nini's manga / #school life(245)

Mizu No Haru

Complete | kurosawa kaname | 2000 released

this was pretty good ^^ i didn't expect much bc it had low ratings but the plot was actually quite unique in some way~ i love the fact that the author also told the parents' story <33 both relationships are so pure and warm ^^ the vibe of the plot was calm all throughout like it just had this calm atmosphere idk but it was also quite fast (first couple), but i think its bc there were only 3 chapters for them so the development wasn't showed that much but i still enjoyed reading ^^ the plot for the parents is your typical editor x writer boss but it was unique since the writer was a widower so that came to play for a bit of angst but you can clearly see how much he loves motoi so >< overall this was pretty good and i think it deserves a higher rating bc it had a nice plot esp with the cute time skip for the first couple ^^ i love how sumi treasure's his parents' relationship and he wanted to protect them which is why he always kept it a secret bc he didn't want his classmates to say hurtful things to them :D i wish we got to see more of their domestic life but i'm pretty happy with their cute extras ^^ as well as sumi's dads' extra scenes >< the art style is pretty !! this was a good read !!

The Lovesick Flower Buds Waiting for Spring

Complete | Miwa | 2000 released

this was pretty cute ^^ i think all the chapters after ryosuke confessed was so adorable and wholesome bc you can really see his character development !! i love how after he did what he did, he realized he was wrong and that he needed to change himself for the better >< the first few chapters were quite meh bc i didn't like how ryosuke acted and did those things to ayumu it's not like he reay r worded him or something, but still he kind of attempted to assault him so i was like :/ and ik he still wasn't fully aware of his feelings but i just didn't like how he couldn't explain to ayumu why he did that :'> but anyway everything after they sorted their feelings ended up being wholesome esp when even though ryosuke would ask them to do it, he still respected ayumu which is a big character development ^^ i also love hikaru bc he's such a supportive and protective brother >< i'm glad that he never opposed to them but at the same time he was also quite protective when he saw what happened between the two ^^ as for ayumu, he's just so precious :(( i love him so much >< his personality is so adorable :'> he's such a kind and gentle person, very caring and intelligent ^^ i also love how mature he talks and how he always has a smile on his face ㅠㅠ overall this was good ^^ i wish we got to see a sequel with them living together bc that snippet on the author's note made me feel things >< the pacing was pretty good and the development was also okay ^^ the plot was a bit unique too since i've never read this type of plot before~ the art style is pretty too !! this was a good read !!

Dekoboko Sugar Days

Complete | Atsuko Yusen | 2000 released

this was so adorable ^^ i love the height difference as well as their dynamic >< i love how they were mutually pining for each other the whole time and i'm glad that when they realized their feelings, rui immediately went after yuu i love their wholesome friendship and how yuu would act slightly cold and serious but he has this soft spot for rui >< like when he reminds him not to be touchy with other friends but then rui says that he's only like that to yuu PLEASE yuu blushing over that is so adorable >< and whenever rui just breathes and exists, yuu just full on breakdowns over how cute his lover is they're so cute pls !!! i also love how supportive their friends are ^^ there weren't that much conflict and most of it were just them being all fluffy and sweet ^^ i love how nice the pacing is bc we really saw how much their feelings grew for each other and everything just felt natural like a real high school love story~ overall i love these two >< i love how awkward and wholesome they are~ i'm excited bc there's a volume 2 so i'm hoping to see a more matured and domestic relationship :> the art style is so adorable and gorgeous !! this was a cute and great read !!

Bukiyo Na Bokura No Sukima

Complete | MOFUMOFU Edako | 2000 released

this was pretty fun ^^ i liked the dynamic minus the stealing gfs thing, but other than that i think the mutual pining was adorable and i love ryuu's character development, despite the story being short :> nao is probably the only female third party that i've liked bc she was so mature and she was also a fun addition for the comedic purpose of ryuu annoying her i love how she supported them even after getting hurt >< hiro is a puppy top who's obsessed with ryuu ^^ while ryuu is a cold cat who turns soft from time to time~ i really love the extra bc they were so cute pls !! i love seeing ryuu's adorable side :')) overall this was pretty good ^^ i just felt like their relationship was a bit lacking but ig thats bc the story's quite short, i still enjoyed it though ^^ the art style is so pretty !! this was a good read !!

