Itsuka koi ni naru made
i love them so much im so happy for them also tomoe best girl pls shes so supportive i love her lots i really liked this one !! the art style is adorable too !! a great read ❣
Tamayura (yuki Ringo)
this was so good !! it had that melancholic vibe and i was on edge the whole time bc i really thought this will have a sad ending bad omfg it was so beautiful :')) i love how this author always makes their plot poetic and deep <33 you'll really feel the emotions of the characters >< i'm so happy for the couple bc they really fought for their relationship ㅠㅠ they had a lot of ups and downs, and it took quite a while for them to be together :'> i love how we got to see a glimpse of their past and their future, as well as an alternate ending (kind of) wherein we saw how it ended with them growing old together while the other was bittersweet since tachibana died first :< but it was still a pretty wholesome ending bc atleast we got to see how they lived together for a very long time and the extras were so domestic and adorable >< i also love matsumoto, he's such a caring, mature, and understanding friend (´ω`) he never forced his feelings for asakura, and he even helped him the best that he can to find tachibana :'(( he even volunteered to be tachibana's editor-in-chief :'> i just love how mature everyone is in this manga <33 there wasn't any annoying third party whatsoever and it also focused on the characters' development as well as the growth and acceptance of asakura's feelings ^^ i love how he never gave up and did all that he can just to find tachibana ㅠㅠ he never lost hope and gave all his effort even after all those years :'DD ugh i love them so much (╥﹏╥) they deserve the happiness and freedom that they got >< overall this was yet another masterpiece from this author !! i'm so obsessed with their other works, it always has that melancholic vibe that will really pull you in the story ^^ their story always hits a spot in my heart and i always get emotional when i read them :')) i love this so much !! the art style is amazing as well !! this was an emotional yet amazing read !!
Sono Suki Honto
this was really good !!! i've never encountered this type of scenario or trope wherein they were previously together (as a punishment game) and then they got reunited ^^ its a really refreshing concept and i really love their dynamic as well >< i like the way the author told the story, they mixed in the couple's past and switched povs in between~ i like how the plot was light but it also had depth since there was an unresolved problem between the two :> i love the mutual pining and i love how supportive their friends are !! i'm glad that hase learned from his mistake and fought for their relationship :)) i really felt their emotions esp when nadaguchi cried PLEASE i was quite emotional too ㅠㅠ i love the whole confession and the line "this will be my last lie" ugh it just fits together so well <33 overall i really enjoyed this one ^^ it had the right amount of pain and fluff i felt the genuineness from both sides and the extras were so adorable and wholesome (╥﹏╥) there wasn't any annoying conflict and the pacing was just right :DD i wish we got to see more of them but tbh i was very satisfied with how it ended esp with the cute extras ^^ the art style is so pretty !! this was a great and wholesome read !!
Cello Mellow
all the stories were actually pretty cute though some of it were open ended~ i wanted to see more of all the couples since i think all of it were oneshots but i must say all of them were actually pretty good and wholesome <33 i'm just really not into multiple stories since i like focusing on one plot while reading but all of the stories included here had similar set-ups and dynamic which is why it was good ^^ there wasn't much drama at all and more of the developing relationships between high school students~ i think even though they were all oneshots, every single one had their own meaning and vibe :)) every story was quite poetic and i also like the flow of it ^^ the art style is pretty !! this was a good read !!
Kuro X Koi
this was good ^^ i think the story itself wasn't that bad though i think the plot and the flow needs a bit more polishing but i think it was pretty good~ the story between ao and kurose ws quite unique but predictable :> i haven't read much stories abt twins so this was quite refreshing >< i also like how each couple had their own story and we got to see how they are interconnected with each other :DD midori and shirose's story was cute as well but i think i didn't feel much of their feelings since it was quite rushed~ their relationship was a bit too fast but i mean both couples are happy and they stayed together up until aki was already in high school which meant the relationship's going strong <33 i also liked how the author included aki and akane's story bc we also got to see how ao and midori were doing after the kids grew up >< their relationship was your typical mutual pining but still adorable :> overall this was pretty good and i enjoyed it~ all the couples had a cute relationship and there wasn't much conflict :)) i wish we got to see more domesticity esp more scenes of ao + kurose, and midori + shirose taking care of aki together hehe but i was pretty satisfied so it was a good read !! the art style's pretty too !!
