Fuck Buddy
➷ plot: ★★★★☆ ➷ characters: ★★★★☆ ➷ chemistry: ★★★★★ ➷ pacing/development: ★★★★★ ➷ art style: ★★★★★ ➷ overall: ★★★★★ ※ i didnt expect to like this !! tbh i've actually put this off for a long time now bc threesomes arent my cup of tea and i also thought that it might've been toxic since the cover radiated those vibes to be the saying "don't judge a book by its cover" is indeed true lol bc their relationship ended up being so wholesome and adorable wtf (╥﹏╥) the only thing that bothered me was the scene where ryo paid other people to do him, i understand why he did that but like that wasnt necessary :< but i mean before being involved with each other they were already insatiable people so ig it wasnt much of a bother :D while reading this, i was hoping that it will be the ML who falls in love first or the one who catches feelings first, but since we only saw ryo's pov in the first chapters i thought that "oh it's another MC falls in love with ML first" but then towards the end when akanishi was testing ryo, he was actually the one who fell for him first he even did everything just to be able to live with ryo pls ㅠㅠ the dedication go off king though if he just told him the truth it wouldn't have caused any of the misunderstanding~ but thats conflict for you this is one of the stories wherein i was left satisfied with the ending, like we really got to see them confirming their feelings for each other, we also got to see them being lovey-dovey and domestic ❣️ they also professed their love for each other hehe the extras were so freaking cute and wholesome i want to cry akanishi's clingy-ness and ryo's cold personality is just adorable to see >< even though ryo's cold, he still softens up to akanishi pls i love them this type of plot is a first for me since as i said in the beginning, threesome tropes aren't my thing :> so i'm surprised that i actually enjoyed this !! the plot was light but it also had some depth since we got to see the couple's past how they both had their own pain and anxieties/reasons why they turned to sex for comfort :< i saw some comments abt them being so misogynistic, but tbh i feel like that was bc of their past ?? i think ryo's thing of hating women or calling them noisy bc they want to wear condoms is the pain he got from his mom, its bc of the scene where his mom reminded him to never forget condoms if he doesn't want to end up like his mom which pertains that he shouldn't have been born right ?? so yea i think ryo saying those things are bc of his past :> but of course thats not an excuse to say those things, though ig thats the context as to why the author made him say those things :) overall i really liked this, the couple's relationship wasn't toxic at all ♡ i felt their connection and i love their dynamic as well <33 ryo's is the only person who can tolerate akanishi's clingy personality hehe ^^ the extras were the absolute cutest which is why i'll probably read this again the art style is so pretty too !! they both look so hot and i love their sharp features this was a very interesting and cute read !!
➷ plot: ★★★☆☆ ➷ characters: ★★★☆☆ ➷ chemistry: ★★★☆☆ ➷ pacing/development: ★★☆☆☆ ➷ art style: ★★★★★ ➷ overall: ★★★☆☆ ※ i must admit they're so adorable ㅠㅠ i would've rated this 5 stars if it weren't for the dubcon/rape (technically it was) like i wish the author made atleast 5-8 chapters so that we could get a bit of development rather than giving us a freaking rape scene ig i'm happy for them since maru wasn't traumatized or anything but still that was so not it :( though they looked like they're doing well in the main book (k's secret) so i'm happy for them :> maru is the cutest babie pls ㅠㅠ very precious i love him <33 also i never expected for yohan to do that (from my first impression of him in the first chapter) since he looked like a really nice guy, i mean he was still really nice and quite the shy guy but for him to take advantage of maru is a big red flag :< but other than that ig i kind of liked it ?? the present them (in the main story) is what i liked since they look happy and i'll just forget that this ever existed lol joohan is such a fun character ^^ their friendship is so wholesome ❣️ the art style here is much better than the few first chapters of k's secret if i'm being honest :)) i liked this art style its adorable and pretty
Wakabaryou de, Kimi to
i remember some parts of it but yea this was a great story very adorable i'll reread it again bc i fee like this review would be lacking but all the couples are so freaking cute and fluffy !! i love how the best friends all had boyfriends thats cute <33 super wholesome all throughout and the art style is very pretty a great read ❣
Kiss de tokashita sono ato ni
✰ 4.5/5 omg finally something quite wholesome from this author jsjsjjdjdj ㅠㅠ i think i read every book they did and if i'm being honest most of them were not for me :'< but i did like the vampire one, its kind of my guilty pleasure hehe anyway back to this book, the plot was fine, its your typical childhood friends trope but ig with a twist with the stalker involved but tbh that part wasn't needed..... the situation was taken lightly but i mean u do u lol but yea it felt quite lackluster BUT i gave it five stars because i think the couple themselves were quite cute and wholesome ^^ i finally got some green flags from this author some people are saying that mizuki was weird for liking hiro at a young but i think that's pretty normal ??? i mean you can't really control one's feelings, and i'm sure he liked him bc of how clingy hiro was to him and not bc of sexual desires :> this is the reason i call him a green flag bc when he reached a certain age where he got urges/desires, he distanced himself from hiro knowing their age gap and stuff so i applaud him for that~ hiro wasn't an annoying character, i think he's adorable though the secondhand embarrassment i felt when mizuki caught him relieving himself was so painful ㅠㅠ i think their dynamic is fine ??? its my "in the middle" dynamic lol hshhshdh i love mizuki's brother's reaction when he knew abt them he just shrugged and i think he's supportive or idk he's kind of neutral but i'm glad he still cares for hiro hehe :)) overall their relationship was pretty healthy and the extras were so adorable >< i'm also glad that he got some closure with the stalker even though they didn't press charges~ i love how supportive hiro's coworker with their relationship too hihi she's so cute ^^ tbh the art was the redeeming factor for most of this author's work but i genuinely liked this one and of course i'm still obsessed with their art style the pacing felt okay since both of them already had feelings for each other ^^ this was a good read !!
Wait a Minute, Harutora-kun
this was a cute and soft read waaaa i needed more >< i wish we got to see more of them bc i just know how wholesome it would've gotten~ but still, it was such an adorable read >< sui is a precious character :(( i'm glad that his friends accept him though they outed him without consent which is sad :< but i love how harutora reacted pls he's also a cutie ^^ he seems like a very innocent character so i was surprised when he pounced on sui lol the panels where he was wearing the bear suit was so freaking adorable pls ㅠㅠ sui looks adorable after the mask was removed waaa esp his little fang >< i love them so much (╥﹏╥) i think sui's in good hands hehe <33 harutora seems like a very dedicated and kind person esp with how genuine and hardworking he is~ overall this was such a sweet read :> quite a bummer that its only a oneshot but it was such a worth read !! will definitely reread the art style is very pretty too this was a great read !!
Tasogare Outfocus