Koi ga Ochitara
this was so cute omg !!! i really liked this a lot >< their introduction was so interesting and unique their relationship is so healthy and im glad that even if they had issues, they'll eventually talk it out <3 im happy they both never gave up on each other ^^ the plot was so realistic and fluffy im happy that takafumi's friend is supportive of him that was kinda cute as for yuuki, im happy he finally got the love and happiness he deserves ☹️ i love both of their personalities, even their friends' personalities are fun !! also love how takafumi and yuuki's personalities complement each other ❣ overall this was so good and sweet to read !! no unnecessary conflicts and angst + the art's pretty <3 this was a great read
Okaeri Aureole
➷ plot: ★★★★☆ ➷ characters: ★★★★★ ➷ chemistry: ★★★★☆ ➷ pacing/development: ★★★★★ ➷ art style: ★★★★★ ➷ overall: ★★★★★ ※ this was such a good slow burn !! it felt so realistic <3 it had a bittersweet taste but i'm glad they got together in the end (╥﹏╥) this is one of the stories wherein i really felt the development of both characters' feelings for each other ♡ the author first showed how kazu's feelings came to be and after that they showed how moto was also starting to grow some feelings up until he finally confessed to kazu~ every single scene just felt realistic to me, the plot was simple yet sophisticated i thought it would be your typical light and adorable childhood friends trope but nope~ it had deeper scenarios and they didnt get together asap like most childhood friend tropes :D someone also pointed this out but i really liked how moto didnt break up with his gf when kazu confessed to him bc most authors would immediately make them break up and suddenly the MC also have feelings for the other person but here, moto really took his time in thinking abt kazu's feelings, he continued to be with his gf since there wasn't any problem until the gf was the one who cut ties between them since she felt like moto was acting more of a friend to her~ after the break up part, moto didnt immediately have feelings for kazu too ^^ it was subtle but little by little his feelings for kazu grew up until he also realized and thought abt :> this is the reason why i thought that this was a pretty realistic plot ^^ the author really took the time to show us the couple's feelings and connection which made me get more attached to them ❣️ the only thing i would've liked is to see more of them after being officially together ㅠㅠ ik we got some short scenes with them being domestic, but still i wanted to see more of them being sweet with each other hehe <33 but other than that this was such a cute and sweet read ^^ the art style is pretty too this was good read !!
Bitter Cigar
➷ plot: ★★★★★ ➷ characters: ★★★★★ ➷ chemistry: ★★★★★ ➷ pacing/development: ★★★★★ ➷ art style: ★★★★★ ➷ overall: ★★★★★ ※ another fluffy read omg >< i love this~ their relationship is so wholesome ㅠㅠ toyohashi is such a sweet guy <3 literal green flag right here while takatsuki is the cutest and softest babie to ever exist >< the pacing of their development is so good !! i really felt their feelings grow for each other the plot was pretty simple, i've encountered a lot like this but this stood out to me bc of how fluffy it was <33 of course there were some small conflicts but they talked it out and the misunderstandings didn't go out of hand ^^ i kind of sensed that maybe toyohashi had already dated men before but it was hidden well by the author~ takatsuki's friend is so cool she looks gorgeous :D i wish we got to see more of them after being together but i think there was a sequel to this so i'm looking forward to seeing bits of them there <3 overall this was really cute and fun to read ❣️ i enjoyed the fluffiness and the hidden meanings between the dialogues~ it had a light concept but it still had some depth !! (i came back from reading the sequel and i just wanted to add how adorable it is to find out that both toyohashi and takatsuki feel inlove at the same time :(( they both realized their feelings for each other at the scene where takatsuki was throwing his trash and toyohashi saw him >< idk i just had to add that bc i found that so endearing and adorable ㅠㅠ) also the art style is adorable this was a great read !!
Vanilla Chocolate Cigarette
➷ plot: ★★★★★ ➷ characters: ★★★★★ ➷ chemistry: ★★★☆☆ ➷ pacing/development: ★★★★☆ ➷ art style: ★★★★★ ➷ overall: ★★★★★ ※ the rating i gave is for the second couple hihi i already read the prequel and i just love seeing toyohashi and takatsuki being all domestic and cute >< i'm sad we didn't get to see them go on that trip though :(( but this was such a cute sequel (though this was actually the main story since this was created first ) <33 about the second couple, i think tsubaki is cute and azuma seems like a fun person esp the extras they looked adorable ^^ but i personally think that the pacing was a bit fast, idk maybe its just me but i just felt like he just suddenly liked azuma lol i mean i understand why he caught some feelings but i just think the end was quite rushed~ i wish we got to see more of their interactions after they got together too :> the extra in bitter cigar (the prequel) showed teased the assumed meeting of the first and second couple which is adorable i hope the author showed us the whole thing ㅠㅠ but nonetheless both books were so good !!! ♡ i hope the author makes a 3rd volume for us to see more of their established relationships !! ^^ overall this was a very fun and adorable sequel <3 i'm happy that tsubaki got a good character development and he also found his happiness >< the art style is adorable i probably have a thing for takatsuki's crying face >< this was a good read !!
