech out what crime the Company has done to him, so he needed to come up with a different plan to take them out. He meets up with Uke. Uke tells him he doesn’t look to well. Seme tells him he told Fiancé that he knows he's a usurper. Seme states he knows they did unspeakable things to Uke and if he want his revenge he would kill them, make them beg for death, or take a way the company and give it to Uke. Uke states he doesn’t want that not because he is nice but he never thought of it. If Seme is going to give him another change at life, he wants to be by Seme side even if it’s just until he finds someone better. Seme states his feelings for Uke are true, why would he go for all the trouble...and that he considers Uke his lover. And if Uke feels the same. Uke Tate’s he has deep feelings for Seme and that he has never had something for himself. Seme states likes wise. Uke tells him he loves him and Seme said he loves Uke. They hug and cry. They go visit the other Pharma Company. They will help the prince and Uke. Uke gets a message from CEO that he needs to drink the poison and he has a mouth to do it. Seme notice the tiny bottle one day. He takes it to be examined. They tell him it could be poison but could be not poisonous to him since he is an Alpha. Now, Seme is planning to drink in front of CEO at a gathering. Seme goes to his royal mother and tells her his plan. She agrees to help. Uke meets with Royal Mother. They will appear together on TV while Seme goes somewhere else for a meeting. That day comes. Seme calls Uke to tell him to records their interaction because he has a surprise. He wants to show Uke a 4 leaf clover. He states that people who see one together will stay together forever. Seme asked Uke to marry him. Seme then gets drugged and kidnap by CEO. Uke as the recording and goes to tell Mother. Uke tells her that he will broadcast what CEO company has done to him as well. At the end, Uke ends up doing that and saving the day. Lol. CEO also gets arrested by attempting murder at the Prince. Everyone doesn’t know what to think of Uke. Uke stays strong and waits 2 weeks for Seme to recover. Seme states to the press that Uke is an Omega. Seme married Uke. They are happy together and Uke is pregnant. The end. Alpha Prince Asian History Major in College (23) X Omega Experiment (20)
Kouguu no Omega
Wish there was more. Wanted to see them on dates. Wanted to see more interaction. I want to see a baby! They are cute. Seme is the silent and observant type. Uke is the realistic and blunt type. Lol. Love the loyalty to Uke from the lovely tiger and the servant girl. Uke is the last heir of the royal family. He was born an Omega in a family of Alphas. His mother committed suicide and his father was cold to him. He got married off to another country for resources. He comes from a snowy land of engineers and goes to a tropical palace wear he will marry the youngest king (older brother renounce the trone to marry the one he loves, and other brother is studying abroad. They don’t have the same mother. Everyone in their country is red to choose their own path). Uke’s Servant tells him he is a gift from god to their king and it’s people. Uke doesn’t care and tells her in his homeland they (Omegas) aren’t treated kindly. Servant states he will one day love this country and the king but Uke doesn’t believe that.Uke is jaded and thinks realistically. Uke fines out that Seme is still a child. They have a marriage ceremony. Seme goes to visit him often. Uke states he is bored and Seme brings him a pet tiger. Seme asked if Uke knows about engineering because of his homeland and Uke states the basics, he can do a pocket watch. Seme asked for Uke to make him one. Uke falls asleep and Seme kisses him. Uke goes into heat and pushes Seme away. 3 months, and Seme hasn’t gone to visit Uke. Uke feel miserable for being an omega. Older brother comes to visit from abroad. He asked Uke that he is curious of an Omega but Uke dismisses him. The servants were not happy they way he spoke to the queen. Lol. Seme finally goes back to see Uke and takes him to see the sun rise and tells him he has been busy but he wants to be with him and for Uke to be by his side because of the way Uke is. He wants to rule and protect his kingdom with Uke by his side. Uke laugh claiming he has bad taste but agrees. Seme needs to leave for a bit for a pilgrimage. He gives Uke a dagger to keep with him. The older brother comes in the palace claiming everything is his because the king is dead. 3 months pass in morning. The new king brother want to sleep with Uke. Uke tells him he is a puppet for other nobleman and Brother tells him he is the one who ordered to have Seme killed (they shot an arrow but didn’t find the body so they assume animals eat Seme). Uke stabs him and runs and jumps off the cliff into the water. His tiger goes with him. They wake up in the orphanage that the eldest brother lived with his wife. Servant goes to Uke’s side. He states that he is sorry for leaving everything to Seme but he was truly born to be the king. Uke leaves to kill Brother. Servant tells him he will die but Uke doesn’t care because he regrets not being their with Seme to at least die in his place. Uke notice that the people all around are poor and servant states that the new king has put higher taxes on the people. The people notice it is the queen and begin to get near and bow down to him, crying and thanking the god that Uke wasn’t dead (Brother told everyone that he died fallowing the king). They are happy to dying of starvation since they got to see their queen alive and that he is a miracle to them all. Uke tells Servant that he will save his people and the country as their queen. 