nini's manga / #Marriage(33)

Kekkon Shite Kudasai!

Complete | Tsurugi Ichiro | 2000 released

Sesame Salt and Pudding

Complete | SUZUKI Yufuko | 2000 released

omg if yall want fluffiness and wholesomeness read this bc oml im filled with endorphins right now that was so cute :( i love ossan so much pls hes such a good guy i love how he respects and loves the MC ☹️ i also love how strong willed the MC is !! shes so bubbly but not in an annoying way :> shes also very hard working ❣ and i love how they got their success bc they worked hard, its very seldom to see in mangas since the ML or MC are either sons/daughters of ceos hehkdkdjd but yeah this was such a fun read the plot was very different from all the mangas i read and i liked it aaaaa <33 the ending was so wholesome i love them so much aaaaa the art style is so pretty too ❣ overall what a great story !! glad i stumbled upon this edit: i forgot to mention how funny this story was too pls i kept laughing at the both of them i love how they really compliment each other theyre so cute together also so happy that hi-chan and aya got together omg i'm glad they found their own happiness <33 another edit: this popped up in my notifs i was so surprised HELP but omg the extras look so freaking adorable and wholesome ackkk i love them so much i missed reading this ~ thanks for the update ><

Omae no Tame ni Houritsu Kaetakara, Ore to Kekkon Shitekure

Complete | Komo | 2018 released

i love this plot omg it was so cute !! but i feel like their feelings were rushed ?? they were absolutely adorable but it felt so fast to me, but still the end was so freaking adorable <3 ngl im still mad at the secretary like wtf he kept calling sougo a slut etc. and he didnt even get punished for that ヽ(`д´;)/ sometimes yaoi logic just doesnt makes sense overall i still liked it though hshshhs idk it was so cute for me, the thought of him changing the law just to marry the love of his life ಥ_ಥ the art looks good too the plot was very interesting and unique but it could've been better if it was more developed !! good read


Complete | Iwa Chika | 2000 released

ok so im having a hard time to rate this bc im torn in giving it either 4 or 5 stars, i think plot wise it was like a 4.5/4.8 bc i really like arranged marriage plots but there were just some parts that felt a bit dramatic to me since all of this was happening while theyre still 16 and 18 year olds so i just find some scenarios a bit weird and over the top for me, also there were quite a lot of crying involved which just irked me but ig some parts were adorable <3 tbh the development of sachi's feelings were quite fast for me and i didnt really feel the connection at first but as i read they become more cute and fluffy a lot of parts felt so cringey to me which actually shocked me bc i used to love these types of mangas but after reading a bunch of other genres i just felt that my palate changed i like MLs like kouichi even though at first he might sound like a jerk bc he looks like he doesn't care abt sachi but thats bc of his circumstances and he was forced to grow up like that by his grandpa which is just sad :( i felt like there could've been more to the reconciliation of him and his grandpa bc i felt like their conversation was short and i wanted them to build their relationship more but i mean im glad that the granda finally recognized his mistakes and apologized to kouichi plus he gave them a stunning wedding ceremony i actually enjoyed reading this, i wasnt really bored and i liked their dynamic <3 i really loved the timeline type of ending pls i felt emotional it was so so cute ☹️ i just love when authors those types of endings, i think it was perfect as for sachi, i felt like she was a typical MC but im glad that she wasnt as weak and dumb as the others, shes actually very capable and smart so i really liked that abt her she was also very straightforward at times, and she always initiates communication when she feels like something's up :> all the characters are likable but ngl i still feel weird abt mizuho, im confused abt her feelings ?? she always blushes around kouichi but the author didnt explicitly say if she had feelings for him ?? i wished her and the class pres got together though, theyre quite a chaotic duo ❣ the plot was fluffy but it still had some drama and conflicts in it which i liked, i love how kouichi opened up to sachi and became more clingy to her when he finally confessed his feelings now that i've written my comment i would say that i guess i want to rate this 5 stars just bc its hard to find these types of healthy and fluffy romance with arranged marriage as its main plot :> this was a good and fluffy read + the art looks absolutely adorable

Yome Baka Danna no Hoshii Mono

Complete | Yuki nikawa | 2019 released

this was so so cute and wholesome <3 i wish men like shuuichi actually exist stories like this are so fun and enjoyable to read esp when its just a oneshot idk but i like reading short stuff like this for a serotonin boost overall i love the plot it was so cute !! i love reading abt established relationships it felt like a complete story bc it showed their past, it showed a bit of conflict (just a tiny one), and lastly, the cute ending hehe >< everything abt this was so fluffy and adorable will definitely reread this again and i hope more josei like this exist ~ the art style is so fucking gorgeous im inlove a great read ❣

Hana No Migoro Ni

Complete | takarai rihito | 2000 released

omfg i need more naurrrr i love them :( i want to see more ㅠㅠ im glad the author gave us this sequel i feel so satisfied and happy this was so fluffy and adorable arikawa best boy ಥ_ಥ i must treasure and protect misaki at all costs ><

Koishite kissshite kanjaitai

Complete | Toujou Sakana | 2020 released

this was such a healthy and fluffy relationship for an omegaverse i didnt expect it to be this sweet and wholesome >< ngl i alreadt forgot most of the beginning parts bc i read it quite a while back but i could kind of recall it after reading the new chapters for an arranged married couple in an omegaverse setting, i really thought there would be tons of drama so i was really suprised to see how inlove and respectful the couple are to each other (❁´◡`❁) its so cute to see how supportive their friends and family are !! overall it was a cute story for an omegaverse <3 really appreciate the author for making it so fluffy and wholesome i wish we could've seen some babies but im really liked the ending ^^ the art's very pretty esp the chibis and blushes ~ good read !!

We Are Not Familiar

Ongoing | Tao-Li | 2000 released

ok so imo this is one of the best shoujos i've read with a contract relationship trope, i really love erin and henry's dynamic !! theyre so so funny and they werent the cringey type of couple ^^ they are so adorable and we really got to see the development of their relationship tbh the ending felt rushed and incomplete for me bc why are we getting greg's past just now what was the purpose helpsnjsjd but anyway the overall story was very light and fun to read <3 theyre one of the couples that i really looked forward to reading every week so i didnt expect the abrupt ending D: i wish we could've seen more of erin and henry's relationship rather than making us feel bad for greg :< i mean im happy they explained the backstory but why was that the ending that could've been put in earlier chs but i still loved the story !! i really love the pacing of this story, it didnt feel fast nor slow as well (i think it took a year ?? in the story's timeline before they got tgt) <3 the couple are so funny and cute, they always bicker with each other i love it theyre both strict at work but clingy with each other at home :( sad hours ㅠㅠ there also werent that much drama but the thing im pissed abt is deborah i dont get her (°д°) like shes literally erin's best friend why does she keep on getting in between her and henry ಠಿ_ಠ like ik its bc she wants greg to be with erin but girl thats your friend's happiness and lovelife why tf would u meddle in it (๑•̀д•́๑) i almost forgot to mention that there were also some parts that were left under the rug, like abt erin's past trauma with her parents, as well as henry's thats why i really think this felt rushed bc those werent addressed :< anyway enough of my rant so yea overall, really liked the story !! its a really good romcom story, wish the ending could've been longer and better but it still was a great read also the art looks stunning all the characters look stunning