i really wanted to like this but omfg the amount of things that was normalized and joked abt was not it for me :(( sudou is so fucking disgusting HELLO first he bullies kishi bc his facial expressions are interesting to him second he sexually harasses him :'> third HE JOKES ABT RAPING HIM ?????????? girl how am i supposed to like him ㅠㅠ also the way his friend just enables him and even supports him PLEASE :')) i feel so bad for kishi 3 he deserves so much better ☹️ but i must admit they did look quite cute and adorable towards the end plus the extras :> if i were to just read that part and forget abt everything then it would've been great but i don't want to push sudou's red flag personality under the rug so <33 also he never apologized for anything :'DD he never addressed why he did that to kishi and he never told kishi that he liked him :'> i don't think they'll last long tbh :(( ik sudou did help him in some way ?? idk he pushed kishi to be more comfortable with ppl ??? by what u ask ?? by harassing him on a daily of course <33 ik kishi's older brother was trying to distance the two but i'm annoyed bc he never knew what sudou was doing to kishi at school before sudou became "special" to kishi :'> ugh i'm just frustrated at this story tbh i rated it a 3 and i also put the "cute" and "sweet" tags bc the extras saved it for me esp the children~ i love their relationship with kishi's siblings which is why i gave it some reconsideration but it was bad :')) the art style and the children were the only redeeming factor ㅠㅠ this was meh :'DD petition for kishi to find a much better person to be with !!!!! <33
Brother Complex Onii-san, Kocchi Muite
this was pretty good ^^ i would've given it 5 stars if mitsuhara wasn't as pushy as he was ㅠㅠ the feelings felt quite forced and haru looked like he was being manipulated :'> but they turned out to be an adorable couple :)) yuki and shinji looks adorable too ^^ i'm glad haru wasn't your typical brocon who would keep his brother to himself, he also doesn't have any prejudice and gave his full support to his brother <33 mitsuhara seems like a pretty nice guy, he was very supportive to yuki, he gives great advice, and he comforts haru well but the thing is that i just felt uncomfy at some parts esp when he forcibly kisses haru at his most vulnerable state :< overall it was good ^^ the plot wasn't the most unique but it is quite new and refreshing to see :DD i'm glad everything turned out well for them and mitsuhara's students accepted him for who he is <33 wish we got to see more yuki + shinji moments hehe they seemed like an adorable couple too >< the art style is pretty !! this was a good read !!
I'll Like You More Tomorrow
this was just adorable >< i love their friendship omg ^^ there was no prejudice whatsoever and it showcased your typical "one-sided" confession conflict but it wasn't the annoying type and everything just felt natural :)) jihwan was the quiet and keep to himself while chanyoung was the complete opposite ^0^ i'm absolutely inlove with this dynamic and even though we didn't really get to see them officially together i think it ended well <33 for a short story, this didn't feel incomplete at all !! it would've been nice if there was another chapter to see more of them but i think the author executed the story well esp with how they incorporated the title into the story >< i also want to add that i really liked how chanyoung's earrings played a big role in their friendship ^^ idk it was just adorable how it all started with his earrings and they also resolved the conflict through those earrings hehe (^-^) overall this was a really short yet adorable read with a beautiful art style !! i'll probably get back to this again for a serotonin boost~
Hidamari ga Kikoeru
omfg okay i literally binged this and it was so worth it ㅠㅠ was it amazing, hell yeah :DD was it annoying, HELL YEAH :'DD well i think this story focused more on the growing pains of taichi and kouhei esp with the both of them having their own struggles in life ^^ i think its more of a coming-of-age story rather than romance bc the plot really focused on both of their problems paired with their character development >< it was a bit heavy to read since it kind of focused on kouhei's struggles and the reality they have to face everyday but i still enjoyed it since the author did a great job of mixing in taichi's humor which brought a light atmosphere <33 i also love how realistic it is esp as a slow burn :)) we never got to see them go to second base but i'm glad that kouhei is respecting taichi and is waiting for him to be completely ready !! :> the overall plot just felt heartwarming though there were a lot of misunderstanding ?? or should i say tiny conflicts in between which kind of annoyed me (but thats just me bc i hate drama ) but it added to the realistic-ness of the story ^^ i also love their dynamic !! absolutely obsessed with the polar opposites trope~ and i just love how kouhei laughs at every single idiotic thing taichi does (╥﹏╥) he always just looks at him with admiration in his eyes :(( esp when taichi's enjoying his food i also love how taichi'es goal in life is to keep making kouhei smile ㅠㅠ like they're literally perfect for each other :'> idk if there'll be more volumes but apparently its the end already which is sad bc i kind of wanted to see more of them together after college + being more domestic and all but i was quite satisfied with the ending esp with extra of them finally going on a vacation !! ❣️ i'm just so happy for the both of them bc even though kouhei thinks he's just a burden for taichi, its actually the complete opposite bc kouhei became a way for taichi to find his true passion and he also became his inspiration to keep living his life >< i also love how taichi helped kouhei to break out of his shell~ he was able to try out new things and he became more sociable i suppose hehe ^^ he also became more confident in himself and he was also able to accept his condition without worrying abt losing his ability to hear :')) taichi made him accept and treasure his disability which is just so beautiful ㅠㅠ i still have a lot to say since a lot did happen in the story but i just wanted to focus on the couple so thats that hehe~ overall this had such a unique and beautiful plot ^0^ it wasn't even that angsty BUT I CRIED and mind you i teared up 2 times throughout reading this and it wasn't even on the sad parts :'DD this story carried me on a rollercoaster ride but i'm not complaining the art style is hella gorgeous as well !! it matches the warm vibe the story has <33 this was such a great and wholesome read !! would definitely recommend esp to new bl readers~
Seikaku Kuzu De Nani Ga Warui