8 yrs pass. Uke doesn’t have power so he takes the survivors into a village and teaches them to be self sufficient Anna on the side make weapons for self defense. The king’s army is fighting the rebels and Uke goes out looking for survivors to bring back to their place. On one stroll they find children but the army sees. Uke gets his ankle hurt and is about to be killed when he gets saved by Seme. Apparently, Seme is the one leading the rebels. Uke and Seme talk. Seme was let go by guards he was found by villagers and it took him 3 yrs to move and the rest he was training to become stronger because he knew if he return he will get killed by his brother again. He tells Uke that he didn’t think he was dead, he knew he was a live. They missed each other and kiss.They king gets informed that the a village is producing weapons and is lead by Golden Hair man. King needs to know if it Uke so he orders to get him captured and to kill the rest. Uke gets word that they are coming to the village so they leave to go to Seme’s place. Uke goes into heat. The other man that was with the new king since day one comes to get Uke. Seme gets there on time and tells Seme that he wants to talk to him another time and gives him a surpresent. Seme learns from servant that Uke hasn’t gone into heat since Seme has been gone. Uke wants to mate but Seme gave him the surpresent. Seme tells him that until he can take back his kingdom and be worthy he will make him his mate. Uke thinks he is stubborn. Lol. They talk with the guy and agree to help each other take down the new kings of their places. Seme tells his people that have been fallowing him that he is the late king and he is back to take his throne. Everyone kinda had an idea he was so they weren’t shock. Uke starts to laugh. Uke gives Seme his dagger back because it belongs to the king. Servant is happy that Uke was the miracle that god has given them. Uke pretends to be captured (Seme is an army suit) and taken to the new king. He get de-throne. He run but gets killed by the people outside the castle walls. Everything is going back to the way it was. Uke thanks Servant for always being there for him and the first person he was able to trust. Seme goes to Uke. He vows to only love him for the rest of his life and to stay with him forever. Uke agree and they finally mate. The kingdom prospered with the king and queen and they became the most popular and beloved ones. Young Alpha King (10️18) X Omega Queen (16️26)
Himekoi (MITSUYA Bond)
We need more ch. of them being older. The spirit fox was gay, so they have to marry 2 boys. Lol. It’s an unfair tradition. They are all groomed to love each other then get ripped apart. I feel bad for the dads. They need to change the tradition or else they main couple will be force to get married to women and have children just like their fathers. Seme can talk to foxes so he knows the realty of the tradition, he needs to speak up. Uke and Seme have to get together for a marriage ritual to protect the village from disaster. (They are the descendent of the Fox spirit and the wife side of the family. First born males of each family). It has been a tradition to a peace the fox spirit who save the village and took a villager as his wife. Seme doesn’t seem enthusiastic about it even though as a kid he was happy to marry his best friend. Uke seems upset at this because he does believe in the ritual because he’s been having dreams of matting with a fox for the longest time. Seme can actually comunícate with foxes and they tell him that the ritual is nothing, that what he needs to do to have the protection of the fox is to cherish and take good care of the Uke. The prosperity of the village is link to the prosperity of Uke’s family lineage, that Seme’s family lineage are the protectors. Seme believes that Uke needs happiness with the person he loves and that doesn’t involve him. They complete the ceremony and it time for them to mate. Uke starts to cry because he gets scared of Seme wearing a fox mask. Seme takes it off and just masturbate Uke. The next day, Seme tells Uke’s father they completed the ceremony but Seme’s dad falls ill, a big tree falls and takes out a power line and more rain. Uke believes everything is happening because they didn’t finish the ritual and they should have sex to finish it. Seme tells him that what the grownups are doing is wrong because it just forcing someone to have sex and Seme wants Uke to do it with someone he loves. Seme realizes then that everything is happening because Seme rejected Uke and made him sad so he has sex with him. Lol. Seme asked Uke if he is enough for Uke and Uke tells him that it can only be with him. The next day, the sun is out and Seme states he will make Uke happy. Chapter 3: The fathers of Both Seme and Uke wear in love with each other but had to marry others so they can have children and keep the tradition going. Uke’s father married a spirit fox girl and Seme’s father married their childhood friend. They still had to have sex once a yr though. City boy comes along with his father because he is doing a report on the village tradition. City boy saw a pic of Uke when he was little and fell in love. Seme gets jealous of City boy trying to interfere so he tells him Uke is his bride to back off. Uke’s father didn’t want outsiders to know about the actual tradition. The reporter now knows they wanted to hide the homosexuality to the tradition. City boy takes Uke and tells him that he shouldn’t be force to do this and have his own choice and if he can choose him so he can set him free. They kiss. Now Uke is confuse if his feeling are genuine. The foxes are angry at city boy for kissing Uke and go tell Seme. Seme asked him but Uke doesn’t say. They mastubate and Uke asked Seme if they weren’t a part of the family if they would have still chosen each other’s. Seme states they would have had a normal type of love with each other. They go out with City boy one last time as a group (another friend tags along) but City boys runs off with Uke again. Uke comes to realize that he loves Seme ever since they were kids and wants to be with him. He runs back to Seme. Seme and his friend believe he has lost Uke to the City boy and Seme is sad when Uke comes in and tells him he loves him and wants to have a normal love with him. They are looking foward to the future together. Student (18) X Student (18)
Koishite kissshite kanjaitai