You Are My Darling!!!
➷ plot: ★★★★★ ➷ characters: ★★★★★ ➷ chemistry: ★★★★★ ➷ pacing/development: ★★★★★ ➷ art style: ★★★★★ ➷ overall: ★★★★★ ※ this was so freaking adorable :< i love them so much aaaaaa >< i wish we got to see more though, i really need a volume 2 ㅠㅠ the plot was your typical neighbors trope but it was slow paced and the author focused more on the MCs growth and self realizations (?) like the flow of the story was more focused on akitoki finding himself with the help of yorito (´ω`) i love how both of them were each other's strength to move forward and pursue what they love :(( i really love mangas with slow romance like this esp when its so healthy and wholesome >< you can really feel their connection and how both their feelings grew <3 i just love everything abt them ㅠㅠ it was supposed to be just a light plot but bc of akitoki's past and all the growth, the plot had some depth which made it better to read even though we never got to see them officially be together lol i swear this really needs a volume 2 ㅠㅠ but tbh i'm pretty satisfied with the ending bc we still got to see them acknowledge each other's feelings and akitoki also got back to writing songs for fun which is cool ^^ i'm happy that they both helped each other to pursue and continue to do what they love <33 overall this was such a wholesome read ^^ i'm really manifesting a second volume bc their love story deserves one (╥﹏╥) they're so freaking adorable and they're just perfect for each other >< the art style is so pretty too !! literally my cup of tea this was a great read !!
Boulange no Koibito
this is so good !! i wanna cry this is just filled with wholesome and adorable scenes >< i really love the first couple's relationship <33 it felt so natural and i love how they slowly were growing feelings and was actually mutually pining for each other~ i love how steady and mature they are ^^ also the bi representation of asao HELLO !! its not that often to see bi characters in bl so i feel represented i love how there aren't any misunderstandings and they really have good communication !! ^^ i love how supportive asao's colleagues and friends~ as well as fujikawa's mom and his editor >< i really love their inner monologues whenever they adore/admire their partner :'> and i'm obsessed abt the last panels where they exchanged lines abt asao being the work of his lifetime ㅠㅠ i literally felt butterflies bc that screams marriage and proposal ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ i just love how they always exchange words of affirmation and how invested they are in each other~ like how supportive fujikawa is with asao's baking career and how supportive asao is with fujikawa's writing career ^^ idk what else to say bc i just love this couple >< they are the standard !! the second short story is also pretty cute ^^ i love how they started out as friends and suddenly got closer to each other in a funny encounter i also love how they stopped before any dubcon happened and properly confessed and became lovers~ overall i really love this !! this deserves a higher rating bc of how fluffy and mature the relationships are >< both relationships were healthy and wholesome !! <33 the plot is your typical sleep deprived author and all but i think how their relationship developed and how healthy + wholesome they are, is what does it for me ^^ i love the extras and i love how open-minded fujikawa's mom is lol she's a queen ngl i kind of want a volume 2 for their out of the country travels >< but other than that i'm pretty satisfied with the ending <33 the art style is very pretty as well !! i've read a lot of this author's books and i must say a lot of them are bangers !! ❣️ this one is another masterpiece~ i had a fluffy and wholesome time reading this !!
Rain Again
i love every single work of this author and this was also one of them ^^ it's been weeks since i've read this but i only got the time to make a review now bc our summer break just started anyway this was pretty good and adorable >< i love their dynamic and the visuals for this one too !!! i love jin's lips very much like omfg he looks so cute >< i love how adorable he looks but he's actually a delinquent but a kind one at that :> the plot was quite simple but i did like the touch of depth from wujin's past and how it's also kind of intertwined with jin since they were from the same school in high school ^^ i just love the whole vibe all throughout and i like how it all made sense at the end :DD they were also pretty funny and i just love the comedic atmosphere their dynamic had :)) the relationship of the two was quite fast i must admit but i mean its a 20 chapter series so for the author to squeeze in development and plot in those limited amount of pages is tough but again, they still managed to pull off this fun and adorable work <33 it was quite wholesome the whole time, there were bits of conflict here and there but overall its just the two flirting and being all cute esp our puppy top wujin >< again, the art style is amazing !! i'm obsessed with this author's art style this was a wholesome and adorable read !!
Suki toka Arienai!
this was pretty cute and funny >< i really love their dynamic !! the whole story was pretty comedic and light ^^ i'm absolutely obsessed with enemies to lovers trope which is why i really liked this <33 the only thing that kind of irked me was how pushy takahiro was, he kept on making advances onto itsuki and he even touched him without consent :')) i was also kind of confused with the flow of takahiro's feelings bc he kept doubting himself and it kind of felt rushed, but other than that i still enjoyed reading it ^^ i had fun esp with their dynamic and how they didn't change even after being together >< i also love ai-chan pls she added more to the story ^^ there weren't any annoying characters too (the MCs are the annoying ones jk) overall i really had fun ^^ the plot was fresh and hilarious <33 the dynamic is one of my faves too >< the art style is pretty too !! this was a good read !!
My Love, Meine Liebe