Suda-kun no Himitsu

Complete | Tamuko kuwata | 2019 released

this was kind of cute ^^ i love crossdressing and bl intertwined so i liked it :> but tbh there was too much crying and awkwardness that made me feel meh D: i think they were adorable after being official but there was still lots of crying and awkwardness involved so i was a bit :/ though the last panel where they were talking abt the simple things was so wholesome >< they looked so in love with each other~ overall i think both of them were cute ^^ am i mad at yuto for lying, uhm i wouldn't say that i'm mad since he didn't hurt aoi in any way and he even helped him gain courage and confidence in himself, but him taking advantage and making moves like kissing and touching suddenly was a bit too much for my liking :(( a peck would've been okay since he was caught up in the moment and all but for him to devour aoi i felt slightly uncomfy bc aoi was shocked by it and of course that was done without consent but aoi ended liking it so ig i'm not that mad abt it :'> anyway, i wish there was more like at least an extra bc i wanted to see more of their genuine emotion like the one in the last panel (´ω`) the conflict here was not for me lol hskshsd i don't like how the pedo guy just kept on coming back and wasn't even dealt with property :'DD he's just running around loose tbh i expected more from this since it had high rating but i mean the art style is pretty this was an okay read :>

Life Senjou no Bokura

Complete | TOKOKURA Miya | 2016 released

lemme just say i cried my eyes out reread + watched the live action (220624): omfg this never gets old :'> i've read this multiple times already and everytime i do i still end up bawling my eyes out :'DD i reread the manga while watching the live action and i can't describe what i'm feeling rn :')) i love the ending of the live action bc they showed the happy moments and ended it when they reached the age of 40 but i also loved the ending of the manga since it leaned towards the bittersweet meaning and realistic side of life which is in the title itself idk what else to say bc this is literally one of the best mangas to ever exist bc of how realistic the plot is !! it really showcased how toxic our society is and how painful it is to live by what others tell you to do~ it also really focused on the couple's growing relationship and how much it changed as the years went by >< but one thing remained, and its that they loved each other so much :'> i really felt all the emotions present in this story which is why i always end up soaked in tears ^^ i have a lot more to say esp abt the characters but i think it'll be more fun if i just reread it again after i slightly forget the plot to relive the pain (≡^∇^≡) its truly a masterpiece and definitely a must read !! the art style is amazing as well i've already recommended it to a lot of my friends bc i need them to suffer with me :DD this is such a worth it read !! and a must watch as well !! the actors in the live action did such a great job portraying it irl ^^ i also cried while watching it :')) i swear both are masterpieces

A Shoulder to Cry On

Complete | Dongmul | 2000 released

tbh i expected a lot from this bc it did have kind of a high star rating plus it is going to have a bl korean adaptation which is why i decided to read it in the first place, but i'm sorry but i was disappointed :')) at first it was kind of confusing since the dialogues were a mix of narration and inner monologues but after i got used to it i think the plot was all over the place too :'> i felt like there were too many plot holes and there were also issues that were opened but was never properly discussed :< i agree with the author that this seems like more of a coming of age type rather than bl because the plot focused more of the characters' inner problems and past rather than their relationship itself ^^ but the thing is, i really wanted to see some character development esp from taehyun bc he did say that he'll try to like dayeol so wait for him but then it just skips to them being together already and he's still quite the same :'DD the reviews say that their relationship is healthy blah blah but in reality they don't even have proper communication bc taehyun keeps hiding his feelings and he never even replied to dayeol's i like yous :')) i also want to mention how taehyun's trauma was just taken lightly ?? like he never got medical attention or diagnosis for his mental state when we can clearly see that something's probably wrong with him esp when he harmed himself with the pot. idk if this story had the "psychological" tag but i'm putting it in bc it had that vibe the whole time and i think even up until the ending, taehyun was still quite suffering even though he slowly started to open up to his family :< i have a lot more to say but yea i'm not sure if i'm gonna watch the live action bc i was confused here and tbh it was kind of boring esp now that i know how open the ending is, i won't have anything to look forward to in the series :'(( but the author did mention they were still not good at showing the "love" part in the bl genre so i don't blame them~ and i think this was also their first time if i'm not mistaken ^^ this was just a critique for the work itself but i'm not judging the author whatsoever :)) the art style's pretty nice this was a so so read ^^

