Seku Tsuga
i must admit this wasn't that bad, compared to its ratings this was quite enjoyable lol i think the light and comedic atmosphere made it enjoyable bc the plot was meh it was your typical omegaverse trigger heat trope but the thing is hikari was just so calm abt it and dan was very mature at how to handle the situation which is a green flag that's why it wasn't so bad ^0^ i also didn't think that hikari was annoying bc he never chose to be mated with dan you know, it was an accident and it's hikari's decision if he wants to get married or not~ but yea i'm glad they worked it out and ended up together >< the art style's pretty as well this was a good read !!
Shishunki Cherry Bullet
this was cute ^^ i just love reading abt established couples hehe~ their dynamic is also one of my favorites !! i just like smart x idiotic pairs plus the opposing personalities >< the plot was pretty simple nothing special abt it but it was still pretty fun to read :> esp couples that aren't toxic and are just being adorable the whole time ^0^ the conflict was your typical sexual misunderstandings not my cup of tea but i mean its realistic and wasn't annoying so it was okay :DD overall, pretty cute and funny :)) i love how they treat each other and how asuza somehow softens up and acts spoiled with asahi when they're the alone >< i love asahi, he might be dumb but at least he's a green flag and a sweetheart ❣️ the art style's pretty cute too !! this was a good read !!
Hoka ni Riyuu Nante Nai Deshou
most of the ratings are for the first couple bc i liked them more ^0^ their dynamic is literally one of my faves >< its also had a bit of unique trope wherein they're both inlove with the same girl (i say unique bc they were polar opposites but they have the same taste) :> they were so cute and sweet >< i love how shu's always looking angry or pissed at tsuyoshi but on the inside they're so inlove ㅠㅠ as for the 2nd couple, i wasn't that into it bc aiji is so ??? (red flag) he has some anger issues and he's also such a jerk for using ayabe :(( but ig he changed (?) towards the end, it looked like he really loved ayabe so ig i'm happy for them bc ayabe did love him for the start :'> the art style's cute !! this was a good read ig ^^
Wadatsumi no Yometori
i liked it but it was also a bit meh~ i feel like the plot was a bit forced esp on kiyo's part bc being turned immortal without his consent would've been very painful but ig i'm glad that they fell inlove (?) at the end ^^ the story of their past and esp the part where they were explaining abt the immortality of mermaids, was quite of confusing but that might be just me since i read this while i was sick lol anyway i think it was pretty interesting and unique esp the trope, but i wish i felt more of their connection bc the whole thing just felt forced :< the art's great though !! still a pretty good read
Daniel's Very Personal Villain
this was pretty goooood !! the plot is so unique ^0^ its my first time reading about bl superheroes their dynamic is so cute and i'm also obsessed with the superhero x villain but the villain is more innocent and cute >< i love how their relationship started out as friends and we really got to see how their love developed !! this is a fantasy bl but their relationship is very realistic (≡^∇^≡) they have such an ideal relationship, they have good communication and they're just overall adorable :> i think it had a good balance between their love and the conflict but it did focus more on the conflict :DD but i still enjoyed it ^0^ jose was also not that annoying ex-bf, i'm glad he acknowledged his wrongs and he apologized to daniel :)) overall it was pretty good !! kept me hooked, i had the urge to finish it all in one sitting :DD i really enjoyed reading this while i was sick <33 also i'm glad that dan's mom apologized and accepted his son for who he is >< all of the side characters esp dan's coworkers are so funny and kind :> i also love that they invited their friends and we got to see them have a proper wedding ^0^ their dynamic was filled with comedy which make me like it even more >< the art style's very pretty too !! this was a great and funny read !!
Bokura wa Nando mo Koi o suru
this was so good~ it was full of emotion esp on issei's part bc idk how painful that must've been to keep relieving ban's death and he also kept dying since he needed to travel back in time :< i'm so happy bc they finally got their happy ending but it does leaves you a bittersweet feeling of "what if ban dies again?" but i'm just going to pretend that they'll live happily ever after the plot's pretty interesting and their dynamic is adorable !! i love how ban's the optimistic and positive type while issei's the more stern one but he's actually deeply in love with ban >< they are definitely soulmates !!!!! the art style is divine ㅠㅠ i'm obsessed with the art, its so gorgeous this was a great read !!
Shinigami wa Korosenai