The Beast Must Die
4☆ only because I have unanswered questions! This isn't over in my opinion. But a awesome manga!!! I never thought I would say this but in my perspective this almost beats the manga "Killing Stalker" but because of the many questions...not quite yet. This manga is seco d place of my favorite thriller manga
My Bias' Double Life
Timing (Hena & Mary Calmes)
5☆ Did not expect this!!! Although it's a Shounen Ai it's so cute you see past that. A bit of a spoiler but just when you think "Okay now it"s getting all vanilla and boring" BAM action appears!! But not action as in sexually. No action as in Murder She Wrote mysterious and thrilling! And when that is settled down and the vanilla and fluffyness reappear and it's getting where you think " should I skipp a few chapters? " BAM a whole nother level of twists and action and exiting scenes comes on to read like a mothaf*. Did not expect the ending as well. Realistic, sad but still a happy ending. I really liked this one!!! 5☆
Hana and the Beast Man
Straight!!! Animal characteristics!! The storie is AMAZING!!! 5☆
5☆ want more!!!!!!!! That was arme crazy sexy action sh*t!!! In a positive way!!!
My Suha
4☆ but would've wanted to know more of the ending between the cousin and siwoo
Feel & Love
3☆ suspected the boyfriend but after saving him I thought, "Naw, he's oke" and then that ending....very interesting!!! Scary but stil...