Rain Again

Ongoing | Jung Seokchan | 2000 released

i love every single work of this author and this was also one of them ^^ it's been weeks since i've read this but i only got the time to make a review now bc our summer break just started anyway this was pretty good and adorable >< i love their dynamic and the visuals for this one too !!! i love jin's lips very much like omfg he looks so cute >< i love how adorable he looks but he's actually a delinquent but a kind one at that :> the plot was quite simple but i did like the touch of depth from wujin's past and how it's also kind of intertwined with jin since they were from the same school in high school ^^ i just love the whole vibe all throughout and i like how it all made sense at the end :DD they were also pretty funny and i just love the comedic atmosphere their dynamic had :)) the relationship of the two was quite fast i must admit but i mean its a 20 chapter series so for the author to squeeze in development and plot in those limited amount of pages is tough but again, they still managed to pull off this fun and adorable work <33 it was quite wholesome the whole time, there were bits of conflict here and there but overall its just the two flirting and being all cute esp our puppy top wujin >< again, the art style is amazing !! i'm obsessed with this author's art style this was a wholesome and adorable read !!

Raion Gotoki no Kuni Kara

Complete | hakase | 2019 released

this was so freaking funny and wholesome >< the plot was pretty simple and light but it was very unique since it was abt a budding romance between an exhange student from kenya and an adorable japanese boy ^^ what i liked abt this is just how the author managed to educate us abt luca's culture, they also mixed in ridiculous and funny things esp with the couple's awkward yet cute interactions i must admit their relationship started out very fast but it didn't feel like that bc they were just so adorable and i felt the connection between them :> they were just so funny, wholesome, and wild all at the same time which is why i had a great time reading it !! <33 i love how the story managed to also show their relationship after high school ^^ i have nothing else to say tbh :')) i just love them and their healthy relationship ^0^ i love how luca said he was polygamous but maintained his loyalty for makoto ㅠㅠ he's really out there boasting abt makoto is the only love of his life (╥﹏╥) i love them both so much i need to see the wedding >< though its scary to think abt how same-sex relationships are illegal in luca's culture :(( but i'll just put that thought behind the back of my mind and imagine a happy married life for them overall this was a very fun read !! it was quite bizarre bc of how wild and unique their pairing is but they fit well together~ i also always feel something whenever i see their kissing scenes >< its so sensual and full of love :')) i love them and i also love the art style !! they're so gorgeous ㅠㅠ can we have a moment for luca's mom ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ ugh everyone was so freaking gorgeous :'> very much obsessed >< this was a great and fun read !!

17 Sai no Hisoka na Yokujou

Complete | takaku shouko | 2008 released

this was kind of cute but a bit disturbing as well :'> it's a guilty pleasure of mine since i did quite enjoy reading it but the thing is i was just a bit bothered by their relationship since takamura is his teacher, it's odd for me to say this bc i've read at least 50 mangas with this type of trope but this one was a bit too much jahahshshd they kept having sex in every single chapter and i also didn't feel quite comfortable since takamura kept on forcing rin to go to his house and tbh the cabin scene was definitely dubcon since rin was probably was feeling indebted to takamura that time esp when he just saved him from falling off the cliff as well as a bit hazy and traumatized from the experience :(( i was uncomfortable the whole time bc the teacher was the one who was courting his student but as i said it was a guilty pleasure bc its very rare to see this type of dynamic so i quite liked too, and they have a background as to why takamura's pursuing rin so ig its not that creepy at all.... overall it was okay, might be a little uncomfortable to some, but it wasn't the worst ^^ their conflict was quite petty and immature tbh esp with takamura being 7 years older and a grown ass man but ig it ended well for them :')) the piano thing could've been better if it was incorporated more, i actually added this to my read list bc i was expecting a bit of emotion esp with the piano involved in the story but ig they were still kind of cute :> shino is such a good friend, always being there and supporting rin ^^ also can we talk abt rin's father >< he's so gorgeous !!!! ㅠㅠ i hope takamura stops lying to rin's father though :< i wanted to see their relationship after rin graduated since that setting would probably be hard for them but ig the ending was okay too~ the art style is pretty though this was an okay read :))