Koi ni wa Mukanai Shokugyou
(yori + mikura ) ☆ 5/5 + idol x manager AAAA LOVE IT SO MUCH! + i love rereading this manga bc its just filled with sweetness (≡^∇^≡) they're so adorable and there weren't any unnecessary conflicts whatsoever! ^^ + their dynamic is very OA x nonchalant as well which is so cute since they perfectly compliment each other ヾ(^-^)ノ + i love how respectful mikura is towards yori and how he wanted to stop himself from loving him since he felt like they shouldn't, but yori was also in love with him and they're both consenting adults so i see nothing wrong with that ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ + the art style is amazing as usual! i love this author a lot and i've always loved this series ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Perfect Propose
➷ plot: ★★★★★ ※ another simple yet cute plot <33 i waited to read this for months bc it only had 3 chapters ㅠㅠ i'm so happy that it's finally completed and the finished product didn't disappoint ❣️ the pacing was good, we really got to see the development of hiro's feelings for kai ^^ the plot focused more on hiro's problems with work (which is totally ok) but we still saw bits and pieces of their budding relationship hehe <33 i love the character development of hiro since he finally got to let go of his job and started to prioritize himself the plot was simple but it wasnt boring, its pretty cute <33 and i really saw the development between the characters i enjoyed reading this ♡ ➷ characters: ★★★★★ ※ i really liked all the characters <33 the only annoying one was hiro's boss ^^ i'm glad he was scolded towards the end, deserved hiro is your typical office worker character but i liked him a lot :> hes really nice and hardworking i really liked the part where he "proposed" to kai towards the end ㅠㅠ as for kai, i've never encountered a character with his personality. hes cold yet caring, serious but has a sense of humor, and he doesnt expect anything from other ppl but hes pretty clingy and likes being spoiled by hiro which is just adorable ❣️ i love him, he never forced himself onto hiro (although he did touch him once or twice) he never took advantage of hiro when he was drunk and he wanted to get hiro's answer before doing anything to him hehe i love him <3 hes also a husband material ror i also love kaneko, hes such a nice friend and boss ^^ ➷ art style: ★★★★★ ※ i love this art style hehe <33 this is my cup of tea every character looked stunning hiro looked so pretty even with eye bags ^^ and of course kai looked amazing ➷ overall thoughts: ★★★★★ ※ i've waited for so long and i was satisfied that i finally got to read it aaaaaa >< it doesn't contain much conflict but its also not bland ^^ i just wished we could've seen more of them after being officially together <33 but i liked the cute proposal at the end pls ❣️ i really enjoyed this one, its pretty cute and heartwarming great read
Yamanai Fukou no Owarase Kata
➷ plot: ★★★★★ ※ the plot was simple but this is a sequel, and for a sequel its really good !! i love this series so much and to see the character development of the MCs (esp takayuki) made me fall in love even more <33 it was very realistic ^^ even thought the plot was simple, it wasnt boring at all :> i really got attached to this series and i love this author ❣️ ➷ characters: ★★★★★ ※ giving 5 stars because i love every single character in this series <33 i'm glad that we saw takayuki's character development bc i didnt really like him at the prequel :DD i love sequels that shows how established the couple are after years of being in a relationship~ i also missed miki and udou so i'm happy that they appear from time to time ➷ art style: ★★★★★ ※ i love this author's art style <33 i dont anything else to say but everyone's so pretty i love the panels at the beach where the 4 of them are in frame pls they look like a handsome group of friends when in reality ^^ (i mean they are handsome and technically a group of friends but iykyk) ➷ overall thoughts: ★★★★★ ※ when i saw this, i got so excited bc this is really one of my favorite series <33 and of course it didn't disappoint i really enjoyed this ♡ both couples are still so cute and i'm glad both of them finally got to come out and introduce their partners to each other's families if this is the last installment for the series then i wont be left unsatisfied bc i already saw everything that i wanted ^^ but if the author adds another one then who am i to complain >< the last thing that i probably want to see is miki and udou's relationship after graduating, but that could just be included in an extra hehe ❣️ overall inlove with this series <3 i did have a phase where i really disliked takayuki, but i'm glad the author gave him a character development (though i'm not excusing him for his actions ^^) i think both couples will last long and i hope there'll be more adorable mangas from this author great read
Kouun No Rihatsushi
another hidden gem omg !!! i rarely leave comments now but i just had to say something for this one because i loved it so much ❣️ i really love the puppy seme and older uke dynamic >< they're so fluffy and sweet <33 it had the cute amount of conflict that were easily resolved per chapter which gave flavor to the plot ^^ i also liked the extra story in between it was fun to read~ i absolutely adore the granpas they're so freaking adorable and supportive this dynamic (barber x actor) was a new one for me so I really enjoyed it :DD i love nachi so much, hes such a bubbly sweetheart (*´˘`*)♡ and as for tsukasa, i mean ain't he the most perfect seme hes so committed, loyal, pure, caring, adorable, EVERY SINGLE COMPLIMENT I CAN THINK OF PLS i just love how he gives advice and sweet words to his colleagues and of course to nachi >< i love how they both respected each other <33 overall i'm inlove with this story <33 i love the characters, i love the art style, the plot, the dynamic, just everything ㅠㅠ it's been a long time since i've read something i really enjoyed like this <33 i just wished we had a little bit more chapters but that's just because i didnt really want it to end hehehe~ this was an amazing read and i just know i will read this again soon ❣️