Syunrai to Mitsu
i've been waiting for this to be completed and finally i got to read it !! it was definitely worth it ^^ the first part was quite painful since i don't really like seeing child abuse and the fact that they also arrested yan even though that was clearly yuen's way to protect and defend himself :(( i also felt bad to see yuen grow up to taking in sexual requests as his part-time ig, i mean there's nothing wrong with that if you really like your job but it seemed like yuen wasn't enjoying it and it may stemmed from his trauma as a child :< i don't get why yan kept his identity from yuen like girl ㅠㅠ i know he did that in order to avoid hurting yuen more but i don't get in what way :'DD but anyway i'm glad it all worked out in the end >< i was going to rate this with 5 stars but there were some stuff that was quite a blur to me and i also felt quite annoyed by the identity thingy part but i did love the ending esp when yan cleaned his name and did his best to change for the good ^^ they also took in the kids which is just adorable ㅠㅠ i wish we got to see more of their family life >< i hope there's extras :> the art style is very pretty !! this was a good read !!
Wadatsumi no Yometori
i liked it but it was also a bit meh~ i feel like the plot was a bit forced esp on kiyo's part bc being turned immortal without his consent would've been very painful but ig i'm glad that they fell inlove (?) at the end ^^ the story of their past and esp the part where they were explaining abt the immortality of mermaids, was quite of confusing but that might be just me since i read this while i was sick lol anyway i think it was pretty interesting and unique esp the trope, but i wish i felt more of their connection bc the whole thing just felt forced :< the art's great though !! still a pretty good read
Tamayura (yuki Ringo)